Gargždiškės shocking observations: cats became the young man’s victims


Klaipėda district residents share shocking observations on social media. It is said that a young man who rents a house in Gargždai himself announces that he is involved in wicked actions with cats. You can search for animals at animal care facilities or at residents’ homes.

Shocked by the treatment of cats

The strange story has just exploded the social network Facebook. Animal lovers do not share their impressions during the first month after meeting this character.

The boy’s behavior has led many to suspect his health.

The public speeches of this Gargždiškis actually contain hints of a perverted treatment of cats.

The guy himself said what he was doing with the animals in the basement, that he was putting something in the outlet of the animal.

Residents began sharing these guys’ sayings online, warning residents not to give this person animals.

By the way, in some of the records he himself mentions that he is only interested in cats, not cats.

When asked to search for homeless animals in animal shelters, the guy replied that no one spoke to him there.

The boy had revealed himself to a family that was looking for a home for the kittens born to their cat, but after the verbal conflict, the people decided not to give up the animal.

Others mentioned with horror that they recognized the guy carrying a wild cat while walking through the Gargždai stadium.

Desecrated animals operated

Galina Kučinskienė, director of the institution “Be my friend”, said that the last name of the young man mentioned did not mean anything to her.

Nobody is surprised these days.

“However, if this is true, the public should be warned not to share the animals with anyone. I myself have repeatedly refused to give the animal if the appellant raises suspicions. No one is surprised these days. There are all kinds of perverts, “said the woman.

G. Kučinskienė recalled a case in which animal handlers had to protect a group of animals from an illegal kennel.

“Twice we had to take the animals out of an illegal kennel. We found other houses for some of the animals, and a Chow Chow puppy stayed with us. He underwent surgery twice because the exit was injured. It turned out another. bitch that “Animals taken from the same place twice had suffered similar injuries. He had terrible suspicions. I informed the services, “said G. Kučinskienė.

The police will explain

The Klaipėda Region Animal Shelter said it had not received a similar interest, although a boy had asked the institution’s employees to find a young kitten dressed in black.

“There were suspicions that perhaps some satanic rites are looking for such an animal. Normally we already know how to recognize those who really need the animal as a friend ”, assured the representative of the institution Gintarė Liutkuvienė.

Galina Kučinskienė / Editorial file photo.

Officials from the Klaipėda District Police Station, having received a notification about the information posted on social media, decided to take an interest in the observations of animal lovers.
