Gabrielius Landsbergis – on the current situation in Lithuania: a perfect storm


“It seems that only a few hours ago the plane landed from Baghdad, where the Lithuanian Foreign Minister visited for the first time in history. Lithuania is truly a global country ”, rejoiced the Conservative leader at the beginning of the speech.

According to him, Lithuania is heard not only in the neighborhood.

“I would say that the situation in which we find ourselves in Lithuania now is a perfect storm: at the intersection of the storms there is something that is difficult to predict and it is difficult to say what will happen in the next turn,” said G. Landsbergis.

The politician also said that he did not retreat anywhere kovidas. G. Landsbergis named the infection the first of the storms to shake Lithuania and the world.

“The fact that P begins and ends in A is, for me, the end of all this crisis that surrounds us. However, there are many worrying signs. I wouldn’t be conservative if I didn’t talk about what concerns me, “he said.

Mr. Landsbergis pointed out that in Iraq, where he has just visited, 1.5% of people have been vaccinated.

“Where the world is today is far from where we would like to be,” said the chancellor.

The party chairman also paid a lot of attention to foreign policy – the importance of not only asking for help from allies, but also of providing aid to Lithuania itself.

“It just came to our knowledge then. (…) This is not a refugee crisis, I mean very clearly, I repeat it everywhere.” We are not facing a refugee crisis, we are facing a hybrid war and today the instrument of war are the migrants, “said G. Landsbergis.

Alexander Lukashenko, he said, could devise more hybrid instruments of war.

“I don’t know what can be on the mind of a madman. Doctors may know that, but I don’t. (…) We have to be prepared and do our homework ”, emphasized the president of TS-LKD.

He also highlighted the need to prevent the path of illegal migration.

“The third storm that is occurring is Zapad. (…) I hope that the services and allies see that,” Mr. Landsbergis also emphasized.

According to him, Lithuania’s main weapon is advertising.

“The sanctions will increase, the sanctions will increase. (…) There will be no agreement with the terrorists. There will not be,” said the politician.

“It just came to our attention then. The time for state unity is today,” continued the TS-LKD leader.

Landsberg also commented on the criticism of the rulers, which he said was a “couch potato criticism.”

“I am not going to comment on those commentators, it is a matter of conscience. (…) I want to welcome those who are in the Seimas and who also contribute to the opposition ”, said the conservative leader.

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