G.Nausėda: V. Putinas can be called a murderer


“Unfortunately, yes,” G. Nausėda responded to the BNS question whether, like US President Joe Biden, he could call Vladimir Putin a murderer.

According to the Lithuanian leader, Russia demonstrably does not take into account the territorial integrity of neighboring countries, such as Ukraine.

“I see many signs that show open discrimination, as it were, to the values ​​of the civilized world, contempt for the right of nations to self-determination, contempt for the territorial sovereignty of its neighbors, and the Kremlin has been demonstrating quite demonstratively. lately, “Nausėda said.

Another important aspect, he said, is the situation inside Russia, where the regime, according to the president, is “clearly turning away from the growing opposition” and trying to suppress it, persecuting opposition leaders like Alexei Navaln in the “most brutal way. “.

“Continuing to put my head on your shoulders to say that you know, we are looking to establish relations with Russia, as I sometimes hear from my colleagues in the European Union – we really need to be very far from what is called Russia, both emotionally and territorially, to talk, such things, ”said G. Nausėda.

He argued that Lithuania would certainly not be the country that “would sit nonchalantly on the back bench” and talk about increased participation, looking at the brutal human rights violations on the sidelines.

When asked in mid-March if Biden thought he was a murderer, Biden said yes. This and other comments by the US president led Russia to withdraw its ambassador from Washington, an unprecedented step in the recent history of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Educational and cultural institutions opened too late

By easing the quarantine, the Lithuanian authorities opened educational and cultural institutions too late, says President Gitanas Nausėda.

In addition, it lacks the flexibility to allow the organization of events.

“I don’t want to point a finger at very recent events that have caused a great resonance in society, I want to talk about the essence. In fact, we have opened cultural and educational institutions too late, especially cultural institutions, and we must do everything possible to open those things that are extremely important to everyone and their well-being, complying with security requirements, “said the President in an interview. with BNS on Monday.

He argued that the opportunity to participate in cultural life could make it easier for people to endure the difficulties of quarantine.

“The answer today is simple: the quarantine must be strict, but it must not provoke actions that are a demonstration of a certain disregard for the established requirements, but, on the contrary, seek creative solutions that demonstrate that protection can be achieved with certain requirements. of security. , that the disease would not spread and, on the other hand, the event would take place and everyone would be happy, ”said G. Nausėda.

He argued that decision-making should be flexible and take into account the specific cases and responsibilities of event organizers.

“Maybe in this way we can spread that good practice to other areas, allow our people to feel calmer, more secure, well, and survive the ones that remain, I think, a few months that will still be quite difficult and controversial, before that. It may not be a completely triumphant ending, but a bit of relaxation or an opportunity to take a break, ”said the president.

Currently, the government is liberalizing the quarantine conditions, allowing the functioning of cultural institutions, but the organization of events is still prohibited.

The MAMA music awards in the public space received a great resonance in the society during the weekend, during the broadcast there was resentment because the quarantine rules were not followed, no masks were used and there were no safe distances. Some called the event a “party during the plague.”

Organizers said there were no outsiders at the event, all participants were screened for COVID-19 before the awards, and staff wore protective masks.
