G. Nausėda repeated the statements to the President of the EC on the multi-annual budget and the recovery fund Business


The President noted that although the lack of progress in the multiannual financial framework is partially offset by the new Temporary Recovery Fund proposed by the European Commission, it is crucial for Lithuania that the implementation of the EU’s ambitious strategic agenda is based in long-term and sustainable financing.

“Lithuania’s position on the size of the EU budget has not changed: the multiannual financial framework should be more ambitious, it is important to ensure greater funding for Cohesion Policy and agriculture, to seek direct convergence of payments to farmers, “G. Nausėda told the EC President by phone.

AFP / Photo by Scanpix / President of the EC Ursula von der Leyen

AFP / Photo by Scanpix / President of the EC Ursula von der Leyen

The President emphasized the need to ensure that all Member States have access to the European Recovery Fund, using fair and objective allocation criteria.

“The keys to the allocation of funds should be as close as possible to the Cohesion keys, and the scope and geographical coverage of the” Just Transition “fund to combat climate change should be expanded,” said the Lithuanian leader.

Speaking about the financing of military mobility, he pointed out the need not only to maintain it, but also to increase it.

According to the President, it is necessary to fight for a fair distribution of the burden in the field of income from the EU budget and to abandon the current mechanism to adjust contributions to the EU budget.

G.Nausėda also recalled that Lithuania expects the EU to fulfill its obligations regarding the provision of the necessary funds for the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant and the implementation of the Kaliningrad Transit Program.

“During the conversation, the synchronization problems of electrical connections with continental Europe, which are especially relevant for Lithuania, were also discussed.

The conversation between G. Nausėda and U. von der Leyen took place in preparation for negotiations by European leaders on the EU’s multi-annual financial perspective to be held on June 19.

With the European Commission proposal of € 750 billion The financial capacity of the new long-term budget of the EU would reach 1.85 trillion euros. euros

Lithuania is offered LTL 6.3 billion from the European Recovery Fund. € 3.9 billion € 2.4 billion in grants and € 2.4 billion in EUR – loans.

According to preliminary data, if the Member States agree, Lithuania can receive a total of more than LTL 17.7 billion from this fund and the EU budget in 2021-2027. € 15.3 billion in EU aid, including possible loans without loans
