G. Nausėda made comments to the team of A. Armonaitė and A. Dulkis


In an interview with the LRT television program “Topic of the day” on Thursday evening, G. Nausėda stated that he lacked support for these initiatives.

“I think there are really ministers who are trying to change the situation in their sector, I would mention that the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Education, Science and Sports are trying to change the situation in the education sector. The Minister of Economy and Innovation is very active and has focused her activities in the direction of having more freedom in our lives, including the economic one. So, of course, it shows some consistency, ”said the president.

“However, I feel obliged to point out that the Public Procurement Law, the Corruption Prevention Law, which is extremely important and is directly related to this ministry, still finds it quite difficult,” added the president.

According to G. Nausėda, “the same people who were in the opposition violently supported this bill.” However, now that the ruling coalition has been found, “certain compromises are already being proposed.”

“I think we are making a very good law or we are simply abandoning it,” the president said.

BNS recalls that the president has proposed to the Seimas to restructure the public procurement system by centralizing the network of contracting authorities and simplifying low-value procurement. It also proposes that disputes over contracting conditions be subject to mandatory pre-litigation by the Office of Public Procurement and that social and environmental initiatives be encouraged in the evaluation of contracting.

G. Nausėda has said that the public procurement system in Lithuania is not efficient enough and creates pre-conditions for corruption, so it is necessary to fundamentally reform it. According to him, the state spends between 5 and 6 billion euros annually on public procurement. Acquisitions are often carried out by incompetent personnel, the full potential for profitability is not exploited, and uncompetitive acquisitions are too frequent.

In March, A. Armonaitė promised in the Seimas that the public procurement policy will soon be substantially revised.

See the problems of A. Dulkis’s team

At the time, on Thursday, the country’s chief said that Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis had noticed inconsistencies and linked them to the formation of the minister’s team.

“Of course, he had to form a team from the beginning with many doctors, he started to form it from the other end, that is, with the help of the people he knew from the previous job. This, on the one hand, allowed him to look objectively at the problems of the system, on the other hand, there was a clear lack of professionalism in certain solutions and I think it has not completely solved the team building problems, so there is a certain inconsistency “said G. Nausėda.

The president also recalled and described as “distracting” the skeptical assessments of representatives of the Ministry of Health (SAM) about his announced goal of vaccinating 70 percent by mid-summer. population, although SAM officials themselves now claim that this goal is achievable.

“It could have been done a lot better”

Assessing the work of the entire government, President G. Nausėda told LRT Television on Thursday that the cabinet of ministers headed by Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė began work at a time when the number of COVID-19 cases was ” tragic “, to then handle a new virus. strains and vaccination challenges.

“So, considering this complicated situation, yes, the achievements may not be very impressive, but there is a certain consistency or the desire to return to normality, and now we are already seeing some first signs,” said the head of state.

However, he added that “probably a lot could have been done through better communication and further streamlining of the organizational mechanism, especially since we are currently experiencing problems with cooperation between the central government and municipalities in both vaccination and management. of the pandemic “.

At the moment, according to him, the situation is under control, the economic situation is not bad either, but the consequences of the pandemic will be felt for longer.
