G.Nausėda: he has criticized SAM: he does not rule out raising the issue of the minister’s responsibility


G. Nausėda has been president for two years. An evaluation of their performance was provided by former colleagues in his electoral campaign, what’s more experts.

On Wednesday, G. Nausėda herself spoke about how the past year had gone. He held a press conference in the courtyard of the Presidential Palace.

The information released before him, which reviews the second year of G. Nausėda’s mandate, provides statistics on working days in the regions, visits abroad, appointed officials, awards, number of laws signed and the like.

Fighting the pandemic discusses how well the vision of the welfare state has been implemented.

Raise the question of liability

Entering the courtyard of the presidential palace, G. Nausėda declared that he remembers that two years ago the climate was exactly the same. Memories of the opening day are nowhere to be found, they often flow into memory.

However, today, according to him, we meet not to talk about celebrations, but about what we managed to do last year and what we did not do.

According to the president, the COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the most important challenges. We have enough vaccines today, according to the president, to vaccinate 70 percent. adult state population.

This is an undoubted advantage of belonging to the European Union (EU). Under other conditions, he could hardly have expected to have such support.

We have received 3.2 million. doses of coronavirus vaccines. However, as G. Nausėda lamented, more than 800 thousand. Vaccine doses have not been used.

The president lacks more active efforts and actions by the SAM to promote vaccination. He bribed Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis, who had not made public the promised 130-point pandemic management plan.

Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania / Photo by R. Dačkus / Arūnas Dulkys

Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania / Photo by R. Dačkus / Arūnas Dulkys

“It seems like there is simply no plan of action, be it a 130-point plan in December or at least a 5-step plan to promote vaccination now.” Today, all opportunities and responsibilities are in the hands of SAM ”, said the Head of State.

He also stressed that it is no longer possible to speak of a disruptive supply of vaccines or of stocks to accumulate, reliable or less reliable vaccines.

“Today we only have to vaccinate what we have, and that would be enough to vaccinate more than 70 percent. adult population of the country “, – said G. Nausėda.

He stressed that eight EU countries had achieved this goal. The number of such states, the head of state said, will soon double. This goal is likely to be met and exceeded at the community level in the near future.

“Then the question arises as to why Lithuania is worse or what worse exit conditions it had, that it will not be able to achieve this goal today. The question remains open, “said G. Nausėda, emphasizing that only vaccination will protect us and we cannot afford to close the quarantine again in the fall of luxury.

Will it require personal responsibility from the minister? The president noted that public pressure is mounting as the causal link between vaccination and COVID-19 becomes apparent. If we do not want to close in the fall, we must promote vaccination.

G.Nausėda said she would raise the question of what plan SAM has for this during the remaining summer months, acknowledging that promises have not been delivered so far.

He mentioned that the vaccine supply is going according to plan, although even today we can vaccinate enough populations to achieve herd immunity.

“But today we have 55 percent. I think that today there is no clear plan of action, we are using the tools that are basically already loose, we are doing the same commercials that probably no one is watching anymore. And what should be done is simply identify which groups are problematic and where to focus first, which groups to work with and not work at all, ”the President emphasized.

Photo by Luke April / 15min / Gitanas Nausėda

Photo by Luke April / 15min / Gitanas Nausėda

He also pointed out the need for more mobile points of sale, vaccinations in pharmacies, material incentives.

“But it doesn’t have to be the case that every day someone throws out a separate decision to the public, everyone here is quick to reason. The president of the Seimas, other state officials gave up all work and tried to offer some measures themselves, well, is this a sign of a normal state? After all, it is SAM’s responsibility and he has to do what he has to do.

If we continue to delve into the footsteps of the turtle, we will no doubt have to ask who needs such a SAM if we are not yet close to that 70 percent. goal, “commented G.Nausėda.

The president of the Seimas, other state officials gave up all work and tried to offer some measures themselves, well, is this a sign of a normal state?

At the same time, he said he did not support mandatory vaccination. According to him, you have to encourage people to do it.

Speaking of the economy, G. Nausėda stated that ours was one of the best in the world to withstand challenges. This is due to massive public investment in economic support and promotion of consumption.

Key achievements

“Another very important objective, vision and program that will accompany me throughout my mandate is the realization of the aspirations of the welfare state,” he said at a press conference.

Among the most important achievements in this field last year, G. Nausėda mentioned the growth of pensions and the increase in the amount of non-taxable income (NPD).

Photo by Kaunas City Municipality / Seniors

Photo by Kaunas City Municipality / Seniors

In the field of education, he said that he could receive a starter pack without any problems.

G.Nausėda also highlighted several positions, for which, in coordination with the Seimas, officials were successfully appointed. Among them are the Presidents of the Constitutional Court, the Court of Appeal, the Attorney General, the Governor of the Bank of Lithuania and others.

G.Nausėda also spoke about the green field. Green initiatives are said to help make our country’s economy more innovative and competitive.

Celebrate relations with Poland

G. Nausėda also emphasized the renewed bilateral relations with Poland. He called the association with this neighboring country strategic.

He also highlighted relations with Germany, France, whose President Emmanuel Macron visited Lithuania last year, and cooperation within the EU.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Emmanuel Macron and Gitanas Nausėda, Brigitte Macron, Diana Nausėdienė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Emmanuel Macron and Gitanas Nausėda, Brigitte Macron, Diana Nausėdienė

The NATO summit in Brussels achieved, in the eyes of G. Nausėda, “such an event, which in terms of its importance has not been organized in Lithuania since the restoration of our independence.” The NATO summit in 2023 should be organized in Vilnius.

Goals for the third year

At the press conference, G. Nausėda also indicated the goals for the third year – managing the pandemic, guaranteeing the security of the state, increasing the welfare of the population – increasing pensions, NPD, implementation of taxes and judicial reforms.
