G.Nausėda: Guaranteeing a minimum income can be an effective tool against poverty Business


He emphasized this at a meeting of European Union (EU) leaders in Porto, Portugal, the presidency announced on Friday.

According to her, G.Nausėda also emphasized the importance of reducing inequality by ensuring a smooth start in education.

The President of Lithuania highlighted the need to significantly modernize the policy of promoting social dialogue and develop concrete measures, as an example, G. Nausėda presented the idea of ​​including the social criterion of dialogue and collective agreements in public procurement.

In Porto, European leaders are debating social policy priorities.

“The priorities of the EU’s social policy coincide with the objectives of the welfare state. Lithuania follows the same path as the EU as a whole to reduce inequality, poverty and social exclusion. Lithuania pays special attention to the most vulnerable groups in society, whose quality of life needs to improve. Dialogue with social partners is a necessary tool to develop innovative social policy, so we must pay more attention to discussing changes with employees, business communities and non-governmental organizations, ”said G. Nausėda.
