G. Nausėda finally commented on her greeting during the “Great Family March”


“It seems to me that the people who were gathered there were completely clear and expressed that clarity with their emotions. Perhaps some political scientists did not like the content of the speech, that is another matter here.

The speech was certainly based on the principle that I have represented since the election campaign, when I made it clear that the family is an institution, marriage is an institution, an institution enshrined in article 38 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, and we must respect our Constitution, G. Nausėda told LRT television.

On the other hand, I made it very clear in that speech that it is not only necessary but also useful to regulate certain civil legal relationships between people of the same sex. And that we have left this area unregulated for too long ”, he added.

G. Nausėda also emphasized that it would be inconsistent to evaluate and comment on possible partnership projects that have not yet been registered and are being discussed in the Seimas. However, when asked if he was in favor of same-sex family relationships, the president highlighted his support for regulating these relationships.

“I am in favor of solving this relationship, especially in problem areas such as inheritance, obtaining information about the health of the couple, etc.”, he assured.

Meanwhile, when asked if he would give more support to the “peasant” initiative as an alternative to the law that the governors are drafting to adopt certain amendments to the Civil Code that regulates relations between people of the same sex, the head of state reiterated his desire to get familiar with the Corporation Law.

“Given that even several legislative initiatives are born at the same time, I would like to see what the Corporations Law will look like if it appears and if the issues I raise and compliance with the Constitution are better assured in one way or another,” he said. G. Nausėda.

“Let’s agree that the parties that are currently in the Seimas have certain promises, commitments to their electors, and in this area they will certainly initiate bills that will have to pass later, of course, and the presidential filter,” too. annotated.
