G. Nausėda evaluated the Law of Association registered in the Seimas


“Such rights, I myself mentioned, are much better than they are now if we are able to solve the things you are talking about. For me it is important that article 38 of the Constitution of Lithuania is not violated.

I see that a compromise is being sought between the different forces that are trying to pass this law, and if that compromise is found, I will be very happy to say that yes, we have found a consensus, it reflects a certain public consensus. , and we are moving forward, “said the head of state.

The head of state has previously indicated that matters of coexistence of persons of one sex must be legally regulated, but this must be done in accordance with the Constitution. Article 38 of the Constitution establishes that the family is the foundation of society and the State, and marriage is contracted through the free consent of a man and a woman.

The project is registered in the Seimas

On Friday, a bill on marriage was registered in the Seimas, which would legalize the union between men and women and people of the same sex. The project defines a partnership as an officially registered fact of the coexistence of two people, with the aim of creating, developing and protecting the relationship between the partners.

Those relationships are said to be based on a constant “emotional attachment, mutual understanding, responsibility, assistance, respect and / or similar relationships and a voluntary commitment to assume certain rights and responsibilities.”

The association bill will allow the recognition of co-ownership or, where appropriate, establish a different and mutually satisfactory legal regime for co-ownership.

The project proposes to allow partners to inherit properties without additional fees; Certain personal obligations of the partner are created, that is, respect, loyalty, obligation of maintenance of the partner in case of termination of the partnership.

The law would allow the choice of a partner or the use of a common surname, would legalize the possibility of authorizing to act in the name and interests of each one, represent in medical care, obtain information related to the health of the partner, include the possibility of not to declare. against each other in court, etc.

The project establishes that the company will come into force from the moment it is registered and that it may be registered on the basis of a judicial decision that establishes the legal importance of the existence of a de facto company among the interested persons.

The partnership can be terminated by agreement of both partners by a notary only if the partners do not have minor children in common. Couples with joint minor children must approve the general agreement on the legal consequences of the termination of the partnership through a court decision. To terminate the partnership unilaterally, the partner must go to court.

The draft Law on Corporations does not propose changes in the current legal framework on adoption. Critics of the Partnership Institute have expressed fear that the Association Act will allow people of the same sex to adopt children. It is proposed that the Corporations Law enter into force on January 1, 2022.

In Lithuania, the union is not legalized for men and women or same-sex couples. Several previous attempts by liberal politicians to legalize civil union in the country have not reached the stage of adoption in the Seimas.
