G.Nausėda and I.Šimonytė will discuss the formation of the Government: after the meeting they will announce candidates for minister


According to the Constitution, the President, with the approval of the Seimas, appoints the Prime Minister, instructs him to form the Government and approves its composition.

I. Šimonytė previously said that he wanted to announce the names of the ministers before the first session of the Seimas, which took place last Friday, but the coordination of the candidacies took time.

Recently, the candidacy of former Auditor General Arūnas Dulkis for Health Ministers has sparked much behind-the-scenes discussion of politics. I. Šimonytė proposes him as minister, but President Gitanas Nausėda expresses doubts. This portfolio is currently one of the most important due to the coronavirus pandemic.

G. Nausėda will discuss the expectations of the new Government with unions and business representatives

On Wednesday, the president intends to discuss with unions and business representatives the short and long-term economic and social policy priorities and expectations for the newly formed government.

Initially, the meeting will be attended by the leaders of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation, the Lithuanian Trade Union “Solidarumas” and the Lithuanian Trade Union “Sandrauga”.

Later, the president will meet separately with the leaders of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, the Investor Forum, the Lithuanian Employers’ Confederation, the Lithuanian Confederation of Enterprises, the Lithuanian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, the Chamber of Lithuanian Trade, Industry and Crafts and the Infobalt Association.

After both meetings, a remote press conference is scheduled, which will be attended by the President’s Advisor Simonas Krėpšta, the President of the Trade Union Confederation Inga Ruginienė and the President of the Industrial Confederation Vidmantas Janulevičius.
