G. Nausda signed the law in Lukiki Square


Photo by Vladimir Ivanovo (V)

On Friday, President Gitanas Nausda signed the law on the commemorative status of Lukiki Square in Vilnius, which was adopted by the Seimas, citing the decision to avoid political intrigue, although the process for passing the law is flawed.

Comment added by R. imaius

There are many shortcomings in the betting process. Members of the public, competent authorities and heritage experts did not participate in the preparation of the law. It was discussed at the Seimas as a matter of urgency, further restricting opportunities for interested individuals and institutions to present their views and evaluations. Historical memory is an integral part of culture, it is the national value of the nation. Therefore, the decisions of both the Seimas and other institutions cannot be made imposing the forms and methods of interpretation of historical memory at the same time, G. Nausda is quoted in the President’s report.

The report also states that, despite deficiencies, the head of state appreciates the current political context, and his decision to opt for the law was dictated by the desire not to allow political intrigue, which is not disturbing during the electoral period. , and not encourage it further.

At the end of June, the Seimas passed a law establishing that the Lukiki Square in Vilnius is the main representative square of the Lithuanian state with the Vyis Monument.

The law was adopted in response to the decision of the Vilnius authorities to prepare a temporary extension in the square.

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According to the adopted law, the commemorative accents of Lukiki Square must include and reflect the struggles for the independence of Lithuania and the memory of the combatants, the place of execution of the uprising of 18631864 and the amine in memory of this uprising.

The document stipulates that combatants and insurgents must be handled with due respect, and that their use must not be detrimental to public order and good morals.

At the last minute, the group’s parliamentary amendment was also approved, making the highlight of Lithuania’s representative square the monument representing the Vytis state symbol with a memorial to the memory of Lithuanian victims of freedom.

Don’t demonize the silo bet

Commenting on his decision later on Facebook, the president said the law itself should not be demonized, as it says next to nothing new compared to Seimas’s 1999 resolution on the functions of Lukiki Square in the capital of the state, except for the Vyio symbol.

However, although imperfect law seeks to formulate at least a rhetorical level of political will in Lukiki Square, the head of state emphasized that for the past twenty years Lukiki Square has been just that field, both literally and figuratively.

Therefore, different political and couples groups try to complete the content according to their own perceptions and imaginations. Until the night of the Seimas elections, the mayor of Vilnius did not think to take the initiative and caused a sandstorm in the center of the capital. At the time, the actions were already accompanied by the Seimas’ reaction, which would take the form of a special law in Lukiki Square, the head of state said.

The veto of the gamble would require a further transformation into a representative layer of a layered cake with a little sand, a little water, a little fire, a little historical memory, a little good morals, a little bad and finally nothing. Maybe it is a deliberate goal? The President will listen.

He also said in municipal and central government defenses that he generally tries to support the weaker side, but that he will once choose the sheriff’s side, leading a kind of direct control in the Lukiki Square patch.

In legal and political terms, it is far from being a model act, but it is caused by the performance of the performance for which it was chosen, says the text by G. Nausda.

The President also said that he would visit Lukiki Square and speak to the monks who were there.

Visitors to Aikts liked the idea of ​​convenience and freedom, but they also admitted that there are much more suitable places for it in Vilnius, the country’s chief summed up.

R. IMAIUS: It is regrettable that the president has chosen a few

At that time, the mayor of Vilnius Remigijus imaius regretted that President G. Nausda was signing the law and said that the head of state had chosen a path without principles.

I am very sorry that things that are completely irrelevant are the 15th consecutive in Lithuania, receiving the most attention in the country. It is regrettable that the president has chosen a slightly unprincipled path and did not support the position, which managed to support Valdas Adamkus at age 20 and vetoed the analogous law, says BNS R. imaius.

R. imaius stated that all the conditions of the bet have already been fulfilled, therefore, after consulting with the lawyers, it was decided that the beach will remain in the square until September, as planned.

All the conditions of the bet have been fulfilled: nobody is against good morals and, let’s say, Vyio’s emphasis is on the present. This bet is a political statement that distracts from serious work, said the mayor.

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