G. Landsbergis does not rule out the possibility of a visit to Sakartvele: a group of mediators is forming


“There is a group of foreign minister mediators, it would be more than one country, the group would be broader. I think it is very important that the signal to Sakartvel is not only the Baltic States, not only Lithuania, it is a European signal.

Because we are talking about further European and transatlantic integration of Sakartwell, “G. Landsbergis said at the press conference.

According to the minister, the practical objective is to reach an agreement between the opposition and the government, de-escalate the conflict, and get both parties to sit at the negotiating table.

It is desirable that this sitting at the table ends with a signed document. We are currently trying to find out if this can be achieved. If this could be achieved, then the visit would make sense, ”he said.

Sakartvele’s political crisis began after the October parliamentary elections, which the opposition considers rigged.

Tensions rose dramatically last week with the arrest of Nikanor Melia, leader of the largest opposition party, the United National Movement (VNJ).

Then the chairman of the Seimas Foreign Affairs Commission (URK), Žygimantas Pavilionis, went to Sakartvelas.

According to local media, at a press conference with representatives of the opposition, Pavilionis assured that Melia’s arrest would receive an international response and possible sanctions.

At the time, Sacartwell’s Prime Minister, Iraklis Garibashvili, declared J. Pavilionas’s “offensive” rhetoric unacceptable. The chairman of the committee himself assures that Sakartvele has not had such tensions between the ruling parties and the opposition parties for the last 10-15 years.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Žygimantas Pavilionis

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Žygimantas Pavilionis

The opposition Lithuanian Social Democratic Party called on Ž.Pavilionis to resign as URK president.

According to the Social Democrats, the conservative Ž.Pavilionis, who was sent to mediate in the crisis-hit Sakartvele, “instead of following the state’s foreign policy, he behaved unprofessionally, damaged relations between Lithuania and Sakartveli and caused damage to Lithuania’s reputation “.

Ž.Pavilionis says he understands the desire of the Social Democrats to defend their ruling party in Sakartvelas, but notes that representatives of other Western countries also commented to Tbilisi about the situation in the country.

Seimas spokeswoman Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen said she saw nothing wrong with Ž.Pavilionis’ actions.

It will not issue S.Cichanouskajos

After the Belarusian Attorney General’s Office went to Lithuania to request the extradition of the current opposition leader, Sviatlan Cichanouskaya, G. Landsbergis assured that the request would not be granted.

“My answer to Belarus is very simple: Hell will freeze before Lithuania considers this request from Lukashenko and his associates.

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Lithuania has accepted many Democrats fleeing persecution from the regime and intends to do so in the future. Lithuania has been, is and will be a refuge for freedom of expression, for freedom of conscience, for the freedom of the citizens of the world who fight for it in general, ”said the minister at the press conference.

Massive protests in Belarus erupted on August 9 with the announcement of the re-election of the autocrat Aliaksandr Lukashenko by a large majority.

Cichanouskaya was declared the winner of the elections and was soon forced to leave the country.
