Fruit abuse may end sadly: diocese warns when abnormal


The first rule: moderation

While healthy nutritionists constantly reiterate that it is impossible to distinguish miracle fruits that would be a panacea for all diseases, they emphasize that these goods should be consumed in moderation.

According to the dietician, blogger Vaida Kurpienė, fruits and vegetables in the diet are counted together, but it is important to note that more vegetables should be eaten. Ideally, the daily rate is divided by a ratio of 3: 1. This means that if we consume 100 grams of fruit, it is recommended to eat 300 grams of vegetables.

In addition, it highlights that the intake of fruit is very individual and depends on the different physiological characteristics of a person and their physical activity, so it is important to take into account the aforementioned relationship between fruits and vegetables. Children, he said, consume more fruit, but it must be remembered that their diet must also be planned and regulated.

It is also very important to know that excessive consumption of fruit can even be harmful to health. Therefore, it is important to know how many of them may die. V. Kurpienė gave an example of how much fruit an athlete and non-athlete woman should eat.

“Each adult should consume an individual amount, preferably at lunch. If you are a short woman with little physical activity, it is enough to eat a medium fruit, that is, the one that fits in nuts.

If you play strenuous sports, you would definitely need more: eat some fruits during lunch and within 30 minutes after sports to regain lost energy, ”he says.

Daiva kurpiene

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

She emphasizes that berries should also be used, which, like fruit, are rich in helpful antioxidants that strengthen our immune system. And these substances are found in wild berries dozens of times more. Therefore, according to the specialist, the choice of diet should be as follows: first eat berries, then fruits.

The dietitian also points out that the fruit is beneficial not only in terms of antioxidants, but also in fiber. And in the case of colds and high temperatures, the fruit is especially useful because the antioxidants and the fluids and sugars they contain help restore lost energy when the body has difficulty digesting other foods.

The second rule: seasonality

The seasonality of the fruit must also be taken into account. After all, according to the specialist, each fruit ripens at a different time. It is true that the shorter the path from harvest to food, the more antioxidants and valuable substances that strengthen our body remain in the fruit. As a result, it is better to eat local in summer and early fall.

“I would also suggest not being afraid of imported fruit, especially during the cold period, because its season is different at different times. We can see that there are no mangoes, tangerines or persimmons throughout the year. We can only find them in certain months. They should be eaten in the heat of the season, because that way we save, so these fruits are cheaper compared to the beginning or the end of the season ”, says the interlocutor.

Fresh fruits, according to her, are the most delicious and our sensory senses show very clearly how valuable they are: they smell tastier, they are more pleasant to eat and they have a more pleasant structure.

According to her, children feel good too. For example, if a child is very fond of mandarins, often at the beginning or end of the season he will not tend to eat them voluntarily, because during this period these fruits do not yet have the best taste characteristics.

Fruit abuse may end sadly: diocese warns when abnormal

The third rule: color

The dietitian also emphasizes that it is very important to take into account the fact that we must consume different fruits that have different colors. This, he says, gives away the different antioxidants in the fruit.

“Fruits must be chosen in different colors, because each color brings different benefits to our body. Fruits, like vegetables, are colored in their own way due to different antioxidants, which affect our immunity differently, ”says V. Kurpienė.

He also points out that fruits are usually similar in their caloric content and sugar content, but antioxidants are precisely the substances that differentiate fruits from each other.

The fourth rule: diversity

When filling the diet with fruit, we must also bear in mind that we must eat different fruits not only in their colors but also in their species. Dietitian V. Kurpienė notes that people often tend to buy a few kilograms of the same fruits and eat them without interruption.

“It is recommended to eat different fruits and berries for at least four days. For example, one day you should eat plums, the next pears, the third apples and the fourth mandarins,” he says.

V. Kurpienė says that often people also ask which fruits are best suited for strengthening immunity. According to her, it is impossible to distinguish the best fruits or vegetables because they all have different properties.

“There are no fruits that are the best. Very often I am asked what fruit to eat. There is not a single berry, not a single vegetable or fruit that has more of everything. Therefore, one of the basic principles is diversity, because from one we will obtain useful material, from another – from another, from the third – third ”, the specialist justifies the need for diversity.

Not only fresh produce is useful

If, after all, a person especially likes frozen fruits or berries, the specialist says that the treats prepared in this way are also very valuable.

For example, V. Kurpienė states that Lithuanians are very fond of canning or freezing berries. However, he emphasizes that canned jam is not an immune-boosting food, but rather a dessert. But they say that frozen berries are extremely useful.

Strawberry and red currant jam

Strawberry jam and red currants

“Sometimes people freeze blueberries, blueberries, blueberries, and other berries without added sugar. They are excellent for consumption and contain only a slight reduction of vitamin C, but if they were quick frozen, almost all the valuable substances were left. When we want to strengthen our immunity, we can take them out of the freezer, but it is very important to use them until next season and not leave them in the freezer for a long time ”, emphasizes the dietician.

Fruits dried in various ways are also very popular. One of them is freeze-dried fruit, that is, freeze-dried. Here the specialist also has a good knowledge: they contain much more valuable substances than normally frozen fruits or berries.

However, it emphasizes that goods processed with this technology are expensive and therefore not available to all consumers. They also melt in your mouth and are easy to eat too.

Freeze Dried Fruits and Berries

Freeze Dried Fruits and Berries

“If we are not talking about freeze dried fruit, other things are already starting. Then you need to be on the lookout for food additives like sulfites. You should also pay attention to what colors they are.

For example, apricots can be orange and brown, so choose brown because the oranges have been treated with sulfites. However, nuts are more similar to sweets in terms of sugar content.

I would recommend using nuts on a limited basis, as the nuts evaporate the water, but all the calories and sugars remain, so they are really sweet. However, most of the valuable ingredients remain, making it an excellent and valuable dessert, but if we want to strengthen our immunity, we must eat fresh, ”recalls V. Kurpienė.

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