From Veryga, the alarming news of a coronavirus mutation will consider new measures


The minister reported after speaking with the ambassador in Denmark about the spread of the coronavirus in tissue farms in that country.

“The news is really worrying, because according to the data that has been provided, certain mutations have been observed in the virus, and it is tissue infections that have been identified in humans. It is Denmark that has taken very strict measures, millions of these animals will be asleep. Very strict measures are being taken in those regions where there are farms.

We have received some knowledge from the World Health Organization that other countries may also have problems. Therefore, proposals and modifications are being prepared for the Government tomorrow. It will be proposed to introduce 14 days of compulsory isolation for those coming from Denmark ”, announced the minister.

It will be suggested that this be extended to other countries with similar problems, such as Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.

“If the information does not change and it is confirmed tomorrow, there are similar problems with the spread of the virus in tissue farms,” ​​the minister said.

Doubts about the continuation of the quarantine

The first results of the quarantine are not yet expected, but Minister A. Veryga has no doubt that it will be extended, it is not clear only under what conditions.

According to A. Veryga, the chances of the situation getting worse and better are the same, but it is expected that the quarantine will begin to work and the exponential growth will stop.

He said he doesn’t see the possibility of the quarantine being lifted in three weeks, even if the situation improves.

“Only to the extent that the government reviews the measures every week, even with minimal adjustments, does life show that there is something good and something that cannot be thought about. (…) In three weeks, the Government will return to deliberations in any case, and I have little doubt that it will extend the quarantine. It’s just a question of what the conditions will be, “said A. Veryga at Seimas.

At the same time, however, he suggested not ruling out that if the disease continued to spread, all children could switch to distance learning.

Again, more than a thousand. new cases

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports that 1,109 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. Eleven people died from coronavirus, one was over 30 years old. Four people died from other causes.

A total of 221 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania and 74 people from other causes. Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 26,000 people in the country. 841 people, 20 thousand. 584 – still ill, 5962 – recovered.

There are currently 49,000 in isolation. 271 people. As of June 1, 430 import cases had been registered in Lithuania.

12 thousand were examined on the last day. 762 samples for suspected coronavirus. So far a total of 1 million have been investigated. 119 thousand 422 samples.

Uncertainties in 968 cases

284 of them were registered in Vilnius, 242 Šiauliai, 235 Kaunas, 153 Klaipėda, 61 Alytus, 40 Tauragė, 34 Marijampolė, 31 Panevėžys, 23 Telšiai, 6 counties of Utena.

With test results now automatically linked, data from 968 untested epidemiological studies have yet to be investigated or entered into the system. This means that it is not yet known under what circumstances or where people were infected. The system shows in which municipalities these people live, but until it is clear if they are infected where their place of residence is declared. For this reason, these epidemiological data are being reviewed. We invite you to follow the data on the map.

Cases in which the circumstances of human infection are not clear, i. y Epidemiological studies have shown that people have not traveled abroad, have not reported confirmed COVID-19 cases, recorded 45. However, these figures may still need to be reviewed as not all studies have been completed epidemiological.

The NVSC recalls that those who have been confirmed as positive by a PCR test (nasopharyngeal smear), that is, coronavirus, should be isolated immediately without waiting for a call from NVSC specialists, and should inform people with the who have been in contact recently. about potential risks.

Shoots were recorded in shoots on the last day

Cases recorded during the day are associated with outbreaks in Mažeikiai, Alytus, Jurbarkas, Šilalė hospitals, Karoliniškės polyclinic, Blinstrubiškės social residence, Padvariai nursing home, Biržai district. in the “Rugelis” kindergarten, in the Dainava progymnasium, in the “Kindergarten” kindergarten, in the “Žilvitis” kindergarten, in the kindergarten in Skuodas, Radviliškis district municipality, Employment Service , Church Touch of Christ.

In Lithuania, there were 11 deaths from coronavirus and 4 deaths from other causes

The NVSC reports that information was received from medical institutions on 11 deaths from coronavirus last day. Currently, the infection has claimed 221 lives.

Five deaths were recorded in Kaunas County. The individuals ranged in age from 30 to 99 years. Everyone suffered from chronic diseases.

There are also five deaths recorded in Panevėžys county. The individuals ranged in age from 70 to 99 years. Everyone suffered from chronic diseases.

One case of death from coronavirus infection was recorded in Telšiai county. The person belonged to the 90-99 age group and had chronic diseases.

Also yesterday, 4 deaths were recorded in Vilnius, Alytus and Klaipėda counties, when the person infected with the coronavirus passed away for other reasons.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .
