From Veryga – new recommendations for companies


“We already follow the recommendations ourselves, we meet remotely. (…) It is recommended that these conditions apply to both private institutions and companies. As far as possible, it is proposed to organize work in shifts, brigades , groups, whose employees do not change and do not mix and do not change. Some companies are already applying it, “said A. Veryga.

He stressed that the detection of coronavirus in a company or institution would avoid radical measures, that is, the isolation of a large number of employees and the interruption of the activities of the company or institution.

Set the start time

Another recommendation mentioned by the Minister is to apply different start, end and lunch times to different streams of employees depending on the possibilities.

“The goal is the same: that a group of employees as small as possible get together and communicate. This suggestion was also made about educational institutions so that children were less together,” he said.

The minister emphasized that the goal was to keep individual groups in contact as little as possible so that the infection does not spread. It is recommended to organize meetings and conferences remotely, if it is done live, wear protective equipment.

If workers are transported in one transport, there should be no people from different shifts.

It is also recommended that people from different shifts, groups do not have contacts in eating, smoking and other common areas. It is recommended that people who work different shifts are not transported in a single vehicle, ”he said.

You can find more information about the recommendations here.

Recommendations for feeding children

The Minister also reported that he had been informed that recommendations had been signed on the management of flows in the food supply.

Priority is recommended, as reported, for food and beverages brought from home to classrooms.

“In the event that food rations are given to students who eat for free, the first recommendation, if it is not possible to implement it, are recommendations on how to organize meals in the canteens of educational institutions,” said A. Veryga.

Commenting on the increase in the number of participants allowed in events since September, the minister has emphasized that schools should consider how to organize the September 1 commemoration, avoiding large gatherings.

“It would be more logical to divide the events into small groups where the distances could be maintained. Clearly, adults who come to the office should wear face protection without discouragement.

Because the gathered people still communicate with each other, which is not the group as a family that is seen on a daily basis. They really need to compact themselves, a few a day, so that children and parents don’t get too close together to keep contact to a minimum, ”he said.

32 new cases

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports that 32 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. 16 of them were registered in Vilnius, 4 in Panevėžys and Kaunas counties. At that time, 3 new cases of COVID-19 disease were recorded in Molėtai and Taurag counties, and 1 case in Alytus and Marijampolė counties.

After contact with patients, according to epidemiologists, 24 people became infected, the circumstances of the infection of 7 people are not yet known. In addition, on the last day 1 import case was recorded: COVID-19 disease was confirmed for a person who returned to Lithuania from Malta.

According to the NVSC epidemiologist doctor Daiva Razmuvienė, according to yesterday’s data, 36 hospitalized, 7 in resuscitation, oxygen masks are needed for 20 treated people, artificial lung ventilation is applied to 2 people.

14 new cases are associated with chimneys

The cases identified yesterday in Vilnius county are related to the chimney of the Intersurgical company. All subjects were in isolation, a study of coronavirus infection due to exposure was conducted. There are currently 41 reported cases related to this outbreak. As already announced, the company’s chimney is believed to have connections to a family outbreak in the Molėtai district.

Another 3 cases registered in Vilnius county are related to the chimney in a construction company. Currently 5 related diseases are registered.

In addition, 4 more cases recorded yesterday in Panevėžys county are related to the approach of the agricultural cooperative “Šiaurės aruodai”, located in the district of Pasvalys. In total, epidemiologists estimate that there are currently 8 cases of COVID-19 associated with the outbreak.

Yesterday a new case was registered in a metal cap manufacturing company operating in Vilnius. This is the sixth case of infection associated with this outbreak.

Another case in Vilnius County is associated with an outbreak in the “Friendly Projects” chorus. A total of 29 COVID-19 cases are associated with this outbreak.

The fireplace in the administration of the company that sells gift vouchers in Vilnius remains active. Yesterday 1 related case was confirmed. The person is not an employee of this company. Currently, a total of 10 cases of COVID-19 infection are associated with the outbreak. The first illness of this company is related to the family celebration held in the Panevėžys district.

Furthermore, 1 new case, registered yesterday in Vilnius County, is related to the outbreak at UAB Geruda. A total of 7 recorded cases are associated with this approach, including a confirmed previous day.

Additionally, 10 people, 3 in Vilnius, Tauragė and Molėtai counties and 1 in Marijampolė, were found to be infected after contact with people confirmed with COVID-19 disease.

The circumstances of the infection in 7 people are still unclear

At present, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine how 7 people were infected: 3 in Vilnius, 3 in Kaunas and 1 in Alytus counties. Subjects were studied for specific symptoms of COVID-19 disease.

Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

NVSC reports that a total of 2,906 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in specific people in Lithuania, 967 people are still ill, and 1,840 have recovered.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .
