From the lips of Kasiulevičius: a forecast when Lithuania will be able to breathe easier: a long and difficult stage awaits then


“The conclusion is simple: we have to understand that before April-May, when the spread of the virus will slow down significantly, we will all have a long and difficult phase, which will have to open the economy only in strict compliance with security requirements through of active preventive tests and risky contact prevention systems. And the public will feel the benefits of the vaccines that will soon arrive in Lithuania only in autumn “, announces the professor on his Facebook account.

V. Kasiulevičius compared the situation in Lithuania with that in Ireland.

“During the first wave, Ireland, unlike Lithuania, did not impose strict restrictions and suffered very badly, so with the rise of the second wave, it no longer wanted to take risks and on October 21 introduced a fairly strict policy emergency shutdown, leaving an exception for grocery stores and schools. The quarantine effect was quick and lasted until the very end.

Lithuania did the opposite, during the first strict quarantine in March it protected its population, but due to people’s discontent with the government, the upcoming parliamentary elections, different opinions in the scientific community and other reasons, they did not make these decisions. The November quarantine was delayed 2-3 weeks, the restrictions were insufficient, and the result was obvious.

In Ireland on December 1. after 6 weeks emergency shutdown all shops, hair and beauty salons, gyms and leisure centers, cinemas, museums and galleries opened on December 4. Thousands of restaurants, bars and cafes were opened. Despite the excellent effect of the November quarantine in Ireland, the release of new cases of Covid-19 has already been recorded since its launch on December 16. December 17 The National Council of Public Health Advisers, which met in 2006, recommended that the Irish government shorten the period of relaxed restrictions on COVID-19 for the Christmas holidays until the end of the year, and apply the restrictions again as of 2021 ”, said the professor.

The growth of new cases is also recorded in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Germany. All of these countries have had different pandemic management strategies so far, but they don’t prevent a jump in new cases. Europe’s largest economy, Germany, has been much tighter since December 16. emergency shutdownwhich has been the case so far.

“TV screens and news portals have a lot of information about crowded hospitals in the US or Germany, this is another third of the fact that these weeks Lithuanian hospitals are twice as busy with COVID-19 patients than France, 3 times more than the USA and 10 times more than Germany, ”said the professor.
