From the hit vaccination site to the cytokine storm: what vaccine side effects are normal?


LSMU professor infectologist Alvydas Laiškonis pointed out that each vaccine is an introduction of a foreign protein and each organism reacts very differently.

“There are those who do not respond at all to the vaccine and do not experience any side effects after the vaccine. And others may experience some reactions,” he said.

Dual effects are possible

The professor recalled that the side effects caused by the vaccine are divided into two parts: local and general.

“Locals can occur at the vaccination site. It is redness, swelling, there may be pain in the area and stick to it for a day or two.

In case of redness, the temperature can also rise to 37.2-37.3 degrees. All these local signs that disappear in two or three days indicate that the body responded very well to the vaccine. This means that the body has reacted to a foreign protein with a relatively high production of antibodies ”, explained the doctor.

Alvydas Laiškonis

Speaking of the general characteristics, A. Laiškonis highlighted the following:

“It’s like a rise in temperature, a cold, crying in children, a change in behavior, it’s restless, it’s distracting. These are major changes that will also go away in a few days. “

According to him, if the temperature lasts a long time, then paracetamol is administered for three to four days.

“Next time, doctors prescribe prophylactically before the vaccine so that the temperature does not rise, so as not to cause side effects to the parents, because they are always very afraid when something happens to the child after the vaccine,” the doctor noted.

Reactions must be recorded

The doctor recalled that the so-called side effects of vaccines should be recorded in Lithuania. After each vaccination, the GP or pediatrician should inform the public health center.

“There are between 60 and 80 of these cases involving several hundred thousand children vaccinated each year,” he said.

The professor affirmed that neither the so-called elephantiasis, nor diabetes, nor any other disease are caused by vaccines.

“The package insert for each vaccine lists all possible reactions, which are common and less common. So every time before vaccination, parents, together with the GP, analyze what the common side effects may be, ”said A. Laiškonis.

He did not hide the fact that it is often not the child who is most sensitive to the vaccine, but the parents, so it is necessary to talk with them.

At the same time, the professor added that the side effects are more related to the child’s genetics than to the vaccine itself.

Neighbors are already rushing to ask about the flu vaccine: they will have to hurry, because the amount is limited

Security bubble

However, the interviewee agreed that there are cases in which children cannot be vaccinated at all because they do not produce enough antibodies.

“For example, more care should be taken if a child is allergic because the vaccine also contains a little egg white. However, there are no mercury vaccines that can cause allergic reactions, ”said A. Laiškonis.

The doctor stressed that in cases where the remaining 95 percent are vaccinated. children, those who cannot be vaccinated, enter a certain protection zone.

“It is said that these children can be vaccinated later. But there is a very small percentage of unvaccinated children. For example, sometimes parents say that my child is strong, very healthy and does not need vaccines. However, there is a disease of this type: meningococcal infection, which just as often no one can say why, but which affects very healthy, strong children who never get sick. The saddest thing is that it is a form that develops in the blink of an eye eyes, “said the doctor.

From blow to resuscitation

One of the possible reactions of the body to the vaccine is the so-called cytokine storm, when the body reacts very violently to the agent.

“Then the body no longer copes with the reaction, it can be very dangerous, because necrosis of the hands, toes or other permanent phenomena can occur”, explained A. Laiškonis.

However, the doctor’s claim that a lump at the vaccine site is perfectly normal:

“The hardening at the vaccination site can remain for several days. This is the body’s natural reaction. When there is such a reaction, it means that the body has reacted very well. “

At that point, the enlarged lymph nodes occurs at a time when you are technically poorly vaccinated.

“If a newborn is vaccinated not under the skin but under the skin, then a local reaction of the body occurs and the lymph nodes are enlarged. The vaccine is usually in the hand, and the lymph nodes in the armpit are often enlarged. This is already a technical error, not a consequence of vaccination ”, emphasized the professor.


When asked if it was possible to resuscitate him after vaccination, the doctor did not rule out such a scenario. At the same time, however, he emphasized that this is extremely rare.

“If the child’s temperature rises, seizures occur, such cases, of course, do happen. But these are very isolated cases that we cannot avoid. Because there is no 100 percent vaccine. It would have no side effects. All children are different, genetically different, their immune system, so it is impossible to predict everything that will be a reaction, “said A. Laiškonis.

According to him, it is generally known since childhood that a child is allergic, prone to food or food bites due to insect bites and other factors, so this could help parents to suspect that the child may also be more sensitive to vaccine components.

“However, there are no preventive tests before vaccination. Because it would be very difficult for all children to do it,” said the interlocutor.

Auksė Mickienė

Insured for seasonal flu vaccines

For her part, Auksė Mickienė, an infectologist at LSMU Kaunas Hospital and director of the LSMU Infectious Disease Clinic, said that due to seasonal vaccinations, we really should rest easy.

“As for the flu, pneumococcal vaccines are safe, they have undergone life testing and there should be no question about their safety. And people really need to get vaccinated with them, both vaccines are needed this year. Because so much influenza like pneumococcus, they are lung infections and the most dangerous for the elderly with comorbidities ”, explained A. Mickienė.

The doctor emphasized that vaccination reduces the possibility of other infections, thus reducing work in the health sector.

“Certainly, the consequences of the disease are more dire than any possible reaction to the vaccine,” said the infectious doctor.

There is no shortage of talks about substances that are harmful to the human body, such as aluminum or mercury, in vaccines. This seriously undermines some of the public’s confidence in the benefits of vaccines. The portal has asked Aurelija Žvirblienė, a professor at the VU Center for Life Sciences, if there is any truth in these statements.
