From now on, COVID-19 prophylaxis will be mandatory for individual groups.


This decision will take effect on March 27.

The following jobs and activities are approved for workers who undergo regular COVID-19 testing:

  • personal health care services and activities;
  • social services and activities;
  • educational services and activities;
  • activities of pharmacists.

For these nationally scheduled groups, COVID-19 should be screened periodically every 7 to 10 days.

According to the Government Resolution, representatives of certain works and activities that are prohibited, restricted during quarantine and who have constant direct contact with other people must consult with COVID-19 before starting work or activities after lifting the prohibitions or restrictions. .

The test will only be required once before returning to work. This obligation applies to employees who work in the following areas:

  • Culture and art;
  • physical activity and high command of sports;
  • provision of catering services;
  • Retail sale;
  • leisure and / or entertainment services (pool and sauna services, game room activities, dances, discotheques, dance halls, cinemas and movie clubs, bars, discos and other entertainment venues, casinos and slot machines, meeting rooms bingo), gambling and betting occupations);
  • beauty services and accommodation.

An employee who is required to undergo an investigation must provide proof of this to his employer. By logging into your account at, everyone will be able to view, download and, if necessary, print the response to the COVID-19 survey. For those who cannot connect to the portal, who do not have an electronic signature or means of authentication through the banking system, it is recommended to request the issuance of said certificate to medical institutions.

It should be noted that service providers that are currently in operation are not required to be tested for COVID-19. The COVID-19 test is also not required for workers whose activities are suspended or cannot work in a contact manner due to quarantine.

Preventive tests, regardless of the study group, are not appropriate and are not performed in people who:

  • you have a history of coronavirus and it has been less than 180 days since a positive PCR or antigen test result;
  • you have tested positive for coronavirus antibody serology if less than 60 days have passed;
  • vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine according to a full vaccination schedule for less than 180 days.

The investigation is carried out at municipal mobile points. You can register for the test by calling the Coronavir hotline at 1808 or by electronic registration at
