From crickets to the kitchen: two friends surprise Kaunas with juicy burgers and bold statements | Lifetime


And it all started at school. From grade 9 onward, Rock and Paul, who have studied together, have tried many areas together. He also participated in Physics Olympics, tested his strength in both athletics and weight lifting. However, the most united by black is respect for food.

“We both love food, both cooking and eating it. We have really tried a lot, both families also tried and praised many of our dishes.

We both learned, we improved, so the family also wanted to do what we could, not what we supposedly needed. That support was very important to us, ”says Rokas.

Gorilla Burgers is owned by Rokas and Paulius

Gorilla Burgers is owned by Rokas and Paulius

From crickets to cooks

And while in adolescence it seemed that the idea would still be a dream, everything moved in the right direction with the discovery of this charming blue bus, ready to cook and create a traveling restaurant. After spending a few days in serious deliberations, gathering all the pros and cons, and receiving the necessary support, the two finally decided to move toward the goal.

Now 22-year-olds are laughing at the thought of how things turned out unexpectedly. However, as they say, they already are: if they come up with a goal, they chase it non-stop.

‘We used to try to grow crickets (laughs) We just didn’t do it together! And this time, we did it and we did it, although we really didn’t think we would be successful. This step was an experiment, as if it were a self-discovery, we really didn’t think that it would be our one hundred percent business to live on. At first, we saw it as a hobby, a favorite and beloved activity, “admits Rokas.

It was only when fate thought that young startups would have to undergo further testing, only when they started, life sent them … quarantined. The two managed to put themselves to the test at the Kėdainiai fair, which also took place at the Kaziukas fair in the capital in March, and the hungry crowd received a lot of news when they suddenly had to think about how to continue their activities.

And while all the permits allowed Gorilla Burgers to work without risking the well-being of her family and those around them, the accelerated gas had to be reduced instantly. Unfortunately, the quarantine also adjusted the original plan: this summer, the boys imagined feeding the hungry festival goers, they thought they would do some work in the capital. Only here it is not necessary to hang your nose: everything is as it should be.

“Fate has probably set everything on course,” the boys laugh. Now landing in the temporary capital (Raudondvario pl. 162), they bake juicy hamburgers every day, barely manage to get away from the number of visitors and plan to expand their activities.

Gorilla burgers

Gorilla burgers

Gorilla burgers

Gorilla burgers

Seven juicy burgers caress the cheeks

Rock could talk about burgers day and night, although he himself says that perhaps not everyone understands that charm.

The most fascinating thing about this dish is nothing but freedom. The fact that a hamburger can be different every time, from the bun to the types of ingredients. It is true that everything from A to Z was done by them as a teenager. Each time, new combinations led to victories and defeats, because, as the boys laugh, freedom also has its limitations, only a little later.

But it was with the experience, the love, and the sleepless nights that the combinations were refined, which encouraged visitors to return again and again.

A good burger requires a lot of love, dedication, it’s not just fried meat.

“We make hamburgers like at home, that is to say and. We do everything ourselves, we prepare all the ingredients for the night. We go to the stores ourselves, to the suppliers, ourselves, in the end, and we collect the tomato, and when we bring it back, we assess whether it’s suitable to serve the customer. And then it’s a matter of fantasy.

Of course, you can put anything, but tastes have to match, and here I notice a problem with other restaurants, because they often try to add a little more to the burgers, and nonsense comes out. Such a complete range of flavors is definitely not a good solution. We have really tried a lot. A good burger requires a lot of love, dedication, it’s not just fried meat. And when you don’t put so much love, you feel it, “say the boys.

The uniqueness of the burgers, more precisely their size, also determined the name of the business. Rock laughs that they themselves are big, so they made hamburgers so that the gorilla that ate them was full and happy. And in the restaurant, this huge animal can find seven different types of burgers. The choice will be even greater in the future, but boys in a hurry don’t want to.

So far the most popular is “Cheek of the Cheek”. This burger receives the greatest sympathy not only for its playful name, but also for its content. As Rock says, the caramelized onions, garlic sprouts, and smoothness of the burger itself can’t help but clap your jaws.

A new truck and a flag that shook Kaunas

And while the truck has been running every day for over a month, Rock and Paul set out to make their dream come true with a bang. In a month, they both plan to open another point in Kaunas: they are currently installing another truck as they imagine. So in the future, the chefs and the king will have their own restaurant where they will share their experience and knowledge with other future burger gurus.

“It will be easier to maintain quality, it is very important to us,” emphasizes Rokas. “Everyone will be responsible for their bus.”

The fact that they are two friends really makes decision-making easier, although friendship in business has its own challenges. As they say, there are challenges, but most importantly, they are understood emotionally. If one is angry and speechless, the other tries not to bite himself. Finally, the most important thing for them is to achieve their goal.

“Sometimes the hand rocks, sometimes it doesn’t come out, but we are very stubborn people, so we fight against the challenges.” We have faced difficulties in all possible areas. There has also been all kinds of tests for our friendship, because, without any secrets, finances are everywhere, and one thinks one way, the other thinks differently, and a compromise must be sought. But most importantly, we are working toward a common goal, “says Rock.

It happens that the hand is swinging, sometimes it does not come out, but we are very stubborn people, so we fight against the challenges, “says Rock.

During the conversation, the boys repeatedly thanked the parents who supported them, because only thanks to them were they able to start the activity. Although they had savings themselves, without their financial support it would really be very difficult to achieve. And while all the profits so far have been invested in the team and the new future restaurant, the support and interest of the people encourages them not to give up and just work harder. For example, they gladly joined the campaign during the quarantine and provided food for the doctors at the Kaunas clinics.

This is not his only initiative, only the last one shook Kaunas with more force. June is considered the so-called “pride month” in the LGBT community. In order to eradicate discrimination, harassment and harassment based on sexual orientation, there is global debate and support for the expression of a ‘rainbow flag’. This is how the Gorilla Burgers van was decorated with this flag in early summer.

Photo from the social network / Cafe in Kaunas

Photo from the social network / Cafe in Kaunas “Gorilla Burgers”

“Why did we do that? Because we and a friend don’t care who loves what, we are for equality in the world, we are all human. Only others have forgotten how many and how many different people there are, “the boys explain.

However, uploading a photo with a flag adorning the truck on Facebook has generated more than 200 comments a day. Some Kaunas residents did not forgive the words extremely uncensored, ordered them to remove the flag abruptly, others threatened not to visit the place again. However, the boys did not regret their decision for a second.

“We were not afraid to express our support, we held the flag for three days, even though countless people told us to remove it.” And we answered them very simply: what is the difference for you? Of course, no one came and said in the eye, because only the units can tell the eye. But we support our friends and we will do so in the future, ”say the owners of Gorilla Burgers.
