Friends have established a water park in Taurage – they are planning a big development


According to Vytautas, the water park was previously established by other people in this place, but they, two friends, decided four years ago to reactivate it and leased the area with water bodies, because the land and 40 hectares of water bodies belong to private individuals. .

“Previously, there was only one system and everything, and when we took over, we made a terrace on the water, there is a second system, we will make trampolines,” says Vytautas and praises that there were never such trampolines in Lithuania. .

The men, who are now running a business together here, met at the same place in the old park.

“One winter, Vytautas called me and told me that he needed to take control of the park, because otherwise it would close,” says Donatas.

They say the idea was that the former owners had dismantled and sold a system, so the options were to lease the area and park to expand or to have nowhere to spend the time.

How much men needed to invest in the construction of a park as it is today, they do not say, but they say that the sums are considerable.

“It just came to our attention then. We don’t think about payback, we want to expand further.

It will be quite an entertainment complex, there will be trampolines, cabins to stay in, maybe fishing, sauna. The plans are very close ”, – Vytautas does not hide and assures that they have not yet needed bank loans.

The men say they have their own businesses, so the money for investment comes from them, but, as you can see, if there were no other businesses, there probably wouldn’t be a park either, or business development would be very slow.

“Here, the hobby is gradually turning into a business,” says Vytautas and estimates that there are about 20 employees in the park during the summer.

“We spend a lot of time here. Nature is here, people come to sunbathe, to stay with their families,” says Donatas.

Vytautas says that when friends started the business, they didn’t think everything would expand that way.

“We plan to do less, but ideas are born with each season. One of them comes up with something, the other adds and we, ”they both laugh.

Most of the time, in the water park, it is possible to meet the locals, but often for entertainment and recreation, the residents also come from the cities of Jurbarkas, Šilutė and Šilalė.

“There is no water park within a radius of 80 km,” explains Donatas, saying that prices here are cheaper than in the capital and are roughly the Lithuanian average.

In the summer, there are a lot of people here, and in Taurage without such a place, they can no longer imagine.

“People gather here in the evenings, even when we are not working. Come, sit on the terrace,” they say.

Now concerts are held here, and in the plans of the entrepreneurs, an even bigger terrace and even a cafe, so now a little more people live here under construction.

“I had to come at the end of the summer,” says Vytautas.

Men themselves often claim that they don’t even have time to have fun, because everything is reserved.

“Last year I swam after park hours, at 10 pm, and so on three or four times a week,” says Donatas, and Vytautas estimates that last year he swam only 4-5 times.

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