Freedom Group Does Not Support Government Decision: Responsibly Prepared Companies Must Open


Delphi He recalls that on Wednesday the government decided not to consider quarantine releases, including the possibility of opening stores with independent open-air entrances and beauty salons under stricter procedures.

“We understand the seriousness of the situation and listen to the arguments of the experts. However, we also believe that Lithuanian companies are ready for safe work. We have lived in a pandemic for years: society has learned to act responsibly and Companies have had enough time to adapt to changing circumstances and ensure safety in the workplace.

The fact that even now we can buy coffee to go or take back ordered products without causing a great threat shows the proper preparation of business, ”says Elder Ieva Pakarklytė, commenting on Freedom Faction’s position.

Aušrinė Armonaitė, a member of the Freedom Group and Minister of Economy and Innovation, said at a press conference that she did not agree with the experts’ recommendations regarding quarantine restrictions and said that the current epidemiological situation allows the opening of salons beauty and non-food stores.

The decision to allow beauty salons and non-food stores with a separate entrance from the outside will be considered by the government next week. The Government Emergency Commission is expected to approve an updated quarantine release plan on Monday.

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