Four politicians from Klaipeda were forced to isolate themselves: they were in contact with a sick person


An unexpected situation arose for the candidates of the Union of the Lithuanian Christian Homeland-Democrat to the Seimas. Four politicians are forced to isolate themselves due to contact with a person with coronavirus. Conservatives themselves explain that the election campaign will certainly not fail as a result.

“Incredible feeling”

Meetings with voters had to be canceled by Klaipėda Deputy Mayor Arūnas Barbšys, Councilor Audrius Petrošius, Seimas member candidates Arvydas Pocius and Kęstutis Navickas.

The four candidates have been forced to adjust the steps of their electoral campaign, but they still hope to be successful in the elections.

“I have to isolate myself from Saturday afternoon. On Monday I tried to contact my family doctor, but the phones are still busy. I am just explaining how to proceed,” said A. Barbšys.

On Monday, the municipality announced that A. Barbšys was on vacation.

“The exam is only scheduled for me on Wednesday, until then I will have to stay in isolation. I don’t feel any symptoms, I feel very good, ”the deputy mayor assured me.

Photo by A. Barbšys / Vytautas Liaudanskis

He was scheduled to attend a sporting event on Saturday, but the visit was immediately canceled.

“As soon as I received information that I could have been in contact with a person who was confirmed to have a coronavirus, I had to change everything very quickly. “It has already happened that no one from the municipality came to say hello. But I could not go to the basketball stadium and risk the health of other people,” said A. Barbšys.

Lean plans

Four candidates had a meeting last week at the University of Klaipeda, where it turned out that a dangerous disease began to spread.

The meeting was not public, but it coincided so much that all Seimas candidates from the same party participated.

We have planned the work, but what will you do? What a life.

“We had to cancel everything, although we did not have mass meetings or discussions. But we all have organizational meetings, so we move everything to the virtual space, we communicate remotely. You never know when and what will happen. The party headquarters had decided not to hold mass meetings. Of course, this is a negative point for the electoral campaign. We have planned the work, but what are you going to do? This is life, “said A. Barbšys.

The wife did not leave the house

Klaipėda city councilor A. Petrošius also claimed that he was locked up at home.

“No, my wife is not dead yet, although I am afraid she will see her soon, because she has not seen me at home all day,” laughed A. Petrošius.

He assured that he could not ignore the mandatory procedure, although perhaps the politicians only stayed in a room where the person by whom COVID-19 had been identified was present.

“It is impossible to hide or not follow the order. This is how chimneys spread. Little can be done, perhaps from long-term contact. We are also responsible for our team, which remains active. By the way, last Friday I had a invitation to the Klaipeda journalists’ event. It’s good that I haven’t gone there yet, because everyone would have had to isolate themselves, “said A. Petrošius.

A German citizen was also infected

A total of 10 employees conducted an investigation on COVID-19 at Klaipeda University on Monday.

Last week, two Klaipeda University students were diagnosed with a COVID-19 virus infection.

In the Faculty of Health Sciences, this was reported by the student of this faculty, who is currently in isolation. The disease was diagnosed by taking an exam before the student started the internship.

The girl is reported to be feeling fine. The Faculty of Health Sciences continues its work in the usual way, since the student has not had lectures here before the practices.

The COVID-19 virus was also diagnosed in a German citizen who was pursuing a master’s degree at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.

The patient was isolated for 14 days after the positive test, three people who lived with him in the dormitory block of the university were tested, their responses were negative, but all were isolated and monitored.

Given that the student attended only one live talk about the symptoms of the disease, the others were given remotely, the event did not disrupt the work of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities either.

Event canceled

“The professor, the students who attended the conference were informed about the case. As the audience is large and in the group of 6-7 people, safe distances were kept, so everyone was recommended to monitor their health”, said Professor Ligita Šimanskienė, head of the Management Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.

The university announced the cancellation of the solemn meeting of the Senate, which was to take place on October 22.

During this meeting, Professor Habil would be awarded an honorary doctorate from Klaip hisda for his special merits in founding and educating the university. Dr. Inge Lukšaitė and dr. Vytautas Čepas.
