Four EU countries have presented an alternative to Merkel and Macrono’s economic rescue plan


The four countries with responsible fiscal policies propose to establish a single emergency economic assistance fund to strengthen the EU economy.

It is particularly important that states provide this emergency for up to two years, according to a statement from the Austrian Chancellery on Saturday.

In the draft proposal, four countries also disagree with general government debt and the increase in the EU budget.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron recently revealed $ 500 billion. recovery plan for the euro after the coronavir crisis.

Under this plan, the European Commission would take loans in the capital markets and distribute the funds raised through the EU budget.

The subsidies would go to the most affected countries, such as Spain and Italy, as well as the most affected business sectors. For the plan to be implemented, it must be approved by the 27 EU countries.
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has strongly criticized the plan in several interviews.

“We certainly agree with emergency aid for the coronavirus crisis, but we reject the possibility of a joint loan,” he said.

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