Former Minister of Justice – Serious accusations: waste of Utena’s university funds, falsification of documents


The pre-trial investigation in this case was conducted by officials from the Panevėžys Board of the Special Investigation Service, and the investigation was conducted by Mantas Jurkėnas, Prosecutor of the Organized Crime and Corruption Investigation Division of the Prosecutor’s Office Panevėžys Regional.

G.Bužinskas came to the attention of STT after another director started working at Utena College in May 2018 in place of this long-term manager.

Delving into college documents and communicating with staff, the latter suspected that the institution’s funds had been misused.

During the pre-trial investigation, it was established that in 2013-2018, the travel documents of the College’s official records could be systematically falsified. Employees are suspected of signing off driving official cars for work purposes, although they did not actually use them. According to the data of the preliminary investigation, almost 7 thousand people were justified by the possible falsification of travel documents. fuel usage worth EUR.

Six former and current Utena College employees will be tried together with G. Bužinskas for falsification of documents. Another 4 people were released from criminal responsibility on bail.

G. Bužinskas is also accused that, abusing his official position and trying to waste the goods entrusted to him, he made business trips abroad, in Switzerland, Israel, Portugal, with his relatives, and the travel expenses were paid with funds from the College.

Officials of the STT established that the publication of the personal biography of G.Bužinskas in the publication “The Most Successful Personalities of Lithuania” was paid for with funds from Utena College.

The inclusion of the defendant’s biography in the encyclopedia and two copies of the publication, one of which was published with a leather cover with gilding, cost 598 euros. This money was transferred to the publisher from the Utena College account.

G.Bužinskas is also accused of falsifying a document and instructing his subordinate to take the blame for not having committed an administrative infraction of the law.

According to prosecutor M. Jurkėnas, who led the pre-trial investigation, G. Bužinskas is accused of systematically abusing his official position, his actions caused significant non-pecuniary damage to subordinates, whom he possibly incited to commit criminal acts, the Utena College and the state.

It is suspected that at least 12 thousand were wasted. school property, reports the prosecution.

According to Prosecutor M. Jurkėnas, this pre-trial investigation was complex and extensive. Thanks to the diligent work of STT officials, it took 161 pages to present the data collected in the indictment.

The most severe punishment is abuse of office for personal gain: a fine or imprisonment of up to 7 years. The waste of property is punishable by public works or a fine, or restriction of freedom or imprisonment of up to two years. Document falsification is punishable by a fine or arrest, or imprisonment for up to three years. The case was transferred to the Panevėžys Regional Court.
