Former member of the Seimas E.Žakaris told how he got sick with COVID-19: I thought he was no longer here


Jacques, 68, said that he had acted very responsibly since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, avoiding social gatherings, and very rarely even going to stores, although his health, except that of the visually impaired, is not known. he complained, he was not prone to colds, he did not have comorbidities, he played sports and led an active life.

However, on October 17, he started coughing, felt a mild temperature and a sore throat. It was immediately doubted that perhaps these were the symptoms of the coronavirus, E. Žakaris and his wife could not trace it until now.

“It just came to our notice then. We ignored all the options with my wife and we didn’t find any possibility of where we could get infected. We avoided the big events if we went to the store, always wearing masks, and most of the time my wife would leave me outside. because, you know, that mask isn’t that easy for me. We don’t trace the beginning in any way, even though we’ve shaken it all up. ” 15 minutes said the former MP.

VIDEO: 15/15: Resident doctors: breakdown of the health system

He thought there were seconds left to his death

After experiencing the first symptoms, E. Žakaris went to a family doctor. He advised going for an exam at a mobile point or going to a fever clinic. The family chose to go to the polyclinic on foot, where they were tested for coronavirus at the fever clinic, and E. Žakaris had her lungs examined and blood tested.

As early as Monday night, the family received a call from a doctor with a specific request to go to the hospital immediately.

“The GP called and said that we both have coronavirus, but my other investigation is bad, there will be nothing without the hospital. He ordered to call the ambulance immediately, “said E. Žakaris.

E. Žakaris says he arrived at the hospital at the same time. It was precisely that night that his condition began to deteriorate dramatically.

The shortness of breath was such that it might not be appropriate to say it, but in fact a couple of times I thought it was all for me that it no longer existed.

“The cough intensified, the temperature began to rise to 40 degrees. And that crisis always started at night, around 1 to 2 hours. of the night. The lack of air was terrible. Then they took me to the intensive care unit for a day. There was already an oxygen mask there. Simply reassured that it is good that the lungs do not need to be ventilated yet, the masks will suffice.

The shortness of breath was such that it might not be appropriate to say it, but in fact a couple of times I thought it was on me, that it was not anymore because my throat was so spasmodic that I could not inhale or exhale, and that’s it. It seemed a few seconds without air and, apparently, everything … Although I always considered myself a strong person, there was already panic and fear, “said E. Žakaris.

The most feared of the night

A day later, the former Seimas member was returned to the Infectious Diseases Department room, but he remained wearing an oxygen mask. Daily blood samples and alternate medications were taken. Only around the sixth or seventh day, E. Žakaris’s health began to gradually improve.

“The temperature dropped, immediately, of course, improved, the cough decreased, but I could not run out of oxygen, not even to go to the bathroom, although he was not right next to me, I could not go because I was simply short of breath as soon as I took off the mask. I did not imagine that it could be such a terrible state that a person could feel this way. I have never felt like this in my life, “said the former member of Seimas.

Irmanto Gelūno / 15min nuotr./Edvardas Žakaris

Irmanto Gelūno / 15min nuotr./Edvardas Žakaris

He admitted that both nerves and lack of sleep contributed.

“For twelve days, I think I only slept a few hours after putting it on the pile. Half an hour, if you fall asleep, immediately force the temperature or cough out of bed. When you sit down, somehow better, and if you you lie even lower, immediately press your throat and start to run out of air. So I waited for dawn as soon as possible. I did not want the night more “, opened the interlocutor.

Consider medical heroes

E.Jakaris claimed that only people’s scripts that the coronavirus is similar to the flu or colds are funny.

“Of course there are people who get sick more easily, but comparing how much temperature or flu I have had, I do not know how many times I would have to multiply that flu to at least remind me,” said the former member of Seimas.

I’m not a bad person, but I’d like to let those walkers get under my skin for a few hours and then recover right away.

He was outraged that someone could walk through hospitals, stick their nose in wards, and explain that the hospital was empty. “It just came to our knowledge then. How is this possible? Empty beds? Which empty beds, when the ward is crowded, are already turbecular and the old maternity wards are already half full?

There is a huge shortage of beds, and what are the outfits here? Is this how people want to appear and be meaningful? Do you want the doctors to quit work? You can’t say that and I’m not a bad person, but I’d like to let those walkers get under your skin for a few hours and then recover immediately. But even try to find out. There would be no such pedestrian, “said the interlocutor.

E. Žakaris thanked the doctors very much for saving his life. He says he could never have imagined the conditions in which doctors, nurses and their assistants are currently working.

“You could press the call at any time – by day, at night, you immediately woke up, you never showed the slightest dissatisfaction with being delaying, bothering you. Both the nurses, the assistants, the doctors, and in the resuscitation where I was, the people it’s really fantastic. You know, the burden on them is huge.

The doctor treating me was absent only once every twelve days, which means that he was at work eleven days the entire time. You can already imagine what your charges are. And the nurses … you hear those calls, that group is there, it is there. I can’t imagine how they handle such burdens, and yet the risk of infecting themselves is enormous after all. ” 15 minutes said the former member of Seimas.

E.Žakaris is already home, but he is still taking antibiotics, he feels weak.

“I try to walk slowly, to move. I live on the second floor, when an express was transporting me, accompanied, I never imagined that the second floor is so high. Legs barely long. And now I’m still trying to move a little bit, because I understand that if I don’t help myself, I don’t have to want drugs just to solve everything, ”he said.

E.Žakaris has been a member of the Seimas for three terms from 2004 to 2016.
