Former manager reveals what is really happening in the Registry


Since the beginning of last month, a new vehicle owner accounting system has been put in place to curb the “shadow” in the auto trading market. This means that from now on all vehicles already in the country must have a sole proprietorship declaration code (SDK). According to the ministry, this is one of the factors that determined the queues in the “Registry.”

Minister of the Interior Agnė Bilotaitė, June 1. In response to the problems that had been occurring for some time in the state-owned company Regitra, it instructed the company’s management to correct the interruptions in service within a week. However, on June 2. The resignation of Dalius Prevelis, Regitra’s CEO, was announced, and the head of the Vilnius branch also resigned.

For the news portal After contacting the former Regitra CEO, he claimed that he had already listed the reasons for his resignation in public, but eventually agreed to speak to journalists.

During the meeting with the Minister, D. Prevelis discussed the situation after the introduction of the new system, but then heard the Minister’s statements on television, with which, according to the news portal,, does not agree: “It has been repeated many times throughout the project, the time allotted for the implementation of the project is too short. At that time, the Minister’s comments about the company’s reluctance to achieve the project’s objectives appeared in the public space. “

According to the interlocutor, there are queues at the Vilnius branch, but there are not elsewhere: “What we say is one thing and what we see is another. Do not forget that there is now a quarantine, so admission is limited. We look at the operations carried out, which is 70 percent. in the queues people can carry out operations without even going to the “Registry”, but why do they go to it, you have to ask them “.

According to the interlocutor, if more time were given, the system would be more fluid: “I am convinced that the queues will ease. I myself have been through other branches of the Regitra a couple of weeks ago, these are not queues. A person calls us that 600 clients are waiting somewhere, but when they call the head of that branch, they reply that there are only 20 people waiting ”.

The interlocutor himself said that if he could, he would choose to provide online services instead of live queuing: There is a much bigger problem here … Of course, people cannot be blamed, everyone behaves as best they can. It seems “.

According to D. Prevelis, there was a long quarantine, so that people could not drive from one city to another: the car trade had stopped.

“It’s only natural that after the restrictions came in, people’s expectations started to be met. Anyone who couldn’t buy a vehicle during the quarantine is buying it now.

Another aspect is that there are more car purchases in May and June, so the queues can be longer. The new system lengthened the process a bit, but most people could do a lot without going to Regitra and generating the codes themselves for free, ”said Prevelis.

According to the former manager, there have been no changes for almost 30 years, so it was a long time before the new procedure was needed, but there was little time to prepare:

There really was a lot of work to be done, so most of the team worked hard and worked around the clock to get the system up and running on time. I can only thank the team, “opened D. Prevelis.

He mentioned that this law had been approved by the Seimas, so everyone who could comment: “Something was taken into account and something was not. That decision was really necessary, but it really is another matter here. “

For the news portal When asked if it was painful to leave work at the top of the system, the former CEO of the company replied that it might take some stress away, but the worst part was that the team was trying and there was a problem. demotivation after the statement: I have already started “.

According to the interlocutor, the new situation will now be handled by the new leaders without him.

Prevelis hasn’t had a vacation in a year and a half, so now she plans to rest. According to the interlocutor, the years have been difficult, so now we need to rest.

Will invite an interview

Algirdas Sysas, the eldest of the Seimas Social Democratic Party faction, for the news portal He said the faction had already discussed A.Bilotaitė’s decision and planned to invite her to perform “on the rise” soon. The interlocutor revealed that his colleague A. Bilotaitė asked about the problems of “Regitra”, but did not receive a clear answer.

According to the Social Democrat, the decision was reckless and the “easy hand” was said: “Perhaps the leader should resign.” A. Sysas thinks that the next step of A. Bilotaitė was not thought: “Now there are excuses that he stopped queuing more and more, therefore the problem is solved, but it does not solve it.”

“As a famous politician said, he lost the opportunity to remain silent. I understand that the head of“ Regitra ”is responsible for all the problems, but if a person adopts a law that he does not choose in all respects, it is no longer the fault of the head “Said A. Sysas.

The interviewee assured that there was a lot of “shadow” in this business, so the following things were already predicted: “Here the question of modeling arises. Perhaps it was necessary to start with old cars and register the new ones in the order above.

In that case, there would not be such long queues. All the “shadows” occur with resales and older cars. Here was the question of the choice of strategy. During the discussions at the Seimas, it was said that such consequences could be expected. “

According to the interlocutor, one of the purposes of the introduction of the SDK codes was that the transactions were not completely transparent and part of the taxes did not go to the State.

See no desire or effort

The committee led by Agnė Širinskienė, a member of the Lithuanian Green Union of Peasants (LVŽS), developed and calculated the timelines for the implementation of the Regitra system. According to the parliamentarian, the entry into force deadlines were calculated by the systems together with the representatives of Regitra. The terms were calculated by estimating the duration of the public procurement, etc.

“When the committee discussed a new accounting system for vehicle owners that issues a unique code, there was reluctance or reluctance on Regitra’s part to make that system available on time. I would be inclined to agree with A.Bilotaitė that it does not no effort was made to get the system up and running on time.

I was not surprised that there was no time to implement. Clearly, the ministry needed to start looking at how Regitrai was doing with that system earlier and not wait until the queues started. The reaction of the Ministry has been delayed a bit, because it was possible to anticipate events in advance, ”said A.Širinskienė.

According to the interlocutor, if something is found to be wrong and missing for several months of preparation, the ministries should closely monitor the situation and inform the Seimas in time, in which case the deadline is postponed by one, several months or even half. one year:. The Ministry, as I understand it, did not want to postpone the deadline. The system is important, so let’s hope those inconveniences are temporary. This system avoids money laundering, tax evasion, the “shadow”.

According to the interlocutor, the Regitra system is not something unique and unrepeatable. She believes that in this case, it was not estimated that some employees work remotely, so their training stalled: “It cannot be a reason, because knowing everything in advance can be planned. Even a pandemic was no longer news … ”.

A.Širinskienė believes that the capacity of employees who can manage the system should now be expanded.

“It is regrettable that the capacity of the system, the possibilities of implementation have not been calculated in time and that the Seimas has not been notified in time to postpone the entry into force of the law,” said A. Širinskienė.

A.Širinskienė does not believe that the whole system should be suspended now, because the deadline for the postponement has already passed and it would be legally difficult to suspend the law, so there should be a mobilization of Regitra employees now.

For the news portal When asked if it was really necessary to remove the head of the Regitra, he said: it should change. The public sector must not remain silent, hide and wait for the problem to persist ”.

New managers are starting to work

On Tuesday, Rytis Polikauskas, who has been the director of the other two branches of the company, Panevėžys and Alytus, will take over as director of the Regitra branch in Vilnius. From now on, your team will consist of more than 100 employees who provide services in 6 branches belonging to the branch.

Due to these changes, the Alytus branch of Regitra will be Gedeminas Andriukaitis, director of the Kaunas branch, will temporarily manage, and Vilmantas Ramonas, director of the Šiauliai branch, will temporarily manage the Panevėžys branch.
