Former Friends’ War Continues: Danielius Bunkus Claims Laurynas Suodaitis Complained to Police | Names


D. Bunkus shared this story with followers of his Instagram account on Friday, he said after receiving a call from the police that day.

“The phone is ringing this morning. It says: ‘Hello, a Kaišiadorys police investigator annoys you.” Introduced, I say what happened, I wonder, do I hear you? It says that Laurynas Suodaitis wrote a statement in which you threatened with dealing with it in the summer. I mean, seriously, well, what did he look like? He says you wrote that to him PennsylvaniaSaid Daniel.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Daniel Bunkus

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Daniel Bunkus

D. Bunkus did not deny that he used that word during the conversation with L. Suodaitis. However, he was surprised that Laurynas supported him as a threat, that everything was different.

“I mean, maybe I wrote like that in the summer, the devil knows. But you see, I think at that time I was referring to the anatomical part of the body of one of our common acquaintances, which is real and corresponds to the current situation and circumstances. That, I mean, apparently, that’s how I wrote that you … Pennsylvania“Said D. Bunkus.

The man added that when the investigator heard such an explanation, he laughed, but explained to Daniel that he would still have to go to the police.

“The investigator is calling, he says, I understand everything, but you have to come, write an explanation of what you wanted to say, because otherwise I cannot close the case. We will shoot this in Kaišiadorys, we will take three hours, we will write an explanation, we will close the case. We have something to do in Lithuania, fans. Clowns, ”the businessman told his followers.

Soon Daniel approached Laurynas and urged her to calm down and sleep in peace.

Photo by Razauskai Photography / Victoria Siegel, Danielius Bunkus, Laurynas Suodaitis, Victoria's best friend, Monika

Photo by Razauskai Photography / Victoria Siegel, Danielius Bunkus, Laurynas Suodaitis, Victoria’s best friend, Monika

15 minutes tried to contact D. Bunkum on Friday afternoon, but his phone was off.

Laurynas Suodasitis, mentioned in this story, managed to call. However, asked if he had actually written a statement and, if so, what specific threats he had in mind, he refrained from comment.

“I don’t want to have anything to do with Daniel Bunkum”, 15 minutes emphasized L. Suoditis.

Even after clarifying that D. Bunkus raised this story in public, he was surprised by the accusations, Laurynas did not want to express his arguments: “Daniel can do a lot, he is an adult, his business, and I do not communicate and I will not comment on anything.”
