Former Army Chief: “Who can deny that there are no specially trained terrorists among the refugees?”


Two current members of the Seimas discussed the current conversations on the daily portal the former Commander of the Armed Forces Arvydas Pocius and the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Audronius Ažubalis discussed possible provocations in the border area and possible threats in the face of an influx of illegal migration .

The wall must be built 24 hours a day without weekends.

To stop the influx of illegal immigrants on the border with Belarus, it is planned to install a double barrier: the construction of a Concertina barrier of sharp wire and a chain-link fence.

According to the proposal of the State Border Guard, it is planned to build a four-meter-high metal-reinforced wire fence with Y-shaped peaks on the 508-kilometer border section.

Concertina cutting wire would additionally be installed in them, according to SBGS’s calculation, the construction of said fence would cost about 152 million. euros. Lithuania has 670 km of borders with Belarus.

Lithuanian Army

A. Ažubalis supports the planned physical barrier project, only the politician admits that he is concerned about the publicly presented terms of construction of the fence – 1-2 years.

“Every day costs and will cost Lithuania. Every hybrid warrior that comes here illegally will cost us ten times more in the future. Not only their maintenance, repatriation and unpredictable actions, which are completely possible, ”said A. Ažubalis.

According to the politician, Lithuania should take the example of Hungary, which has built a 523-kilometer border in half a year.

“I have a job to cook 24 hours a day without weekends,” said A. Azubalis.

Audronius Ažubalis

Women with children can also be a threat

The politician assured that these are not ordinary refugees arriving en masse in Lithuania, but, in the words of A. Azubalis, people recruited by Belarus.

“Teach what to speak, what to say, lose, lose or hide documents, how to follow during interviews. Then it becomes clear whether we are accepting this challenge and trying to meet it, or whether we are following a path that has not worked in Western Europe, ”said A. Ažubalis.

Migrant protest at the Rūdninkai landfill

Although human rights defenders and non-governmental organizations often question the situation of the most vulnerable groups – women and children – in migrant camps or in the context of the migration crisis in general, A. Azubalis suggests that these groups are also closely monitored.

“Everyone understands that international law often fails to keep up with the ingenuity of the organizers of hybrid wars. <...> It makes me smile especially when they say that there are minors and there are women.

If someone remembers Afghanistan, if someone remembers Iraq, I will not go on talking about who was involved and who was in the terrorist attacks. Here, too, we must look at the situation not with closed eyes, but with eyes wide open, ”said A. Ažubalis.

Migrants in Lithuania

According to the member of the Seimas, it is necessary to take seriously the situation that the illegitimate president of Belarus, Aliaksandr Lukashenko, will not stop.

“He will continue to look for ways to provoke Lithuania. He promised soldiers of Allah, he promised radioactive materials, he promised drugs.

That is why I am against half measures. If we are challenged, we must respond appropriately rather than wait. <...> When it comes to dictators and aggressors, we have to be tough, direct, brilliant and very clear, and not wait for something, “said the parliamentarian.

A. Lukašenka

Azubalis: these are faceless people, we do not know their past

“And who can guarantee that this dictator thinks soberly? Therefore, I would not rule out even the most unpleasant possibility. I don’t want to start an intimidation scenario here, but the army, the SBGS, the relevant structures are well aware of how confusion can be caused.

Not just through threats, but through practical actions. The more so since at least a hundred of these illegal recruits come from Russia. How much do we know who came from ISIS, somewhere else? If 80 percent. They are undocumented, that is, people without a face. We don’t know who they are. We do not know his past. Nor do we know their intentions, “reasoned A. Ažubalis.

He did not rule out the possibility that a real threat could arise both in the border sections and in the migrant camps themselves, which are established in different districts of Lithuania.

There may be specially trained terrorists among the refugees.

“As a former soldier, I will tell you that if we organize some exercises, we evaluate various scenarios all the time, sometimes others seem to be the most stupid, but according to conspiracy theories different things can happen,” said the former commander of the Seimas, acting A. Pocius.

Arvydas pocius

He suggested looking at the stories of past terrorist acts.

“When the suicides didn’t reach certain crowded areas, what happened? An ingenious way was found to rob a truck and drive it with a crowd of people. There are not only forms, as we know, of the same terrorist acts in the United States, where planes are hijacked and turned into a huge fuel bomb, “said A. Pocius.

“All these facts must be taken seriously and analyzed. In this situation, <...> Who can deny that there are no specially trained terrorists among the refugees who may be waiting for political asylum here, but when the X hour comes, they will carry out a terrorist act in Lithuania. No one can deny this, “added the politician.

Migrants in Lithuania

According to A. Pocius, there can be no relaxation in this situation, so both the border guards and the Department of State Security must work at full capacity, analyze these types of situations and do everything possible to identify these people and prevent possible terrorist scenarios.

He said what Lithuania would do if Belarusians started shooting at migrants

However, provocations can also be avoided in the border sections. Additional forces of Belarusian officials are reported to be gathering at the Lithuanian border, and large groups of illegal immigrants are also gathering here.

Pocius presented possible scenarios of what would happen if Belarusian officials used armed force: they fired into the air, they started shooting at migrants, they fired at the Lithuanian side.

“If the shooting is directed towards the territory of Lithuania, there is no doubt that there is a possibility of retaliation at the same time.

But if on the other side they start shooting at migrants. Here is a completely different situation. Here, from a humanistic point of view, we need to see that in that case those people should probably be allowed into our territory and detained in a certain territory and see who they are.

There is already an improvisation and an assessment of the situation according to the circumstances ”, said A. Pocius.

Detention of migrants at the border (Photo by Ieva Budzeikaitė / Lithuanian Armed Forces)

The police have launched an investigation into the threat of a terrorist act

The first provocations are already taking place in Lithuania. On Thursday, it was reported that the police had launched a pre-trial investigation into the threat to commit a terrorist crime at 12 facilities in Vilnius.

The investigation began when a Vilnius-based company announced on Wednesday that it would be the same day at 12:32 pm it received an email threatening to commit a terrorist crime.

The objects mentioned in the letter are shopping, entertainment and business centers.

No suspicious people were seen during the inspection, no suspicious items were found, the Police Department said Thursday.

The portal announces that it has received a letter in English threatening explosions and revenge for the “Muslim brothers” in Lithuania.

The letter also provides a list of allegedly mined sites: supermarkets, business centers.

The list includes the addresses of the Vilnius City Civil Registration Department, the Migration Department and other addresses, a total of 12 objects.

Anušauskas: the threat of terrorism remains low, migrants are constantly monitored

After the police launched an investigation into threats to commit a terrorist crime at the Vilnius facility, the Minister of National Defense claims that the threat of terrorism remains low.

According to Arvydas Anušauskas, illegal immigrants are constantly screened for possible connections to illegal organizations.

“Intelligence institutions, first of all the Department of State Security (SSD) evaluate this information, evaluate the reality of the threats. As you know, the threat of terrorism is now assessed as low and that assessment has not changed, ”A. Anušauskas told LRT radio on Thursday.

Arvydas Anušauskas

“Disinformation, deception and intimidation are also very strong in this area, basically people and officials of our country are being intimidated so that they do not fulfill their functions,” added the minister.

He could not specify who the authors of these threats are, but he hopes that the relevant services will evaluate and provide the information. According to the minister, the investigation of the illegal immigrants who have now arrived in Lithuania is ongoing.

“That evaluation and search in the flow of people who are already in Lithuania, who are evaluating whether they may be related to some illegal terrorist organization, ISIS; those evaluations are ongoing, interviews are being conducted and suspicious people are being searched,” said A Anušauskas .

You can find the complete program of the “Section of the day”, in which A. Pocius and A. Ažubalis discussed the possibility of introducing a state of emergency, the construction of a fence on the border and other means by which Lithuania can fight . the flow of illegal migration, at the beginning of the text.
