forget these rules – the thanksgiving corps


Restrict carbohydrates, encourage the consumption of as little fat as possible, adhere to intermittent fasting – at least once a decade, a diet appears that tries to change our perception of a healthy lifestyle.

Research is ongoing, there is a heated debate among health and nutrition professionals, and one truth is yet to be discovered because there is no such thing as a miracle diet.

The pyramid of proper nutrition has been known for a relatively long time. It is based on an active lifestyle and a sufficient amount of fluids, preferably water.

Then there are the cereal products, fruits and vegetables, then fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, healthy vegetable oil and, on top, some flaws and sins: animal fats and sweets.

However, not everyone can follow healthy eating guidelines. You have to look for diets that help you get rid of unplanned weight gain.

Of course, you want to get the result as soon as possible, which is why phrases like “effective diet” or “how to lose weight quickly” often appear in the internet search box. And the almighty internet really has something to offer, just a healthy diet and wellness usually has nothing to do with it.

Less fat

In the 6th century. In the 1990s, American stores were flooded with processed and semi-finished products. The weight of the population began to increase, the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases increased. Scientists, nutritionists and health professionals were quick to analyze the change in diet and developed two main theories: one blamed refined products and sugar for everything, and the other fat.

Ancel Keys, representing the second field, said that the greatest evil was animal fat. He developed a diet-heart hypothesis based on the idea of ​​reducing dietary fat.

The heartbeat of the president of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower, probably contributed to the popularization of such a diet: the message intensified loudly in society, and presidential physician Paul Dudley White tended to believe the research and the hypothesis. by Ancel Keys.

The presidential doctor says, is that true? Apparently the public turned out to be. Thus, a fat-restricted diet became perhaps the first (at least best known) that everyone began to follow en masse. In this way, eggs and butter became wicked and cereals were a true panacea.

And yet, not everything is as beautiful as it seems. It turned out that the research conducted by Ancel Keys was not completely transparent: the facts that undermined the validity of his theory were simply ignored by the scientist.

For example, France, whose population was considered one of the healthiest nations in the world at the time, was removed from the list of countries studied, although its diet was not devoid of fatty liver pate, butter, or creamy sauces.

The benefits and harms of fat have been much debated to this day. According to current theory, fat is necessary for the human body, simply not in quantity or quantity.

Fats are made up of fatty acids, which are divided into three main types: saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated.

Polyunsaturated acids, omega-3 and omega-6 – are irreplaceable, because the body cannot produce them, we must obtain the required amount from food.

So-called saturated fats should be avoided, as saturated fatty acids increase blood cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol begins to accumulate on the walls of the blood vessels, leading to the development of atherosclerosis, which can lead to ischemic heart disease, stroke, and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. High in saturated fatty acids found in fatty meats and dairy products, some oils.

The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 are useful and even necessary for the vital activity of the organism.

To get more good fats, include more fish and shellfish in your diet. The main sources of Omega-3 are fish and especially fatty foods such as tuna, mackerel, cod, anchovies, salmon,

Nutritionists point out that the body needs omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, but we generally consume much more of the latter.

The main reason for this imbalance is the high consumption of vegetable oils and the low consumption of fish in the diet. The balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids should be 1: 1 or 2: 1, so we must increase omega-3 and decrease omega-6.

Choose olives instead of sunflower or rapeseed oil, and eat fatty seafood at least twice a week. Salmon (especially wild), mackerel, anchovies, and herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Carb free

Even those who don’t know anything about dieting have probably heard of the Atkins diet. Interestingly, Robert Atkins, considered the pioneer of this diet, was not a nutritionist at all, but a cardiologist. The nutritional system he developed did not limit the amount of protein and fat, but rather encouraged the reduction of carbohydrates to a minimum.

Atkins allowed his patients to eat eggs, fatty meat or cheese because he was sure that the food that humanity had been consuming for centuries could not be bad.

Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, published by Atkins in 1972, was truly revolutionary and made it to the most popular book lists.

The problem is that Atkins was not a scientist and did not base his diet on research but on patient feedback. And the scientific community has spared no criticism and has argued that animal fats are deadly to health.

The Atkins diet, which has not lost its popularity to this day, is in no way compatible with modern dietary recommendations that encourage the consumption of sufficient grains, vegetables, and fruits. After all, it is nothing but carbohydrates that provide the body with energy.

If a person does not move, does not exercise, lives passively, giving up carbohydrates will certainly make you lose weight, but restricting the consumption of any group of nutrients is not good for health. Therefore, the most important thing is to move and balance the diet properly.

More protein

If fats and carbohydrates are bad, then only protein remains; Such a theory was proposed by Pierre Ducan, who gave birth to the popular Ducan protein diet.

Nobody disputes: if we ate only protein, we would probably lose weight, but healthy nutritionists would certainly not agree with such dietary principles, because proteins alone cannot be a living organism, they also need both carbohydrates and fats.

The recommended protein level for adults in the World Health Organization is 0.8 g. per kilogram of body weight.

Higher amounts are required for children (whose bodies are still growing and maturing), women who breastfeed (due to milk production), and people with certain illnesses or injuries (for example, burns).

Excess protein intake increases the risk of kidney disease. If you eat too little protein with food, your immunity is weakened, your hormonal balance and tissue synthesis are disrupted. Therefore, the extremes should not be attacked.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 1: 1: 4. This means that half of the food plate should be allocated to carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, fruits) and the rest to proteins and fats.

Both are present in fish products: the fatter the fish, the fatter and leaner the protein. Nutritionists recommend eating fish and shellfish at least twice a week.

Maybe not eat?

The advantages and disadvantages of fasting have been discussed for a long time, but in the latter, very often, because those who experiment with the diet have been overwhelmed by the fad for periodic fasting or otherwise, interval meals.

This method of slimming and cleansing is not new. In ancient times, people did not have the opportunity to eat regularly every few hours.

Sometimes days go from meal to meal, which means that without food we can survive for a relatively long time. Also, fasting is observed in almost all cultures: food is restricted during certain periods.

Intermittent fasting methodologies are diverse. One of the simplest and most popular is to follow the 16: 8 rule, that is, abstain from eating for 16 hours and eat for the other eight hours.

There are no strict limits on what and how much to eat, but you are unlikely to lose weight if you break everything you have on hand within 8 hours of eating.

You will still have to count the kilocalories, because all diets have the same principle: if you want to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you get from food.

Although this theory of nutrition has more supporters than opponents lately, no matter how lauded it is, intermittent fasting is far from appropriate for everyone.

In this case, the most important thing is to listen to your body: dizziness, nausea, lack of energy or general weakness of the body indicate that this method of nutrition is not suitable for you.

What is really effective?

It is probably impossible to give a correct answer to this question, because what is now considered a panacea can make you smile a decade later.

And yet some wellness rules are probably undeniable: drink enough water every day, live actively, and feel moderate in everything.
