For thousands of people, the last day to choose an electricity supplier: what you need to know Business


The state-owned company Ignitis now supplies electricity to all domestic consumers, but after amendments to the law come into force in June, which will gradually abandon price regulation in the electricity retail market in Lithuania by 2023, domestic consumers will have to choose independent electricity providers.

By December 10 of this year, or this Thursday, the supplier must be selected by the population that consumes 5000 kWh and more per year of electricity. This category of people primarily includes owners of larger private homes that also light patios or garages.

This is the so-called first stage of the liberalization of the electricity market.

VIDEO: The obligation to choose an electricity supplier is used not only by residents, but also by scammers.

Unable to choose a supplier, consumers will have to pay a quarter more for electricity starting in January. Said guaranteed supply service will be provided by the Energy Distribution Operator (ESO).

A third need to hurry

According to data from the State Energy Regulatory Council, more than a third have not yet selected a supplier, a total of almost 36 thousand. – consumers in the first stage.

More than 62 thousand. Consumers have already chosen a supplier from seven companies that compete in a liberalized electricity market for the attention of the consumer.

These are the Lithuanian capital Ignitis, Inregnum, Perlas Energija, EGTO energija, Birštono elektra, the subsidiary of the Latvian state energy company Elektrum Lietuva and the Estonian subsidiary Enefit.

The absolute majority of first-stage consumers who have already chosen a supplier intend to continue to buy electricity from Ignitis and quite often also chose the services of Elektrum Lietuva and Enefit.

How to choose?

When choosing a supplier, experts advise paying attention to consumption habits and volumes first, and trying to find more pronounced price differences between suppliers for a particular consumer.

It should also be evaluated whether it will be convenient to pay for services through the payment platform offered by the provider, as well as whether the provider itself is reliable.

Here you can find out how to compare offers from different providers.

In the event of a change of supplier, the declaration and payment of the data of electricity consumed will remain practically unchanged. This will be possible using the provider’s self-service system, if it has one, at ESO’s self-service or at physical service points.

When residents choose a new provider, it will not be necessary to update the electricity meter or start recording from scratch.

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Plug

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Plug

Users will also not need to install any additional equipment or bring cables.

When choosing a provider, overpayments, debts, or other responsibilities will need to be settled with the provider first.

Next steps

At the end of the first phase of liberalization of the electricity market, there will be two more.

By December 10, 2022, this will need to be done for consumers consuming between 1,000 and 5,000 kWh of electricity. Families living in larger apartments are already eligible for this category.

By December 2023, all remaining household consumers will have to choose a provider.

Regardless of the deadlines, the provider can already be chosen by whoever wants. Almost 82,000 have already done so. participants in the second and third stages.

Unlike the first-stage consumers, the rest mostly chose Perlas Energija’s services, but Ignitis was not far behind.

The liberalization of the electricity market is aimed at competition between suppliers, which is expected to improve the price and quality of the services provided.
