For the well-known chef – employee allegations: he was not officially employed, it is difficult to get his salary back


One of them was officially employed by R. Bolgov in the small community “Taste of Travel” and submitted a statement from Sodra to prove it. The other two worked without a contract, but demonstrated their employment relationship by corresponding with R. Bolgov asking for money.

R. Bolgov himself denied all this in an interview with Delfi. Initially he claimed that he had no employees at all, then recalled that he did. We featured the entire conversation, which lasted almost 7 minutes, in the last part of the post. Unfortunately, after the question about the debts, R. Bolgov hung up.

By the way, after Delfi’s call, R. Bolgov paid off with a girl officially employed. The names of the girls who worked for R. Bolgov were changed at his request.

“Deceive employees”

“He’s cheating all the employees,” Karolina started her conversation with Delfi (name changed).

She said that in November, when the second quarantine began, the formerly known R. Bolgov invited her to work on her own.

“They said they still don’t work, well I think. Reported weekly. It didn’t work for me for a month and a half. I wasn’t alone, other people came, they all worked for two or three weeks. Then they said they were no longer needed and accepted others not to have to pay. He is in debt to everyone, “he said.

According to Sodra, on March 1, MB Skonio Reisid had 4 employees and a debt of 3,950 euros with the budget of the State Social Security Fund.

Carolina, 29, taught that she had claimed her 200 euros several times after leaving work.

In the correspondence sent by Delfi from January 8 to February 22, R. Bolgov finds new reasons why he cannot pay. Sodra deducts all the money from him and then the bank locks the account. Finally, Carolina herself was blocked in the correspondence device.

Carolina claimed that Bolgov owes more than just her.

For her part, the head of the G9 administration, Vilija Duobaitė, did not comment on relations with R. Bolgov.

“The G9 shopping center values ​​cooperation with all tenants in the center and will not comment publicly on the contractual terms and / or the performance of individual tenants,” he said.

For the well-known chef - employee allegations: he was not officially employed, it is difficult to get his salary back

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

For its part, the Delfi State Food and Veterinary Service reported that R. Bolgov’s restaurant was inspected for the last time in October 2020.

“In October 2020, the Vilnius Department of the State Food and Veterinary Service carried out an inspection of the economic entity mentioned by you, carrying out the control of food entities. During the inspection, violations of the traceability, safety and storage conditions of raw materials were identified, which were ordered to be eliminated, ”the service said.

Transferred after call

Ana, 27 (name changed), unlike Carolina Taste Travel, worked under contract.

“I worked at the end of November – beginning of December. Agree on 4 or 5 euros an hour,” he recalled.

The girl then went on leave without pay, but also did not receive her 230 euros from Mr. Bolgov for several months.

“I sent in a sweepstakes box on Friday to get married, but again, nothing. I don’t know … One was sent to be rejected, now the other was sent. Cut to the top where it should be “approved,” Anna said.

She told Delfi that she planned to correspond with R. Bolgov for a few more days and then submit an application to Sodra or the State Labor Inspectorate. But that was not necessary.

“I received money last night, he probably didn’t lie for the last time,” the girl said the day after Delfi’s interview with Bolgov.

I wrote almost every day

The third girl, Isabel (name changed), had already received almost 400 euros from Ms Bolgov during the interview. He thinks only because he wrote to her almost every day.

“It just came to our attention then. I only worked for him for a month, but it took him two months to pay me,” said Isabel, 31, of Delphi.

She was not a signatory to the contract. “It just came to our notice then. By agreement,” he explained.

In a correspondence sent by Isabella, which lasted from January 7 to February 1, she asks seven times about the money.

“When to expect the money?” He asked Bolgov.

“What are the scandals now?”

Here’s a full Delfi interview with R. Bolgov, 44.

– Several of your former employees have applied to the newsroom; they complain that he does not pay them a salary.

– The fact that I have no employees.

– Don’t you have it at all?

– Not you.

– According to Sodra, MB Skonio Reisid has 4 employees and one interviewee said that he worked for you without a contract.

– I’m hearing this for the first time. Now I have everyone down officially.

– And you are not working today (March 1)?

– What?

– You are going to work today?

– I work for myself. Of course.

– One?

– Of course.

Ruslan Bolgov

Ruslan Bolgov

© Photo from personal archive

– Okay, what about those employees? One is called Carolina, the other is Anna (names change), who says that you owe her 230 euros.

– I don’t understand much, I really don’t understand much. Ana is on vacation. And for all the past you pay. Don’t you understand where the information comes from? You’ve probably mixed something up.

– Your Ruslanu Bolgovu kalbu?

– Yes, with Ruslan Bolgov. Ana formalized with me, but now she is on vacation voluntarily because she cannot take time off because she was a new employee.

“She said you sent her something on Friday.” chest of drawersthat you tried to transfer money but somehow failed.

– Who tells you so much nonsense? Check if Ana is really calling here, how can you believe? Perhaps it is not clear here what kind of person is called? He said I’m so-and-so, this and that I owe him. Verify the information that Ana is really calling you, not a scammer. Can you guarantee that Ana called here?

– Yes.

– Do you guarantee 100% that Anna called?

– Yes, I guarantee it.

– How can you guarantee it if you haven’t seen a person?

– I trust the person.

“You cannot imagine the scandals that are happening now.” You’re calling now, how do I know it’s really from Delphi?

– Everyone says it when you no longer have anything to answer.

– Not everyone says so.

– Have you really had employees in your life who would work without a contract?

– No, not really. Who would need those contracts if you had a 25-square-foot bistro? Why do I need non-contract employees? One about downtime is, a chef, Victoria, is in the newsletter, and Catherine, about downtime. Who do I need 25 square meters? m kiosk so many employees?

– Officially there are 4 employees, you listed three, what else?

– I!

– You cannot be an employee of a small community, you are the owner.

– But I work on my own, you can come every day to see me at 8 pm in the morning.

– You are the founder of a small community and you cannot be an employee of it.

– Do you know who I am by profession?

– What?

– I’m the chef.

– And who is the owner?

– I am the owner. Why can’t the owner work?

– Maybe, but you are not registered as an employee at Sodra.

– It is, but can I work?

– But the Sodra data shows that there are four employees.

– Yours, one is Natalia, but she does administrative work, working only a quarter of the time. There is Catherine, who is in free time, it is (vaguely speaking – “Delphi”), who is now in the newsletter, it is Anna, who is now on vacation. She couldn’t call you in any way, we recently kept in touch with her to come to work from April.

– Or Carolina? (name changed)

– What is Carolina?

– Also your former employee.

– He didn’t really have a Carolina employee. You are wrong about something.

– And you didn’t have an employee of Isabella (name change)?

– No, I didn’t have Isabella either.

– Why do those girls say it worked for you?

– Ask them.

Ruslan Bolgov

Ruslan Bolgov

© Photo of the organizers

– Trying to fool someone here?

– I think I’m really trying to cheat.

– And for what purpose?

– I get all kinds of calls.

– Who else is calling?

– I really do not understand. Shall I tell you the whole list?

– You can give an example.

– Here’s my personal life. I don’t know you, I don’t understand who’s calling here. Maybe you are a scammer too.

– What would I like from you?

– What I know.

– You said you were working today.

– Yes.

– How is business now?

– What’s your business?

– It’s interesting anyway.

– And I’m not interested, I may not answer your questions. I don’t know you, I can tell my friends, my loved ones and I don’t know you. I do not know who you are

– Okay, and you still have no debts?

– Which is the?! (hanging)

According to data from the Registry of Legal Persons, in 2019 MB Skonio Reisid received 60.6 thousand. 12.2 thousand euros. EUR net profit.

RB Kitchen prepares takeout food during quarantine.

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