For the people of Alytus who founded the spooky hotel, a painful blow to their fate: they lost their homes and properties.


The tattoo artist Evaldas Kazlauskas, interviewed some time ago by the news portal, did not hide his joy. This year he finally managed to realize his dream and establish the most regal horror hotel in the Alytus district.

(11 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. The Alytus couple’s house caught fire with lightning speed

And although life seemed to smile with success, on October 26, Evaldas and his wife and their son, just two years old, suffered a painful misfortune: a fire broke out in the family home.

There was no home

According to E. Kazlauskas himself, the fire in the residential house occurred around 4 in the afternoon. days. He himself had just gone out to buy various tools for his new business.

“Since I had to buy more building materials for the horror hotel, because we are still improving it, I decided to go to the building materials store. Soon I got a call that the house was on fire. At first I didn’t understand, I got lost and then I flew home as soon as I could, ”recalls the man of the fateful moment.

The son slept on the second floor

Evaldas says that when he got to the house, the fire had already spread considerably. But the greatest joy for the man was seeing a seventeen-year-old nephew in the yard holding Evaldas’s son, almost two years old, in his arms. After all, it was a two-year-old who slept in this house.

“Our baby slept on the second floor, where the whole fireplace was. He had just been taken care of by my seventeen-year-old nephew, who was not confused, went up to the second floor, took the child and fled the house.

When he was driving, there were still cats in the house. I put on a reusable mask that I always wear because of the coronavirus and ran home to look for animals. We couldn’t find it, but we did find them under the couch after all. We all stayed healthy and alive after the fire, ”says the interlocutor.

Evaldas says that he, his wife, and their son have lived in this house for the past two years, adding: “My wife and I work, we work, we buy a house and be… We are left with nothing. Thank God it’s healthy at least, “he sighs.

The horror hotel owners were in trouble

The reason is possibly a sauna fireplace.

It turns out that the entire fire in the house possibly originated in the sauna fireplace. The interlocutor himself explains that the sauna in his house was not fully equipped, there were also benches. However, the family continued to heat the sauna all the time to heat the entire first floor of the house:

“It just came to our knowledge then. Interestingly, there was no fire or smoke. The oven went out, there were no embers, nothing, how it was lit, we can’t imagine.

After all, experts said that possibly someone in the fireplace caught fire and slid onto the ceiling. Then everything and burned, all things either burned or merged with the water after the fire. It may not be that scary in photos, but when it is broadcast live, it looks tragic. “

Stayed with his sister

So far, the family has stayed with Evaldas’ sister. Until the documents are fully resolved, the couple will also not be able to begin to sort out a burned house. So there is nowhere to put things, so financial support would be more helpful to the family.

The man himself does not deny that he is unwilling to seek help from others, but no one can foresee such a great family tragedy.

“I’m a pretty shy person, but my friend, also a tattoo artist, called me after the fire,” says Evaldas, send the accessories, the photos and tell me what it was. I sent him everything and I see that he has already posted a record with the request for help on the Internet ”, the man smiles.

The horror hotel owners were in trouble

Elder: The family was in a great mess.

When the news portal contacted Gintautas Laukaitis, the old man from the Punia settlement in the Alytus district, he assured that the family is socially organized and that the fire destroyed all the property.

“People have been very affected by the fire. When you arrive at the house, it seems that there is nothing, only the roof is burned, but when you enter, you see that everything in the house was burned, smoked or already it was not used. Walls, ceilings, floors, electrical appliances: everything is damaged. It was a great disaster for this family, “confirms the oldest.

You can also help a young family in distress by: Recipient: Ugnė Matulenaitė Kazlauskė, Bank account: LT58730001012775451, purpose: post fire assistance.

You can find a previously written article about a unique horror hotel in the Alytus district founded by a couple here.
