For the first time in Lithuania, a delta strain of coronavirus has been identified


In Lithuania, sequencing studies have revealed the first case of a Delta coronavirus strain, also known as an “Indian” infection. This is an import case: a person came to Klaipeda from Uzbekistan, the coronavirus infection (COVID-19 disease) was confirmed after a preventive examination and in isolation.

“We have the whole chain of a person’s arrival in Lithuania, we know where and how they were isolated. We are currently cooperating intensively with the management of the company where the person came to work, ”says Raimundas Grigaliūnas, Director of the NVSC Klaipėda Department.

Following an assessment of the situation in other countries regarding the spread of the Delta strain, it was decided to take additional precautionary measures: COVID-19. People sitting next to the person on the plane are also being identified and will be recommended to get tested for COVID-19.

A person for whom the Delta variety has been approved arrived in Vilnius by plane on May 31. and immediately traveled to Klaipeda, where he was isolated. COVID-19 was confirmed on June 2. During the preventive tests, the person did not experience any characteristic symptoms of the infection as determined by the epidemiological diagnosis.

According to Giedrė Aleksienė, head of NVSC’s Communicable Disease Management Division, serving as director, currently, to minimize risks, special attention is paid to imported COVID-19 cases.

“We understand that the whole world is gradually opening up, so we cannot protect ourselves from varieties that come from abroad. However, by paying special attention, we can prevent them from spreading indoors.

As a result, all cases in which the infection is confirmed in a person who has returned or arrived from abroad, receive special attention from specialists, all samples are sent for sequencing, ”says G. Aleksienė.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified the Delta strain, which was first detected in India in October, as a strain of concern.

NVSC specialists recall that mass vaccination is carried out in Lithuania, therefore all persons over 16 years of age are encouraged to register for vaccination online at or, if it is not possible to do so, call the hotline number 1808 In addition, with the permission of the European Medicines Agency “Coronavirus vaccine to be administered to people aged 12 to 15 years, the vaccination of this age group started on Monday also in Lithuania. Parents (adoptive parents), guardians or caregivers can register children for vaccination.

The British extended the quarantine for the Delta variety

Earlier this week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Monday that the full lifting of coronavirus restrictions in England was postponed for four weeks as the number of cases of the Delta strain increased in the country.

“By July 19, we will vaccinate two-thirds of the adult population in two doses, including all people over 50, all vulnerable people, all [kovos su COVID-19] social and health workers on the lines and everyone over 40 who received the first dose in mid-May, ”Johnson said, citing British media.

“Based on the evidence I see now, I am convinced that we won’t need more than four weeks and we won’t need [tęsti apribojimų] after July 19, ”Johnson said at a news conference.

Previously, restrictions in England due to the pandemic were planned to be lifted on June 21.
