For non-vaccinators – Exemption form: Lithuanian employers would support this procedure


On Monday, the Latvian Cabinet of Ministers approved that sanctions could be imposed on employees who have not been vaccinated or who have not had COVID-19 and who perform contact work or other work functions at risk of infecting others for years.

It is suggested that such workers may be removed, reassigned, or even fired.

Additionally, unvaccinated individuals will only be able to use contact services when they cannot be provided remotely.

The Latvian Ministry of Justice together with the Ministries of Health, Welfare, Economy and Finance should prepare such amendments to the legislation before July 14. According to a statement from the Latvian government, they are scheduled to come into force on September 15.

It is explained that the changes are necessary for Latvian society to have access to epidemiologically safe contact services.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė discussed at a press conference on Wednesday that Latvian colleagues are likely to be forced to make such a decision by a slightly worse situation when it comes to vaccinating the population.

On the other hand, he emphasizes, the vaccination rhythm has also stopped significantly in Lithuania, which is not a good sign to avoid another quarantine, says I. Šimonytė.

“In Latvia, the percentage of people who have been vaccinated with at least one or two vaccines is more than 10 percentage points lower than in Lithuania. That difference has been from the beginning and is quite significant,” said I. Šimonytė a journalists after the government meeting on Wednesday.

“I would like to once again appeal to the people of Lithuania and urge me to take the opportunity to get vaccinated. I am very sorry, but I think we will have reason to say that the improvement of the situation has stopped,” said the Prime Minister, type “Elta”.

Ingrida Šimonytė

Ingrida Šimonytė

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Commenting on the decision made by the Latvian government, I. Šimonytė reported that the Cabinet of Ministers headed by her would propose to expand the list of professions, which must be evaluated periodically.

“The government will propose a list of professions that undergo mandatory testing on a regular basis, because only by maintaining a high level of testing will we be able to detect these trends early enough so that they are not the same as last year, when the number of cases dropped dramatically and then increased dramatically, “said I. Šimonytė.

“Mandatory testing under the current Communicable Disease Law could be a solution at first. But they would not want to go to any other solution,” the prime minister added.

Warns of a negative reaction

Inga Ruginienė, President of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation, commented that with the planned procedure, the Latvian authorities would in principle introduce compulsory vaccination.

“From the public space, we see the annoyance of the population by vaccines. I think today we have to do everything possible to convince people of the benefits of vaccines, and any mandatory regulation, mandatory vaccination of workers, will provoke what I think will be a negative reaction, “he told Delfi.

According to I. Ruginienė, the Latvian order will only further oppose society and encourage the rejection of vaccines.

“Now we should focus on convincing employees that this is important not only for their health, but also for those around them, the family members. We see new varieties emerge. So there is no other way than testing and vaccination. “, He said.

It is estimated that in Latvia around 30% have received at least one dose. population, and 35% were fully vaccinated. For comparison, in Lithuania, 45% received at least one dose and 39% received a complete vaccination. population.

Inga Ruginienė

Inga Ruginienė

© DELFI / Šarūnas Mažeika

“Anything mandatory turns into a fiasco,” said I. Ruginienė. – For example, as was the case with tests in schools. Attempts have been made to make testing mandatory, which immediately provokes a negative reaction in society. Such things should be avoided.

However, it is very difficult to say about appropriate measures. After all, even if they are vaccinated, they can transmit the virus, but they can still get sick and infected. One should see which solutions would bring the most benefits. To this day, the decision to get vaccinated will be very beneficial. Perhaps more rational incentives: lotteries, interpretation of the virus, but in no way should coercion be used here.

We have been living with the virus for a year and a half and we have seen that any violence provokes a negative reaction. He is in the part of society that does not want to be vaccinated ”, warned the interlocutor.

Encourages on the obligation to prove

E. Šiškauskienė told Delfi that a week ago he presented a written position to the Government to approve a procedure similar to that of Latvia. “Just maybe without a drastic layoff,” he added.

Another option, according to E. Šiškauskienė, could be to carry out compulsory tests for those working in the service sector.

“It just came to our notice then. You don’t need to put the whims on the shoulders of the taxpayers. So let’s do a test every day, give it to the managers,” he said.

Lithuanian chief epidemiologist Loreta Ašoklienė announced the obligation to carry out the test on Wednesday.

As indicated in the relevant government draft resolution, it is proposed to include international freight transport, public transport and passenger transport, leisure activities in the list of jobs and activities that allow workers to periodically undergo Screening tests for communicable diseases for which a state has declared an emergency or quarantine. or the provision of entertainment services, catering services, retail workers and public administration activities.

Currently, the activities of personal health institutions, social and educational services, children’s camps and pharmacies are already on the list.

“The arguments are simple, due to the spread of the delta variety. We see that it is the unvaccinated people who are sick, and our goal is to strengthen monitoring, supervision so that cases can be clarified and managed as quickly as possible , simply to strengthen monitoring due to the spread of new and dangerous cases, ”L. Ašoklienė told BNS.

Evalda Šiškauskienė

Evalda Šiškauskienė

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

For his part, E. Šiškauskienė wonders why the Government has not recently adopted additional measures to promote vaccination.

“There are all kinds of ways, for example, like Germany has done: you can’t go anywhere, you only buy food if you’re not vaccinated. You can’t use any services. It’s a human choice. There is no need to forgive, humiliate, translate. But then you can’t use anything or restaurants, just grocery stores. Such a fancy solution, “he said.

The president of the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Lithuania explained that companies that did not want to be vaccinated could close or go bankrupt.

“I don’t know if they will take responsibility. After all, they not only harm themselves (as with smoking), but the entire state, the economy. So you should offer something in return. Now continue to infect everyone and what What can others do? Wait for them to change their mind?

Clearly, there are world-renowned marketing companies that can make an argument. It is strange that the government does not allocate funds for this, “said E. Šiškauskienė.

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