For non-consecutive vaccinations, the STT will conduct an anti-corruption evaluation, apply to the Attorney General’s Office, and SAM will also conduct an investigation.


The Special Investigation Service (STT) will carry out an anti-corruption assessment of the COVID-19 vaccination organization, BNS spokeswoman Renata Keblien reported.

“The STT has publicly assessed COVID-19 vaccination cases in non-priority potentially vaccinated individuals as a risk of corruption, and has decided to conduct an anti-corruption assessment of the COVID-19 vaccination organization,” said a spokeswoman for STT.

The Office intends to assess the risk of corruption when compiling priority vaccination lists; how lists are updated when people on them refuse to be vaccinated; how vaccinated people are registered; if the people actually vaccinated belong to the priority vaccination groups established and published by the SAM.

On Saturday, conservative Seimas member Laurynas Kasčiūnas announced on Facebook that he had spoken with the head of the STT.

“The State must already take stricter measures, because calls to act responsibly, to adhere to the principles of law and humanity do not work. We keep hearing more and more cases.

Therefore, I just spoke with the Director of the Special Investigation Service, Žydrūnas Bartkus, and asked the STT to take legal action regarding the abuse of the COVID-19 vaccine. The law enforcement institutions must use their instruments so that the people involved in this abuse no longer feel unpunished, ”wrote L. Kasčiūnas.

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Laurynas Kasčiūnas

Photo by Lukas Balandis / 15min / Laurynas Kasčiūnas

Appointed Attorney General

Meanwhile, conservatives Andrius Vyšniauskas, Jurgita Sejonienė and Paulė Kuzmickienė appealed to the Attorney General’s Office to launch a pre-trial investigation into various cases published in the media.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Andrius Vyšniauskas

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Andrius Vyšniauskas

15 minutes On Saturday, Ričardas Ūselis, director of the Ambulansas company, who has no medical training and operates a private ambulance station in Šilalė, and his relatives, who came from Vilnius, wrote a vaccine for COVID-19 doctors in Šilalė on Thursday . Read more about it HERE.

A couple of days ago, BNS reported that several professors from the Vilnius University Dental Institute who did not have employment contracts with this medical institution had been vaccinated against COVID-19 at the Žalgiris Clinic of the Vilnius University Hospital.

According to BNS, among those vaccinated are Laura Linkevičienė, daughter of MEP Juozas Olekas and her husband Tomas Linkevičius, who works in a private dental clinic, as well as Vytenis Almonaitis, who has a private dental office, and Irena Balči, former director of the Institute of Dentistry.

Conservatives are also calling for other reports to be evaluated: December 30 In 2020, a vaccination process was reported at the Republican Hospital of Panevėžys that did not comply with the established procedure. December 29 – about the confusion caused in the Šilutė Hospital by vaccinating the off-duty doctors, so there was no vaccine left for the doctors who belonged to it.

According to them, it should be noted that in 2021 the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania January 5 established priority groups of the population for the vaccine COVID-19 (coronavirus infection) purchased under the state budget for vaccination.

Conservatives claim that since limited shipments of COVID-19 vaccine are currently arriving in Lithuania, the first to vaccinate doctors and volunteers involved in COVID-19 treatment, high-risk patients, mobile clinic staff and residents, and fever clinics, nursing, supportive care and social care centers.

Kaunas Clinics Photo / Vaccination

Kaunas Clinics Photo / Vaccination

“It should be noted that none of the people named in the media and listed and vaccinated in this statement belong to the priority population groups established by order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania and currently under vaccination status,” write the conservatives.

According to them, it can be concluded that in hospitals and other medical institutions those responsible for organizing the COVID-19 vaccine purchased with funds from the state budget for vaccination, enabling vaccination and vaccination of people who do not belong to the vaccination groups. Currently, they may have committed a crime provided for in article 228 (abuse) of the CC and / or other crimes typified in the CC, whose compositional characteristics correspond to the factual circumstances specified in the statement.

According to conservatives, such actions have caused potentially significant harm not only to those who have the COVID-19 vaccine as a priority issue, but also to the discredited goodwill of the personal health care facilities that organize and perform vaccination.

The study is also carried out by SAM

The Ministry of Health (SAM) has already started investigations on vaccines against violations of the COVID-19 procedure at the Žalgiris Clinic of the Vilnius University Hospital and at the Šilalė Ambulance Station.

Aistė Šuksta, representative of the Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkis, informed BNS about this.

“Action has already been taken, instructing specialists to investigate all the circumstances,” Shuksta told BNS on Saturday.

“Yes, it is very bad (…) but first you have to look at all the circumstances and then take all the legal actions that depend on the process,” he said.

Measures have already been taken, instructing specialists to investigate all circumstances, – said A. Šuksta.

According to the representative of the Minister, if the institution where the violation is established is subordinate to the SAM, then the investigation will be carried out by the Ministry itself, and if it is not among the founders, the investigation may be delegated to another institution.

“If the institution is at the disposal of the municipality, then the Minister can compel the municipality to investigate all the circumstances and take the necessary legal action if the facts are clear that the order or the law has been violated,” said A. Šuksta.

According to her, the ministry is currently preparing for mass vaccination of the population and is talking to the association of private clinics about the use of these facilities, but the amount of abuse is likely to increase as the number of facilities increases.

“Clearly, we hope that people are aware and that the possibility of vaccination alone is not abused, but if such cases do occur, and we now see that they are likely to occur, they will certainly not be overlooked and investigated on a case by case. The circumstances will be clarified and then the procedure established by law will be followed “, emphasized the representative of the Minister.
