For mature women – cosmetology speaker note: if you want to stay beautiful, you must wear these items every day


I understand that it takes time and effort, because it is much easier to apply a cream, serum or mask than to create a complete menu of a complete diet for at least a few days, to do blood tests to see if the body has all the necessary substances to function properly., it also means that the skin is healthy and beautiful.

What vitamins are essential in adulthood to have beautiful and healthy skin?

I will tell you about the greatest effects on the skin and hair, the vitamins with the nails in alphabetical order, because I could not say which is the most important, because they are all necessary.

The need for vitamins and minerals for mature skin.

The need for vitamins and minerals for mature skin.

Vitamins A (retinol) – for skin regeneration, as it stimulates the proliferation of new cells, the formation of collagen, accelerates the activity of keratinocytes, blocks the degradation of the intercellular matrix damaged by the sun, helps prevent pigmentation, wrinkles and combats dehydration of the skin.

Thanks to the B vitamins we get nutrients and energy. Vitamins B1 (thiamine) is especially important for those who experience vomiting, allergic skin reactions, especially those that cause itching. Vitamins B2 (riboflavin) fights seborrhea, chapping of the lips and their corners, cracks, the first wrinkles, oxidative stress. Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide): for skin cleansing, has an antioxidant effect, also helps preserve the skin’s protective barrier, lightens pigment spots, reduces redness, maintains moisture balance, promotes cell renewal processes. Vitamins B5 (pantothenic acid) promotes skin regeneration, healing processes, gives the skin moisture, smoothness. Vitamins B6 (pyridoxine) stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, intervenes in the breakdown of carbohydrates. Vitamins B9 (folic acid): for the smoothness of the skin, it is an important vitamin for the formation of new cells, for the production of DNA, it helps to eliminate toxins from the body, which beautifies the skin and reduces acne. Folic acid plays an important role in hair growth: it renews cells. Vitamins B12 (cobalamin) participates in cell division, supports the immune system, nervous system, reduces fatigue.

Vitamins C (ascorbic acid) – affects the entire body and is necessary for the normal course of many metabolic processes, it is one of the strongest antioxidants known. Vitamin C is very important for the appearance and condition of the skin, connective tissue and mucosa, walls of blood vessels, etc.

It has sensitizing properties, increases the permeability and elasticity of capillary walls, stimulates collagen synthesis, protects against premature aging, actively stimulates the immune and protective functions of the skin, promotes skin regeneration, inhibits the production of melanin in the skin, protects against pigment spots, acts as a preservative.

Vitamin D (calciferol) – necessary for the skin, blood vessels, helps fight actinic keratosis and psoriasis, participates in the process of supplying moisture to the skin. Vitamin D protects against premature aging of the skin, weakening of the immune system. Protects the skin from flaking and excess oil.

Vitamins E (tocopherol) prevents the formation of pigment spots, accelerates skin regeneration. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant and preservative. Provides vitality to the skin, slows down the aging process, relieves climacteric disorders (then its use in combination with vitamin A is recommended).

Vitamin H (biotin) causes seborrheic inflammation of the skin. Vitamin H is believed to inhibit early hair loss. It is added to cosmetics for problem oily skin and hair care products.

Biotin deficiency can cause dermatitis, hair loss, and nail fractures. The skin, without receiving enough shovitamin, turns pale, looks sick, begins to dry out, flake, hair loss, cracked nails.

Vitamins K (naphthoquinone group). This vitamin promotes wound healing, participates in the body’s regeneration processes, increases resistance to infections, accelerates blood circulation, treats inflammation, promotes reduction of puffiness, bags under the eyes. If this vitamin is lacking, bruises, pigment spots appear. Products with vitamin K lighten pigment spots, brighten skin color.

Vitamins PP (niacin) affects water metabolism in the skin and dilates blood vessels. For therapeutic purposes, vitamin PP is prescribed for cases of photodermatosis and photoallergies (sensitivity to UV rays) and rosacea.

The need for vitamins and minerals for mature skin.

The need for vitamins and minerals for mature skin.

Does the body need all the minerals that are essential for these substances?

Minerals, these are the chemical elements necessary for the harmonious functioning of everything in the body, there are about 25 of them. The most essential are zinc, selenium, iodine, silicon, copper, iron, chlorine, molybdenum, lithium, bromine, manganese, fluorine, cobalt, potassium.

Zinc participates in the processes of tissue, hair and nail growth regeneration. This mineral plays an important role in maintaining the proper functioning of the immune system, wound healing, protein synthesis, protection from UV rays, and fighting inflammation.

Selena improves the blood circulation process, blood supply to the skin, increases the body’s resistance. An important effect of selenium in the prevention of skin cancer, this mineral is associated with the reduction of harmful exposure to the sun. Selenium is a biologically active trace mineral that is included in many hormones and enzymes. It is not only a powerful antioxidant that protects our cells from premature aging, but also a mineral that stimulates collagen synthesis and thus provides elasticity to the skin and blood vessel walls. . For the body to optimally absorb selenium, it is necessary to take a break of at least one hour before taking food supplements or products with vitamin C.

Fuck necessary to strengthen the skin’s resistance to harmful environmental factors, bacteria.

Silicon Promotes the regeneration of skin and hair, slows down the aging process. Silicon ensures a healthy appearance of hair, nails and skin, slows down the aging process.

various necessary for collagen synthesis, connective tissue, and vascular development and function. This mineral is important for the production of elastin and is therefore associated with the firmness of the skin.

Iron it takes part in the process of oxygenation of the cells. This trace element is responsible for the quality of blood and metabolism, so due to its deficiency, the skin, hair and nails do not receive nutrients.

Chlorine It helps to remove slag from the body, prevents swelling, bloating, that is, stagnation of fluids.

Molybdenas supports the normal activity of enzymes, its deficiency causes weakening of the mucous membranes.

Litis improves the activity of blood vessels, the nervous system, strengthens immunity.

Jokes It has antibacterial properties, thanks to the fact that it kills bacteria and fungi.

Manganas participates in the processes by which cells receive oxygen, strengthens immunity This microelement is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, protects the body from the negative effects of free radicals, inhibits aging. It also helps protect against oxidative stress, pigment spots, skin rashes.

Fluores important for successful fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Cobalt promotes the synthesis of hemoglobin and the maturation of erythrocytes, its deficiency causes dermatitis.

Kalis improves oxygen supply to cells and helps muscles function normally.

The most important source of minerals is food, but we do not always get the right amount of minerals from it, because it may not be properly selected or prepared. Therefore, to maintain the health of the skin (as well as hair, nails), it is necessary to provide minerals to the skin through supplements and cosmetics with minerals and vitamins.

Are cosmetics with minerals and vitamins enough for the skin?

Vitamins and trace elements can be obtained by taking them internally or by applying cosmetics, applied directly to the skin, hair or nails. Both methods are important and effective for the health and beauty of the skin.

Whether it is enough only for lubrication depends on the molecular weight of the mineral, the vitamins in the product – the lower, the better they are absorbed, and of course they are effective. Also of the quantity available in the product. What matters is where the vitamins dissolve, based on how they penetrate the skin. Very effective in cosmetics with liposomes.

If there is a significant deficiency of a vitamin or mineral in the body, we will hardly get the required amount only when taken externally. I must add that even active cosmetics will not be absorbed without some trace elements.

I recommend consulting cosmetologists, because a professional specialist will be able to choose the right products for you, it is very important to combine them with each other, because sometimes one substance simply neutralizes the effect of others.

The supply of vitamins and minerals is huge, what should a mature woman look for?

Mainly at his age and lifestyle. The state of health and the time of year and place of residence are also important.

Unfortunately, over the years, the body simply depletes minerals, so it is necessary to replenish the body with them.

In the cold season, when the skin is adversely affected by heat, weather, it is necessary to give the skin additional moisture, to ensure the good condition of the mucous membranes. Contributors: Vitamins A, E, D. Viruses, colds and antibiotics are often present, so it is important to help the body recover, restore intestinal function using probiotics and prebiotics, because many of us already know that health and skin condition are directly related. related to the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the hot season, especially in the current climate, we sweat a lot, and with sweat we lose the necessary substances and fluids, so it is necessary to take food supplements and drink plenty of fluids.

An important place to live: in Lithuania, Lithuania, the soil lacks some trace elements, as well as the sun.

In postmenopausal women, due to the deficiency of collagen, elastin in the presence of hormonal imbalances, it is recommended to take enough vitamin D to help support the regeneration processes of the skin and activate the antimicrobial system, healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

I always consume and recommend balanced complexes to clients: food supplements with vitamins, minerals, collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin, a combination of antioxidants. And, of course, love yourself, life and enjoy it.

Loreta Valatkevičienė

Loreta Valatkevičienė

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