For Kaunas residents, the commute to work ended very sadly: hearing the sound of the chain behind him froze in fear


Mantas de Kaunas found himself in an unpleasant situation, after which he not only had to buy a new jacket and pants, but also remembered the commotion for a long time. Unfortunately, the guy didn’t even think he could claim compensation for the damage he had suffered from the owner of the animal that had damaged him.

“I hurried to work in the morning and, thinking of shortening the road, I decided to cross the corner. Turns out it was a private patio, but I didn’t see any sign that it was a private area or that an angry dog ​​was waiting in it. The yard looked like a car service, ”recalls the Kaunas resident of an unpleasant event.

It exploded as fast as possible

The boy said that as he shortened his way to work, he suddenly heard echoing circles behind him.

“Suddenly, a huge dog was dancing on me. He soaked my nails over my jacket. I tried to shoot quickly. While doing that, he managed to grab my calf and tear my pants and scratch my skin in several places, “Mantas said.

After successfully withdrawing from the dog, the Kaunas resident started running without turning around: his heart was beating with fear and his plans for the job were confused. The man rushed to seek medical help to be vaccinated against rabies.

Dog (associative photo)

Dog (associative photo)

© DELFI / Mindaugas Ažušilis

“I didn’t see the dog’s owners anyway, I stood him up and ran: I forgot my job and went to the hospital. The shock and shock were immense. When he calmed down, he was happy that everything ended well enough, nor I didn’t even think that I could ask the owner of the dog to cover the damage again “, opened the interlocutor.

Loss may not only be due to the dog

The mantle story is just one example of how you can do unexpected harm to others. And sometimes it can also shed a lot from the owner of the person who caused the damage.

Dogs can not only attack a neighbor or passerby, but also scratch the car. The harm may also need to be compensated for harm caused by the child to others, such as a broken window at school.

Active leisure can be financially painful. For example, damage to the property or health of others can be caused by cycling, skating, riding a skateboard, scooter, or even kayaking or boating.

Children with scooters.

Children with scooters.

Compensation can also be claimed by allowing an injured person to fire fireworks or start a fire on a neighbor’s balcony.

Losses that can be reimbursed can also occur during the summer in a rented house if the damage is done there.

The dog tore the chickens from the neighbors.

Andrius Gimbickas, the head of personal property insurance at the Lietuvos Draudimas insurance company, said it is not uncommon in Lithuania for residents to realize that if they or members of their family accidentally damage other people’s property, those Losses can be covered with personal liability insurance. Personal insurance We often associate this insurance with the damage we can cause to others while driving, but liability for damage can also arise in the unexpected situations already mentioned.

“Personal liability insurance ensures that the damage caused to the health or property of other people by the insured and the relatives of the insured or even the clients’ pets is compensated,” explained the interviewee.

A. Gimbickas said the range of damages when you can expect liability insurance benefits is very wide: from damage caused by pets, losses caused by children in the yard or neighbors, to careless behavior in the store, obstructing articles ripe.

Andrius Gimbickas

Andrius Gimbickas

© DELFI / Šarūnas Mažeika

A representative from the insurance company said the most common injuries were caused by animals: the dog bit the passer-by, another dog, and broke the clock.

“For example, we recently had to pay damages when a fugitive insured’s dog broke up to 16 neighbors’ chickens, and six more chickens, a frightened dog, escaped from the groom. Another case occurred when the sheep escaped from a barrier and They trampled and destroyed the gardens and flower beds of the neighbors. In this case, the damage amounted to 390 euros, “the interlocutor shared his stories.

The guests smashed the television.

When it comes to children, the stories associated with them usually end in the destruction of other people’s property: guests are surrounded by walls, a neighbor’s window broken by a ball, bicycle or scooter is defined by the car. from a neighbor. It is noted that as children go to kindergarten, they cause more and more damage by tearing another child’s clothes or breaking their glasses, accidentally opening a friend’s head or breaking the closet door.

“For example, while playing darts with family members, a boy hit the sauna glass with an arrow and broke, and in another case, the insured, cutting the grass with a mower, blocked the window of his friends’ car “, shared A. Gimbickas in damage cases.

There were even more dangers outside: when playing, cycling, scooters, both children and adults defined cars parked in the yard, and it happens that they hit and damage a foreign fence.

Real pearls in television shows.

Real pearls in television shows.

Incidentally, representatives of the insurance company point out that one of the most frequently damaged or broken assets is television. For example, a client reported that guests smashed the hosts’ televisions while they grabbed a plate that slipped from their hands and hit the screen. In another case, the TV was damaged when a child hit it with a toy.

“Similar damages generally amount to 500-600 and more euros. The bigger and newer the TV is, the more damage is calculated if it is damaged,” said the insurance company representative.

The insurance company has also recorded damage when clients or their children break the counter of an electric stove, digital camera, computer on the guests. Last year, there was also a case in which a child shot down a community-owned video camera and caused damage for nearly 350 euros.

According to Lietuvos Draudimas, last year the average damage for civil liability amounted to 320 euros, this year the average damage already reaches 400 euros.

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