For diesel producers, hotel taxes and other benefits will be reassessed.


Appointed Minister of Finance Gintarė Skaistė. Photo by Judita Grigelytė (VŽ).

The new government will review all tax breaks, including those for diesel from farmers or hotels that will be recovered in the future, says finance minister-designate Gintarė Skaistė.

The appointed minister estimates that due to various tax breaks, the budget does not receive at least 2 billion. Income in euros per year.

“The plan is to review all the benefits and assess how appropriate they are,” G. Skaistė told LRT radio.

According to her, some incentives were introduced to encourage the expansion of one or another business. For hotels, said the designated minister, the situation is difficult now, but perhaps in five years the situation will change and it is necessary to assess whether the benefits will still be appropriate then.

According to the designated minister, it is expected to reduce the benefits of fossil fuels, so that at the end of the government’s term, farmers should no longer have the benefits of diesel.

“By supporting the promotion of green consumption and green agriculture, we will move towards the abolition of such benefits,” said the future minister, emphasizing that this will be a gradual process.

Furthermore, according to the designated finance minister, the goal will be to make the tax system “fairer and more uniform” for farmers and other businesses.

She promises to establish a task force to analyze income taxes.

“We will try to establish that the tax system is fairer and more uniform not only for farmers, but for all forms of business, so that a person pays equally when they carry out the same activity, because today it is not entirely the case” said G. Skaistė.

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