For a simple job, 1000 euros “in the hands” is not enough for the residents of Vilnius: they ask that they are not more naive


See two problems with the immigration crisis

According to him, some of those who would suit us the most, both culturally and religiously, are Belarusians and Ukrainians, because it would be naive to talk about attracting Latvians, Estonians and Poles to Lithuania. R. Valiūnas points out that the presence of employees would help attract more foreign investment.

When asked how he views the migration crisis in Lithuania, R. Valiūnas stated that this situation worries him for two reasons.

“First, in fact, illegal immigrants will cause us problems. It would seem easier to allow them to travel freely to Western Europe, but on the other hand there would be consequences. Apparently, Europe would take measures to close the Lithuanian border, not only for immigrants, but also for the Lithuanian population.That would not be a pleasant consequence.

The second unpleasant consequence is that for most people, immigrants are immigrants, whether legal or illegal. Some people find it difficult or do not want to name. Anyway, we already have a problem attracting talented immigrants to Lithuania. It could probably make it even more difficult. “

Rolandas Valiūnas

Rolandas Valiūnas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

According to him, politicians listen to the voice of the nation and can take advantage to defend their supposed interests and also seek to restrict the attraction of foreign workers to Lithuania.

“This would have very negative consequences for the Lithuanian economy and the pensions of the same people. I think that everyone should worry about that.”

Vilnius residents no longer work for 1000 euros “in their hands”

R. Valiūnas gave an example that, in our eyes, Poland is a very conservative state, but it employs many immigrants, which shows a completely different attitude from politicians.

“And as far as the Polish economy is concerned, it is still surprising. I hope our politicians also think about how much we are short of workers and that wages paid outside of business are the big problem.

You know, if you pay 1000 euros “in your hands” in Vilnius and you still have a hard time finding a common employee, like a gardener, a cleaner or anything else, it is probably not only a salary problem, but also a benefit problem and desire to work “.

Although unemployment in Lithuania is estimated to reach almost 14%, R. Valiūnas is convinced that these are not entirely accurate figures, as many work illegally. Furthermore, a large proportion of people with higher education supposedly do not want to work as ordinary workers because of their dignity.

“It is possible to speak of human dignity, of self-esteem, but even so, self-esteem and dignity are not related to being a dependent. It seems to me that if I have health <...> and I can’t find a job for my specialty, I am to blame for choosing the wrong specialty, it also depends on me. I should go do the jobs on offer, not say I won’t go and improve. “

For a simple job, 1000 euros

R. Valiūnas also said that the legal framework is only a consequence of the way people and politicians think.

“As they think, we know, ‘they will come, they will steal, they will take away, they will take good jobs, we will have nothing left.’ Poland is a huge country and people’s attitudes towards the environment and life are quite different.

In Lithuania, which is a small country and has been abused in recent centuries, both culturally and otherwise, that fear is ingrained and is perceived and understood. On the other hand, maybe this was understood forty years ago, but <...> the point is not that it is time for us to change our approach. “

He pointed out that the number of people of retirement age in our country is increasing, and those who could maintain them as the number decreases, will have more and more difficulties to live.

No need to be naive

In the UK until July 1. some 250 thousand people requested to stay in it. Lithuanians, would Lithuania succeed in attracting these people back?

“Let’s face it, apparently most of them won’t be able to back down. People are settled there, they raise families, they buy real estate, they have a good job, so of course they have some comfort and a lot of them are culturally adapted.

Lithuanians, in my opinion, have a quick ability to get away from their roots and see how in a few years they can speak Lithuanian with a bright accent, how easily they decide to teach their children in the local language. <...>. We can get involved a little bit, but that’s 10 percent. or 20%, it’s hard to say. “

For a simple job, 1000 euros

© DELFI / Dainius Sinkevičius

In his opinion, it is necessary to be realistic that the vast majority will remain there and realize that the movement of nations will continue.

“If we want to maintain a country with a population of more than 3 million. Or more than in 1990, we will have to accept people or even actively invite them who are not of Lithuanian nationality. Of course, most would like those people to be cultural and religiously similar, and that would cause less trouble, apparently both Belarusians and Ukrainians would be the best fit for us, because it would be much more naive to talk about attracting Latvians, Estonians or Poles to Lithuania.

Apparently, we must move in that direction, because the presence of workers, especially skilled workers, also allows the country to attract investment. Consider the fact that the arrival of investment in Lithuania creates competition for labor, then the price of labor rises, then more taxes are paid to the budget, of which we pay salaries to doctors, teachers and, in Ultimately, to officials or politicians. “

R. Valiūnas says that the biggest problem is that politicians do not perceive this cycle or perceive it in some distorted way.
