For 2 hours – 100 million. dollars but Michael Jordan rejected the offer


The former Chicago Bulls star hung sneakers on a nail almost two decades ago and completely distanced himself from public events and the media.

According to David Malk, a former MJ agent, Michael Flying once rejected a $ 100 million space offer. USD for two hours of participation in the event.

Falk spoke about it in an argument when he spoke about his famous client. Because he had to participate in various projects.

“Three years ago, I brought you a fantastic contract worth 100 million. USD All I had to do was let him use his name, give a blessing, and attend a two-hour event to announce the contract. MJ refused,” said the former basketball agent. Admittedly, he did not reveal any further details about the contract.

“God bless you. He was so successful that now he has the opportunity to not assume things that he does not want. I really admire it. He is very demanding when deciding which projects to participate in, “emphasized D. Falkas.

Jordan’s name began to blink in the world’s media again when the documentary “The Last Dance” was released on April 19. The ESPN series 10 product tells the story of the Bulls Club from the last decade of the last century, led by M. Jordan. The main focus is on the 1997-98 season.

“The Last Dance” breaks all records: it has already become the most watched documentary in history, and on the Netflix platform it has surpassed another band like this: Tiger King.

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