Food trends in Palanga: cold borscht – even on the restaurant menu that avoided them earlier, rivals zeppelins sushi | Food


Is it true that zeppelins are still the most requested dish in Palanga? And why include cold beets on the menu this season and decided to include a gourmet restaurant that even avoided them before? And why is it easier with foreign tourists than with Lithuanians?

We try to discover this together with the representatives of various catering establishments in Palanga.

Armenian cuisine has been a favorite for over a decade.

The “Armenian Kitchen” café has been located on Jonas Basanavičiaus Street for 14 years. Its owner, Inga Drakšaitė from Palanga, who got married outside of Armenia, said the business quickly entered, and people immediately liked Armenian tastes. I love it so far, and most of the dishes here haven’t changed in years.

The most popular are Armenian soups (basbash, chashama, chenachai), shashliks, eggplant rolls. Armenian vodka and pomegranate wine are often ordered from drinks. However, among the favorite dishes and the Lithuanian accent – cold beets.

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Food offer in Palanga

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Food offer in Palanga

According to Inga, innovation is not always worth it. In the past, the range was more abundant, but seeing what visitors liked best, some dishes were abandoned. Once upon a time, an attempt was made to introduce the so-called Armenian cold borscht on the menu, but the guests still demanded the Lithuanians.

“In Armenia, that soup is called gruška: it is white, there is no beet. But we tried and the people did not understand,” Inga recalled.

According to I. Drakšaitė, his restaurant is visited by those who want to eat whole, as well as by those who like it best. “People get used to it and leave. Our portions are 300 grams of fried meat, most of them don’t even eat, ask us to take it away, “he assured.

Armenian tourists visiting Palanga not only love Armenian dishes, but are also acceptable to Russians, Belarusians, and Latvians. Inga noted that more Estonians have started visiting here than ever. True, he admitted that this season is different: after quarantine there are no Germans and English.

“It just came to our attention then. It is important that we are here because we always wanted to open something of our own,” added Drakšaitė with a smile.

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Food offer in Palanga

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Food offer in Palanga

Requires Lithuanian dishes and more quality

When asked about the most popular dishes in his cafe, Darius Miklovas, the director of “Sporto nizda”, replied clearly: “The most popular are as cheap as possible.”

These are pigeons, Samogitian pancakes, ribs, pizzas, Lithuanian cutlets, stews, meat jaws and of course zeppelins. “People want them, and not none, not frozen, but natural,” added D. Miklovas.

According to Dainius, tourists who visit here choose to eat fatter and fatter. “You still need power,” he said.

The cafeteria manager is convinced that food innovations in Palanga are necessary; after all, trends are changing. But not only that, but also, according to Darius, people’s understanding of food is changing. You will no longer offer them anything.

“People already need more quality, the food must be good, they no longer eat just to cover their stomachs with nothing.” Now he understands the food better and wants it to be served properly, tasty and of high quality. ” D. Miklovas reviewed the changing expectations of tourists.

Foreigners, according to him, choose even a higher quality and at the same time foreign cuisine: “They tend to ask for more expensive dishes. Of course, Lithuanians also eat shrimp, mussels, steaks, but even more often they want chicken, cutlets, shashliks, such natural Lithuanian dishes. “

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Food offer in Palanga

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Food offer in Palanga

Burgers – continue in the waves

Henrikas Tautkus, director of the “Flora Symphony”, also says that no one in Palanga will expel zeppelins, like cold borscht, which customers often order during the heat. Among other popular options, he mentioned quail, tuna dishes, chicken with corn, and, of course, hamburgers.

“Ripe beef burgers are very well bought. Lithuanians cannot live without hamburgers now, ”said Hautautkus.

She also highlighted the mussels in this season’s trends. “Just for them, we have a lot of regular customers,” added the restaurant manager.

Trends in a healthy lifestyle are also being followed: there are grilled vegetarian dishes as well as cold snacks suitable for vegetarians and healthy people.

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Food offer in Palanga

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Food offer in Palanga

And how do the needs of Lithuanian and foreign tourists differ? H.Tautkus assured that there is no need to think for a long time to answer this question.

“Foreigners are really simpler, I can say clearly. They do not require anything special, they are delicious all the time and infinitely delicious. And everything happens to Lithuanians, but we are happy to have clients and we try to please them,” he emphasized.

However, Henrik added that the current situation is not gratifying: “We are sad that there are no Russians, because we had many regulars who visited for many years. But we are happy to be able to work and work. “

Germans need zeppelins schnapps

Ala Kretschmann, manager of the Cuban restaurant on J.Basanavičiaus Street, also said that the dishes that are most frequently ordered are brand name steak, crispy chicken, as well as pure Lithuanian cuisine: cold beets, baked bread and zeppelins, which according to Ala , they are in Palanga

“It just came to our attention then. Without zeppelins and deCuba not deCuba. Once upon a time there was a writer, a Cuban restaurant and zeppelins exchanged. What if a Lithuanian wants those zeppelins? There are no zeppelins and he goes out,” Kretschman explained.

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Food offer in Palanga

Photo of Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Food offer in Palanga

Not only Lithuanians, but also foreign tourists like to cross zeppelins. However, it is worth mentioning that such a dish is a little unusual for them, which is why, according to Ala, some order vodka with it.

“The Germans themselves return only for the zeppelins, but still say: Yes, necessary now schnapps. It happens that 50 grams of that German drink. After all, their stomachs are still a little Outnumbered we’re not used to that food, “he said with a smile.

However, according to Alos, it is important to please several customers, and this requires a wide range, including pasta or pizza, which are also eaten here by Italians.

A few years ago, the restaurant’s menu was supplemented with beef liver, which also gained popularity, and this year the range included duck liver, various vegetarian dishes, and Asian dishes that have already paid off.

“We still ask for fashion, trends, but we go everywhere, for example, last year we went to see what Germany, Austria and London have to offer. Then we come back and we do it in spring menu again, “said A. Kretschman.

Admittedly, she also knows from her restaurant experience that not all innovations hit people’s stomachs. “Here as with beer – he says, in fashion, come in. Well, we started pouring that beer, but it’s not escaping,” laughed the chief of Cuba.

Our compatriots, according to Alos, like softer food. However, she, like the managers of other restaurants, did not hide that it is more difficult for Lithuanian customers.

“They are more harassing, if it is not so well placed here, if it is crosswise here, why is it here? But if the plate is clean, tidy and baked with love, it is better not to do it safely.

Compared to foreigners, the latter say that they are very tasty or, if something does not fit, they say why. And just Lithuanian, I don’t like it. So what does that “disgust” mean? After all, everyone has their own taste, and if you order meat, you know there will be meat, not salads. Sometimes that information provided by Lithuanians is distorted, ”A. Kretschmann shared his comments.

The restaurant decides on the tourist flows changed this summer according to the menus distributed: “The Lithuanians have really increased, because the menu in Lithuanian had to be ordered additionally this year. And in Russian, English and German we have to distribute less right now. “

Palanga restaurants and food – in the gallery:

Works well without zeppelins

However, those who want to eat shouldn’t just stop at J.Basanavičiaus Street, because delicious discoveries can be found even more. The gastronomic bar “Šilelis” on Gintaro street has been attracting people for a while.

How 15 minutes According to bartender Titas Vertelka, who works here, guests tend to prefer ribs and Viennese schnitzel, followed by pita in terms of popularity. And for those who follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, salads are offered.

“We have many salads and many fatty dishes. See what the guests want” – 15 minutes T. Vertelka said, asked how it adapts to the wishes of the guests.

And the Lithuanians who visit here are picky eaters? The bartender says that everything depends a lot on the circumstances.

“I think maybe it determines which regions you come from, but it is 50 out of 50. But Lithuanians are really more demanding than foreigners,” he clarified.

It is true that Šilelis does not offer its customers zeppelins, which abound on Jonas Basanavičiaus Street. “Sometimes people sometimes ask if we have to, but I really couldn’t say that very often. We have many repeat customers who already know that our cuisine is different, that’s why we are unique, we have a different place that anywhere else, ”replied T. Vertelka when asked if he didn’t feel pressured to include one of the most popular dishes in Palanga.

Tourists also want sushi

Recently, there was a time when there was no sushi in Palanga. There was also a time when a summer just didn’t exist at this complex. However, this season they are being offered again at many locations in Palanga, including the Sushi Masters on Ronžės Street, which has been operating for only a few weeks.

“It is certainly not confirmed that only zeppelins are popular in Palanga. It would divide people into two contingents: there are those who want Lithuanian food and there are those who know us well, so when they come from Vilnius, Kaunas chooses to get a different cuisine, not Lithuanian It has really been worth it so far and we are happy. ” 15 minutes said Jovita Čajauskienė, director of Sushi Masters.

She thinks that the places that offer sushi, which did not survive in Palanga, simply were not popular enough or not fully prepared: “Perhaps the owners had not done a good job? Well, we already have a name throughout Lithuania and it gives us an advantage, and we also value ourselves well: the sushi is delicious, the customer feedback is wonderful. “

J.Čajauskienė believes that sushi and other dishes from foreign cuisine in Palanga will now be in even greater demand due to the current situation.

“People generally travel a lot, bring different tastes, different experiences and now they want it in Lithuania. This is especially true after quarantine, when we still can’t leave much. Someone misses something from other countries and we have the result that we don’t necessarily want sit alone on lithuanian dishes“The head of Sushi Masters said.

He avoided cold beets, but decided to take a risk

The audience of the restaurant “Onorė” located on M. Valančiaus street is even different: those who like more gourmet dishes choose here. Therefore, it is not surprising that when asked about the most popular dish, the owner and manager of the restaurant Ingrida Grušnienė names an octopus, which is a best seller here. In addition, for the fifth consecutive summer, the prevailing brand dessert in a pot. However, this season has seen … cold beets.

“Of course, with our fixes, spice up what they traditionally don’t contain: radish, mint, and lemon oil. So they taste slightly different than usual, but they’re just as refreshing and delicious. And even if cold beets they look a bit dated and maybe so common to everyone, in fact after we introduce them they are very popular with us and with gourmet people of the world “, assured I. Grušnienė.

Photo by Gediminas Gražys Photography. / Restaurant

Photo by Gediminas Gražys Photography. / “Onore” Restaurant

Ingrida admits that the restaurant used to avoid cold beets. But in the end it was decided to change the focus.

“People can eat them in absolutely any other cafe, restaurant in Palanga, and we didn’t want to have dishes everywhere, but this year we are introducing them because the Lithuanians have formed such a thing anyway that cold borscht during the summer is It is a must. So we turned to the customer, who, even if he can choose other dishes, still prioritizes cold beets on a warm day, because nature probably screams, it’s programmed into the genes, “said the chief of Onorė.

Another novelty is Benedict’s egg until 4 p.m. “In summer, we want a lighter lunch during the heat, so there is an additional option,” explained I. Grušnienė.

In the past, the restaurant has received requests to add mussels to the menu, which Ingrida says is primarily associated with vacations and the resort. They had also been avoided in the past, but it was time to change.

“We decided to give what people are asking for, but with a so-called twist, it improved how we like ourselves and how we would like to serve our guests. People who go to Palanga just want to eat enough ordinary food, so this year we bring our menu to the taste of a large mass of people, to make it simple, but at the same time not easy, “said I. Grušnienė, happy to that the new strategy was worth it.

However, according to Ingrida, guests who visit the restaurant are very picky about food. Lately, their expectations have even increased, although they don’t want to open the wallet more widely.

“The audience standards are extremely high, I would say, after quarantine, they have even increased, for some reason people feel that everything has to be even better, more wonderful, even if they are not willing to pay for it.” An interesting trend, “said the interlocutor.

If “Onorė” has a cold borscht, maybe zeppelins also appear? The restaurant manager still doubts that, but at the same time he already knows, never say never.

“It’s a great dish and I can’t imagine what it would be like if there weren’t any left in Palanga. Like cold borscht, they just have to be, because it’s in our blood and if we’re hungry, we probably think about what gives us strength. We just our kitchen is for the younger generation, for them zeppelins are associated with the nostalgia of a grandmother in the village, and it would even be difficult for us to cook them every day.In our range and very few potatoes, the fattest food. Of course, maybe one day we will come up with a more modern version, but I think everyone still likes traditional ones more and more. ” 15 minutes I.Grušnienė said.
