Following the letter distributed by doctors – SAM reaction: the deputy minister has resigned from the position of head of the working group


“SAM contacted the treatment center early last week to obtain additional facts and information that may be related to the incident. The information has been received and is being evaluated today ”, reads the report issued on Monday.

After the crisis at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital, SAM formed the Initiation of Change Group, which clarifies the conditions at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital.

The Ministry emphasizes that specific allegations of mismanagement have not yet been submitted to hospital management, and it is the task of the Change Initiative Group to assess all circumstances and, in the event of any reasonable suspicion or circumstance that requires further investigation, to initiate them. . immediately.

To avoid conflicts of interest or possible links with the participating countries, the Deputy Minister of Health, Aurimas Pečkauskas, resigned from the position of head of the Initiation to Change Group.

He previously held the position of Deputy Medical Director of the Kaunas Hospital of the Lithuanian Health Sciences University (LSMU).

The news portal announced that the letter in which Šiauliai doctors addressed the institutions indicated that A. Pečkauskas was “known from the time of studies and residency” as the direct supervisor of the late doctor Andrius Bubliauskas .

Simona Bieliūnė, Advisor to the Minister of Health, who is in charge of mental health, is appointed to lead the group.

It was previously announced that the police are clarifying the cause of death of a young doctor who worked at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital, but did not reveal any further details.

Representatives of the medical institution claim that the doctor was fired due to a serious offense.

On Monday, employees of the Šiauliai Republican Hospital (RŠL), who are at the center of the attention of the mobbing and the alleged mobbing against them, distributed a letter addressed to the Presidency, the State Labor Inspectorate, the Ministry of Affairs Social and Labor, the Ministry of Health, the Minister of Health, the Health Affairs Committee of the Seimas, the Lithuanian Medical Movement and the Lithuanian Medical Association.

In the letter, the doctors wrote that they felt unsafe because those who had abused the suicidal doctor “continue to work in their positions, actively trying to bribe and influence the hospital staff, to learn about the protests of support.”

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