Following the leaked data from CityBee clients, J. Sabatauskas initiates the parliamentary control of the investigation in the Seimas Business


According to J. Sabatauskas, this need is dictated by the scale of the filtered data. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the practice of prevention of this type of situation.

According to J. Sabatauskas, although there have been cases of data leaks before, we are facing this scale for the first time in Lithuania, so it is necessary to ensure that the investigations are carried out objectively and that those responsible for this situation do not escape. responsibility.

“I am referring not only to those who have physically leaked data, but also to the authorities who must exercise control over companies that process personal data. The so-called General Data Protection Regulation (BDAR) has been in force in Lithuania for almost three years, but it seems that it is still not possible to guarantee proper compliance. Therefore, I will initiate the parliamentary control of this situation in the Public Order Commission ”, reported J. Sabatauskas.

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Julius Sabatauskas

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Julius Sabatauskas

The parliamentarian is also concerned about preliminary assessments of the situation of Justice Minister Evelina Dabrovolska.

According to J. Sabatauskas, the minister’s comments can also be valued as a certain pressure on the institutions that will carry out the investigations, possibly violating the rights of the victims of data leaks.

“The desire of the Minister to reassure the public should be welcomed, but the incumbent Minister should limit himself to informing him of the investigations he has initiated and the actions of his subordinate authorities, and refrain from making preliminary data sensitivity assessments or evaluations of Potential risks There are professionals and researchers in this field.

And low-risk statements can be seen as a jolt of responsibility for the quality of the work of their subordinate institutions or as a kind of pressure on investigating authorities or officials, which can affect the rights of victims. After all, it is already clear that prosecution and civil suits will probably not be avoided in this situation, ”says J. Sabatauskas.

Regarding the data leak, a member of the Social Democratic Group and the Public Order Commission will initiate a parliamentary scrutiny of the current situation, during which they will seek to find out what and how the public authorities are doing with the CityBee data leak, So. as a data protection control in Lithuania.

Let’s remember that on Monday afternoon, when it became clear that cybercriminals posted around 110,000 people on the forum. According to information from CityBee clients registered in Lithuania, the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office initiated the pre-trial investigation into the stolen data.

The investigation was also initiated by the personal data protection supervisory authority, the State Data Protection Inspectorate (VDAI).

At the time, Justice Minister E. Dobrovolska said Tuesday that the risks arising from the leakage of personal data of some of CityBee’s customers are considered small, so victims are not offered to change their bank cards or their driver’s license yet.
