Following the calculations published by Pinskuvienė, an investigation was launched into the use of data


According to the portal, due to this study, the NVSC cannot provide more detailed information on how the impersonal data of COVID-19 patients fell into the hands of Ž.Pinskuvienė.

The State Data Protection Inspectorate (VDAI) confirmed receipt of the NVSC’s complaint.

On February 4, Ž. Pinskuvienė announced on the social network Facebook that it found discrepancies in the lists of COVID-19 patients.

However, after looking more closely at the lists, we found both an employee of the Municipal Administration and employees of other institutions who have been recovering for a long time and who are going to work for a couple of months. And a man who was diagnosed with COVID-19 after a test when he returned from abroad in the fall. After the period of self-isolation, he has successfully returned to the country where he works, ”wrote the mayor of Širvintos.

A little later Ž. Pinskuvienė clarified after evaluating the depersonalized data.

Following this entry, both the NVSC director and the Minister of Health had to explain why the data did not match.

At the time, after the mayor’s statements about inaccurate statistics, the Statistics Department circulated his response, calling the politicians’ words liars.

The SDPI notes that the processing of personal data is not prohibited per se, but must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GBER).

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