Following news from Estonia, Nausėda calls for a cautious release


President G. Nausėda declared that a pandemic is not just a medical or health problem.

“It should be noted that overcoming a pandemic is far from being not only a medical part, not only of medical care, but also a process that is associated with economic, social and even psychological challenges of society.

That is why people are already waiting today for solutions that look to the future. On the one hand, we are talking about the measures that are currently needed to help our business survive the most difficult months, when it cannot start operating normally. But we are already looking ahead a bit, speaking of the post-pandemic period, it will also be full of challenges, “said the President.

G. Nausėda assured that the state does not forget about businesses, people, jobs. And it offers “adequate measures” to maintain jobs and income.

In this working session of the Seimas, the president hoped to solve the crisis of the Constitutional Court (CC).

“We are very interested in the end of the epic of the CC, to be able to name the members who have not yet been appointed,” promised the president.

He affirmed that in the spring session of the Seimas there are opportunities to accept the candidacy of the new president of the CC.

Seimas President Viktorija Čmilytė – Nielsen promised at the press conference that Seimas promises quality, not quantity.

“It is very important to guarantee a calm, coherent and responsible work of the Seimas. (…) It is clear that we are still living in a pandemic today, so it is important to guarantee the conditions for those affected by the pandemic. We must emphasize the quality of the legislation, not the amount ”, said the president of the Seimas in the press conference.

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen stated that before the start of the new school year the National Education Agreement should be approved, which will last for more than one political mandate.

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Nausėda Gypsies

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, Nausėda Gypsies

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Ask for a close look at the releases

Speaking about the possible increase in quarantine releases proposed by the ruling Freedom Group in the Seimas, the president recalled the dramatic situation in Estonia. Therefore, he called for a cautious release from any restrictions.

“Against this background, when statistics emerge from Estonia, which is currently going through one of the most dramatic periods of the pandemic. When has it been necessary to move from a sufficiently liberal order of regulation of business life and the population to extreme restrictions? And this should be done by stating that up to 98 percent of the samples tested are of the British variety …

Well, we have to speak in this context of a very high level of responsibility towards our people. Because the criterion is very simple: human life is incomparable with anyone and cannot be measured with money ”, said G. Nausėda.

He emphasized that all authorities must agree very clearly that “restrictions can only be reduced if there is not the least additional risk for our population.”

Speaking of the statements of the ruling Freedom Faction, the president of the Seimas V. Čmilytė-Nielsen recalled that the faction cannot be in one position and in the opposition at the same time.

“Regarding the rhetoric of the Freedom Party, I would like to remind you that it is part of the ruling coalition. As you know, it is not possible to be in position and opposition at the same time. Apparently, it is about choosing a line of communication. ”Said the president of Seimas.

In Estonia, strict quarantine will be introduced from Thursday.

With the rapid spread of the British variant of the coronavirus in Estonia, the strict quarantine, which will last at least one month, will be introduced from Thursday, Prime Minister Kaja Kallas announced on Monday.

“According to the latest data, the British strain of the virus is found in up to 98 percent. Samples tested. As far as we know, this variant is spreading one and a half times faster and is particularly contagious, the prime minister told television. – For this reason, the Scientific Council has also confirmed that there is a reason for such a rapid spread of the virus, as the spread has only accelerated in recent weeks. That is why we decided to close the country as much as possible “.

Encourage more qualitative discussion

Mr. Nausėda said that he had not seen the draft law on association so far, he called for the proposal to gather the widest possible consensus in parliament.

“So far, we have not seen any association bill, which the Seimas is considering, we know there are several options. I hope that with regard to these bills, first there is a consensus within Seimas itself that is as broad as possible. Because it will also reflect a certain consensus in society. As President, I will closely follow this process, he must finally acquire legal expression, which we have not done so far, we have avoided resolving these issues. Therefore, initiatives to finally bring this to the Seimas and make decisions are completely welcome, ”said G. Nausėda.

Speaking about the Istanbul Convention, the chair stressed the need for a proper discussion of this document, but there is a growing quality of the discussions.

“The Istanbul Convention is a serious document that addresses both violence against women and the introduction of the term ‘gender’, which is a sufficient innovation in our political vocabulary. I examine it very carefully, I appreciate its various moments. I see that some provisions are also linked to certain consequences for our education, including freedom of expression.

Therefore, we must consider this document very carefully. That is why I welcome the decision to discuss this anyway, to decide on the ratification itself later. Today, what I lack most is the cultural debate, ”said G. Nausėda about the discussions on the Istanbul Convention.

He said he supported the decision of the Seimas to consider this issue only in the fall session, after lengthy discussions.

The head of state recalled that when speaking of the priest Algirdas Toliatas, he wanted to emphasize the cultural discussion, but the priest’s invitation was answered “by less cultural means.”

He said he sees increasingly serious and in-depth articles and discussions on the subject of the Istanbul Convention.

“In this way we are going in the right direction,” said the country’s head.

Gypsies Nausėda, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen

Gypsies Nausėda, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The president assured that he had never spoken for the division of society, but for a united position.

“But first of all, with my speeches, I wanted to draw attention to the current discussion culture in Lithuania. And when it is said that it is a consequence of a pandemic, that it is a consequence of public fatigue, I agree with that only in part. I think that the changes in our culture of discussion took place some time ago, so we must return to a normal tone of communication that respects a different mentality. Today I missed it on both sides “, explained the head of state in your statements.

Supports mandatory testing

Nausėda said that certain professions must be tested for coronavirus.

“Lately we have lost a bit in terms of communication space. And the word ‘mandatory’ has become ‘forced’ and there are some kind of penalties that people would face for testing. But let’s get back to the point, some professions involve (…) an elementary requirement, a compulsory test, to be able to do their job. At this point, I don’t see any coercion mechanism because it is something elementary. So as not to endanger yourself or others, “explained the head of state.

The president proposes 6 amendments to the law

In this session, G. Nausėda proposes to the Seimas six draft amendments to the laws related to public procurement, the fight against corruption, taxes and the work of the courts. The government, in turn, intends to present more than 110 initiatives.

The Seimas will meet for the first session of the spring session on Wednesday.

According to the decision of the Board of the Seimas, it is planned to hold 50 sessions of the Seimas from March 10 to June 30.

The Seimas meets annually for two regular spring and fall sessions. The spring session begins on March 10th and ends on June 30th. The fall session begins on September 10 and ends on December 23.

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