Following confirmation of the third coronavirus case, the Rimín production unit is closing


According to a press release, employees who have received positive survey results today and last week feel good and are in touch with them. Rimi Lietuva is reported to be seeking opportunities for all employees of this production unit to conduct COVID19 testing in the most convenient and rapid manner possible, cooperating with the National Center for Public Health.

“Our third employee, who was diagnosed with coronavirus, worked the same shift as the first two who were diagnosed with coronavirus. All three did not attend work and did not communicate with colleagues since May 8. All employees who have been in close contact with them are already in isolation. However, if the third case is confirmed, we want to make sure that all of our employees feel safe, therefore we immediately suspend unit activities and organize employee testing, ”says Giedrius Bandzevičius, General Manager of Rimi Lietuva .

A total of 126 employees work at this Rimi production unit. Of these, 27 employees are currently in self-isolation.

The boss of Rimi Lietuva emphasized that the employees of the production units do not work and have no close contact with the store employees or customers, and that there is no data that the coronavirus can spread or be transmitted through food. In addition, all employees in Rimi Lietuva’s production units and supermarkets work with disposable gloves and protective masks and constantly change them.

According to the report, from the first signs of the spread of the virus in the country, all employees of the Rimi supermarket are fully equipped with disinfectants for personal hand hygiene, as well as for cleaning the most frequently touched surfaces: cash registers, tools work, shopping carts, baskets and self-service scanners. They are constantly reminded of the rules in force during quarantine and are encouraged to stay and recover at home if they experience at least the mildest symptoms of a cold, flu, or the like.

It is added that Rimi’s clients are constantly informed about personal hygiene and safety recommendations through audio and visual messages. All chain supermarkets are equipped with protective plexiglass walls, in traditional queuing places at cash registers, on the floor, the 1m distance strips are glued together to help customers keep a safe distance from each other . The marked floors are also weighed in production: fresh meat, fish, confectionery sections. All Rimi supermarkets are equipped with stations with liquid disinfectants and wipes for customers and store employees in a prominent place, and are supervised by the responsible staff.

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