FNTT is a seller of household appliances and beauty products.


Photo by Judita Grigelyts (V)

The Klaipda Board of the Financial Crime Investigation Service, under the leadership of the Klaipda Regional Prosecutor’s Office, has unmasked a company that has been selling appliances and beauty accessories across Lithuania and generating one million sales. possibly does not represent 2.8 million. Income in euros, unofficially paid by more than 1 million. Salary EUR and made 1.3 million euros to the state. Eur al.

According to a report issued by the Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT), two people have been arrested and declared, and the uncontrolled conduct of a company during a search can be punished for resisting obligations and failing to comply with its instructions.

During the pre-trial investigation, it was established that a company with 54 registered stores in Kaunas, which sells household appliances, household items, perfumery, beauty products and others, cannot represent 2.8 million. Eur pajam.

It was alleged that the proceeds were obtained through a criminal mechanism established by the director, the managers sold the company’s assets without accounting documents, and the unaccounted funds raised were used to pay the wages in envelopes. In this way, a total of more than 1 million was paid. EUR. Another smart scheme without an accounting document was used to sell the products for an accounting order. The annual turnover of the company is about 20 million. Eur, paymi FNTT.

According to the data obtained, the sales network with more than 280 employees across Lithuania paid wages in envelopes, mainly to cashiers and managers. The amount of the manager’s salary in the envelope that depends on billing was paid as an agreed percentage of official and unaccounted sales. The ATMs received at least 200 euros in cash in addition to the official salary. The official portion of the salary was paid to employees with a transfer card, according to FNTT.

In this study, a total of 15 searches were conducted across Lithuania in administration, points of sale, employee residence and business owners.

Data and documents necessary for the investigation were found and collected, black accounting with data on unofficial payments of wages and unaccounted income received, as well as a spectacular amount of cash of up to 460,000 Eur. The money is believed to have been received from the sale of assets without accounting documents, according to FNTT.

According to the FNTT, the head of the company adopted uncontrollable behavior, which in various ways obstructed their duties, did not allow them to enter the facilities and, therefore, had to use force and thus enter. The director of the company continued to damage the envelopes and the black accounts of employees for the investigation, failed to comply with the duty requirement, resisted and attempted to destroy the data necessary for the investigation. Failure to comply with the instructions can be punished separately by the head of the company.

Two people were arrested and pronounced. After his arrest, the head of the company was released, the detainees were detained, and personal property and assets were limited to 2.6 million. Eus, raoma in a report distributed by FNTT.

The investigation is directed and controlled by the Klaipda Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

The most severe fine for misrepresenting income data when the tax amount exceeds 750 MSL is imprisonment for up to 8 years. The most severe penalty for fraudulent accounting is up to 4 years in prison.

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