Five of the eight soldiers infected with COVID-19 are residents of the Jurbarkas district.


Three NPPKT soldiers on August 27. experienced specific symptoms of COVID-19. They were isolated and tested immediately. August 28, the tests were confirmed positive. The soldiers were transferred to specially equipped isolation facilities. August 29 Epidemiological investigations began and all soldiers who had contact with the sick were examined as a matter of priority. After this test, 5 more cases of COVID-19 were identified.

August 31 Jolanta Norbutienė, Senior Specialist of the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Tauragė Department of the National Public Health Center (NVSC), confirmed that 5 out of 8 infected people are residents of Jurbarkas district. Another of the sick is a Saki. According to the mayor of the neighboring district Edgaras Pilypaitis, the disease has also been diagnosed in one of the soldiers’ relatives.

The NVSC’s Taurage Department conducts an investigation into possible contacts of soldiers with civilians, determines the exact number of contacts, tracks the contact persons, isolates them and tests them.

The first two cases were confirmed to residents of Jurbarkas district on August 28. For people living in Viešvilė and Juodaičiai. Three more cases were confirmed for the residents of Jurbarkas district on August 30: one for the residents of Viešvilė and one for the residents of the city of Jurbarkas and the Juodaičiai nursing home. The NVSC’s Taurage Department reported that some soldiers who are currently confirmed with a positive COVID-19 test for the weekend (August 21-23) had gone home, but it is unclear if they were already infected at that time. moment.

Today, all soldiers have had close contact with the sick in isolated rooms. The NPPKT and the remaining professional military service soldiers are isolated in their homes.

The battalion took every precaution urgently to stop the spread of the infection. The premises were disinfected, the entry of relatives and other people into the territory and the visit of NPPKT soldiers were suspended. Access by service companies to the Kęstutis Motorized Infantry Battalion is restricted and is only allowed with masks.

Catering for the isolated soldiers was organized by delivering food in disposable containers, in specially equipped places.

The permanent use of masks was introduced in the territory of the battalion, temperature measurement, declaration of the state of health.

The exercise will be carried out in compliance with all safety requirements (masks will be worn regularly, a safe distance will be maintained, exercise areas will be reserved for specific units).

Nine months of service in Lithuania’s Grand Duke Kęstutis Motorized Infantry Battalion on August 3. initiated 461 soldiers of the permanent compulsory initial military service. August 21 In the battalion, 453 soldiers solemnly swore to the Lithuanian state. After the swearing-in ceremony on the 21st, he was taken home for the weekend.

In response to this case, the Lithuanian Armed Forces will evaluate the introduction of additional precautionary measures in other military units, as was done in the spring.
