Five new cases of coronavirus in Kaunas are related to the company “Kauno autobusai”


Members of the outgoing Seimas promise to rest in Lithuania, many on the coast, and accept that they do not plan trips abroad. According to them, this is a good opportunity to get to know their country better.

Jadvyga Bieliavska, a journalist for the Lithuanian news agency ELTA, asked Seimas members what they do in the summer, where they plan to travel and what they would recommend visiting in Lithuania, what comments they receive from voters and what they expect from the new political season.

How do you spend the summer, where are you on vacation or vacation, what are your hobbies that you can spend more time in the summer?

Viktoras Pranckietis, spokesperson for the Seimas:

I am already planning a vacation for the fourth summer, but so far I have not been able to implement such a plan and have not had a real vacation, as is customary for most people, in recent years.

Now I use my time this way: I get familiar with the documents, I check the press, the media, I hold meetings and events not only in Seimas, but also in other parts of the country. If nothing is planned, I take a “trip” around the house, I pay attention to the management of the environment, the care of the hedges, at this time it is also important to dilute the fruit sprouts. Smaller or damaged apples and pears can be boldly removed so the rest will grow without the need for chemicals to protect them from worms.

It is also a great pleasure to be with the family, and especially to hang out with the grandchildren.

Agnė Širinskienė, Chairperson of the Seimas Law and Order Committee, member of the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union faction:

I usually spend my summer holidays, or more precisely, the longest summer weekends, because I have lost my holidays as such during my last four years working at Seimas in my home district of Ignalina. And I can hardly imagine a better vacation spot than the tranquility of the lake and my rose garden with more than fifty bushes.

Irena Šiaulienė, Vice President of Seimas, Member of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Work Group:

I spend the summer in Klaipeda. Here in my house, I am happy to be able to stay in them longer, spend more time managing the environment, move in a useful way, enjoy the flowers in bloom, have a cup of coffee calmly. I try to ride my bike through the Giruliai forest to the sea in the morning or at night, take a bath, take a walk and go back through the summer breathing forest again.

This weekend, Klaipeda will organize the most beautiful traditional summer festival due to the pandemic in non-traditional conditions: the Festival of the Sea and on August 1. – the city’s birthday, on the occasion of Richard Wagner’s opera “Flying Dutchman” being shown at the Cruise Terminal, in the shed, in a natural setting, where a real ship, not a ghost, will come out of the water.

Ingrida Šimonytė, Chair of the Seimas Audit Committee, Member of the Christian Democratic Group of the National Union-Lithuania:

I have no special habits. Until now, I spent practically every summer in Lithuania and mainly in Vilnius, because I could not go for a long time due to the care of my mother, now eternal. So I spent most of my time in my flower gardens or other entertainments that didn’t take me too far from home, and since my sister and children were visiting in the summers, I was just trying to be a good aunt. The same will happen this summer. I think that in a few days I will be able to go further from home, for example, to the coast, but I don’t plan a longer vacation.

Rita Tamašunienė, Minister of the Interior, member of the faction of the Polish Lithuanian Election Campaign-Union of Christian Families:

Summer is a time when we can spend more time with family and loved ones, so we try to plan activities to stay together. Usually we spend time by the Baltic Sea, so every year we try to go to the beach for at least a week.

Kęstutis Glaveckas, Vice Chairman of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee, member of the Liberal Movement faction:

I successfully spent the summer at home and in Seimas, in the nearby forest and in Vingis Park. I like riding a motorcycle remembering my youth.

Andrius Palionis, Minister of Agriculture, member of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Work Group:

I am a person for whom gravity is also a way of life. I cannot do without the field, garden, garden, forest, the Nemunas that flow near my father’s homeland. I never turn my head on leisure or vacation. I am leaving Vilnius and I know the address: Birštonas, Siponys. I enjoy everything you can do in the summer in the village: planting, cultivating, mowing, weeding, picking berries, picking mushrooms, swimming, preparing supplies for winter. In town, the mind recovers, the mind rests, and physical fatigue only helps you get a good night’s sleep.

Rasa Budbergytė, Elder of the Group of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania, Vice-President of the Committee on European Affairs:

My summer vacation plans are traditional: a few days in Druskininkai and a few days by the sea in Palanga. I try to enjoy the pleasures of summer in Lithuania. I love Druskininkai for its pine forests, nature, opportunities for relaxation. And Palanga has been a place of summer feelings since childhood. In any weather, the Baltic waves, the wind and the sun take you to another space, “perfectly freeing your head” for new thoughts.

Artūras Skardžius, Member of the Seimas Mixed Members Group, Member of the Environmental Protection Committee:

I spend the summer in Lithuania. Sometimes you get to spend the weekends and read more with family, friends. I am a sporty person, so I really enjoy water sports: kayaking, water skiing, rowing. I am cycling. I practice Tai Chi and Chi Kung. For me, true rest is active rest.

Aušra Papirtienė, member of the Lithuanian Peasant and Green Union Faction, member of the Education and Science Committee:

This summer is similar to all my summers. I spend almost everything in Lithuania. I only occasionally visit the family of my daughter Agne, who lives in Austria, in the Vorarlberg region, or her daughter and her family visit Lithuania. Last year we baptized my grandson Julius Matheo in Lithuania. This time I will try to visit June 16 for a couple of days. granddaughter born Anna Aurora. And anyway, I don’t want to leave Lithuania anywhere. Having found free time, I fish, mushrooms, berries, herbs and visit unknown corners of Lithuania. There is no country more beautiful to me than Lithuania.

Algirdas Butkevičius, Vice Chairman of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee, member of the Joint Group of Seimas Members:

My wife and I spend at least a week on the Lithuanian coast every summer. I really like to walk, during the holidays I walk at least 10 kilometers a day along the coastal or forest trails.

Jurgis Razma, Deputy Elder of the Christian Democratic Group of the National Union-Lithuania, Member of the Economic Committee:

The license of Seimas members is not legalized, so the question must be reformulated into the question of how we spend time between sessions. It is a pity that the bill, which should regulate the working conditions of Seimas members, has not been debated in the Law and Order Committee headed by Agnė Širinskienė for three years. Incidentally, I have submitted a proposal for that project to provide Seimas members with a standard four-week permit.

And I spend most of the time between sessions in the town of Daugėdai, where I live, and I plan to go to the sea for a few days. I’m glad that right now I can satisfy my mushroom hobby, because mushrooms started growing abundantly in Samogitia. And other hobbies coincide with unavoidable responsibilities. These include mowing the lawn weekly, watering the garden, and other entertainment.

Remigijus Žemaitaitis, Member of the Joint Group of Seimas Members, Member of the Economic Committee:

Currently, practically 70%. We have to spend our time in meetings with residents, party branches, because with colleagues Artūras Zuokas and Artūras Paulauskas we recently founded the party. But there is definitely time to part with the works of the Seimas. I was with the children for five days on the Lithuanian coast. It was an opportunity to be with the children and the family. Since I have a farm, I spend a lot of time on it, especially on weekends. Oddly enough, every politician must understand that he is in politics temporarily and at the end of his term he will have to go to the job he did before becoming a politician. As our summer is different in terms of weather, I have a minute to go fishing, but of course I didn’t miss mushroom fever either.

Are you going abroad on vacation and where?

V. French:

No, because if we go out with two with Irena, we would have to go out with four, with mandatory protection.

A. Širinskienė:

My husband and I enjoy traveling around the country with our cars, visiting places related to the history of Lithuania, for example, last year we visited Marienburg and the surrounding castles. Of course, there will be no more trips of this type this year, because we have to assess the outbreaks of the pandemic.

I. Šiaulienė:

I do not plan vacations abroad.

I. Šimonytė:

I’m not going to.

R. Tamašunienė:

We do not plan to go abroad this year, we will spend time in Lithuania. We have many beautiful and touristy places that are definitely worth seeing. The nature of Lithuania is very beautiful, there are many lakes here, so I think everyone can plan at least short trips around Lithuania this year.

K. Glaveckas:

I do not plan vacations abroad. It is safer to stay in Lithuania and enjoy the wonderful corners of nature.

A. Palionis:

I do not plan trips abroad. They are mostly related to my direct work. However, even during business trips, you manage to see the culture, landscape, and history of other countries to some degree.

A. Budbergytė:

So far, I don’t really believe such plans, they are adjusted not only by the crown and quarantines, but, as I mentioned, I try to rest in Lithuania in the summer and also, like other intersessional periods, they are dedicated to meetings with people. The upcoming elections only make the meeting schedule hotter.

A. Skardžius:

I don’t pretend and I don’t see any advantage there.

A. Papirtienė:

I do not plan vacations abroad. A short trip to my daughter’s family will not be a vacation, because as a Seimas member I have no vacation. And if he had, the summer holidays would be only in Lithuania.

A. Butkevičius:

This time it is not very suitable for a holiday abroad. We can go to Latvia with the family over the weekend, but it would be irresponsible to plan more and more trips abroad at this time until the coronavirus is overcome.

J. Razma:

I haven’t been on vacation abroad in a single summer, even more so I don’t plan on doing it now.

R. Žemaitaitis:

We have no such plans, but if a weekend breaks out, we would like to go to Latvia.

Before the pandemic, many people had no place on the Lithuanian vacation agenda. However, this extraordinary situation may have some advantages, as it will force Lithuania to rediscover. What advice would we give you to visit in Lithuania this summer? Do you know any exceptional place, object that deserves the attention of the tourist?

V. French:

I still discover Lithuania, especially when I visit our small towns, but I always recommend visiting the whole of the Tytuvėnai monastery and the music festivals that take place in Lithuania: Pažaislis, Plungė, Tytuvėnai and others. The music festival concerts take place in various places, often historical in Lithuania, therefore visitors are accompanied by very beautiful experiences.

A. Širinskienė:

There are many wonderful places in Lithuania. As a lover of my country, I would suggest visiting Aukštaitija, the Stelmužė oak with the Stelmužė wooden church famous for its infinitely beautiful sculptures. The Šlyninka mill with very hospitable hosts and its flour and baked goods is also nearby. Near Ignalina, very close to Ginučiai, climbing Ladakalnis will open up to six blue lakes. And where else is Palūšė and Aukštaitija National Park …

I. Šiaulienė:

Every summer I try to visit somewhere in Lithuania. In fact, there are many places in Lithuania where the historical, literary, cultural, natural mounds invite to visit and notice changes. The trip will take place if we prepare a little, take a look at the history and events of the area or the people related to it. Last weekend, with a group of friends, we toured the enchanting Samogitia in all respects: its tourism mecca: Mosėdis, visited the Renavas mansion, where the brothers Gabrielius and Stanislovas Narutavičiai grew up, and turned to Židikai, where the writer M.Pečkauskaitė-Šatrijos spent the last 16 years of his life. The routes can be very diverse, there are really many places in Lithuania with their own history and meaning for the history and culture of the country.

I. Šimonytė:

There are many places to visit in Lithuania and it is great fun that many discover them, share their discoveries on Facebook and other social networks. There are a number of prepared itineraries with places to visit for people who are lazy or who don’t have time to look and think – it’s worth taking a look. Much also depends on the way in which people spend their holidays, by bike or kayak, on the other hand, by car and on foot. Therefore, it is difficult to give preliminary advice, even a person who has lived here all the time in empty Vilnius can discover something invisible.

R. Tamašunienė:

As I live in Maišiagala, I really invite you to visit this city, and I would also recommend visiting the Karmazinai nature trail. Its length is 6 km. It winds near Dūkštai, in the Neris Regional Park, in the Devil’s Landscape Reserve. The trail is fascinating because its path is not paved, but only nicknamed by people. It is surprising that there are many oak trees in the forest, which is not so common in Lithuanian forests. This is great entertainment for the whole family on a short trip.

K. Glaveckas:

There are so many beautiful places in Lithuania that everyone will definitely have a chance to choose what they want to see: be it mansions, mounds, nature trails, rivers or lakes.

A. Palionis:

I agree that the current situation in Lithuania has adjusted the vacation plans of many of us. On the other hand, it provided more opportunities to get to know his country: Lithuania. Sometimes you are even surprised to understand and see how many amazing and unique beauty places you can discover in our Lithuania. I tend to spend summers at. to. father, Juozas Palionis, his birthplace, Siponiai village, Birštonas municipality. There I have a small farm where I find activities that are pleasant for the heart and hands. I know the Prienai and Birštonas region quite well, so I invite you to visit this wonderful land, fertilized with the works of the poet Justinas Marcinkevičius, fertile with famous people. Nowhere else in Lithuania can you find other Nemunas curves, such as near Prienai and Birštonas, the tallest observation tower, the only unique wooden sculpture of the Wheel of the Sun in Matiešionys, prof. In the homeland of J. Kazlauskas, Davatkynas in Šilavotas, which smells of a mysterious attraction, in Veiveriai, the Rimorystė Museum, etc. Nonstop, I was able to name flashy places. I invite you to come to Birštonas and Prienai, you will have a significant and interesting time!

R. Budbergytė:

There are many special places, and not all of them are so difficult to choose. I care how much those places are related to my memories, family, family. It is possible to return and return to the places of his childhood, where he visits that special feeling, although for others the place is perhaps the simple bank of the Prienai Nemunas. You can search for parents, grandparents’ roots, places of residence. Show them to your children so you don’t forget. This is also an opportunity that quarantine provides. And abroad, I think the time will come and again, who will want to fly and travel.

A. Skardžius:

In summer, there is really something to do in Lithuania, everyone can choose according to their hobbies: quiet rest in nature, active entertainment, those interested in history and culture can travel through Lithuania, and those who like the hustle and bustle. and the bustle: choose city events. Lithuania has been awarded a special beauty nature, therefore for vacationers and those who want to feel the breath of summer, I would suggest traveling through the Lithuanian national parks, of which there are five and we can be really proud of their uniqueness and unique landscape. Here you can open striking images in Lithuania, not necessarily beyond the lagoon.

A. Papirtienė:

I would advise you to open the book “Special Lithuania” or search for other sources on the Internet, which list all the places of interest in Lithuania. We have 5 national parks, 30 regional parks, 6 reserves. And many attractions. Then, take the most necessary items for the trip and activate the car navigation. Or even simpler. You drive and see various directions on the road to turn. Punia Mound, Poterion Mound, Paverkniai Mound, Raižiai Mosque … And many more unknown and invisible places. Canoas Rural houses by the lake. Druskininkai. Birstonas Curonian Spit. Net Palanga. Everything in Lithuania is in accordance with everyone’s wishes and needs.

A. Butkevičius:

It really is a great opportunity to get to know your country better. I think that each district has something peculiar, unique to show.

On the occasion of the century of restoration of the recently mentioned state, I invite you to visit the Vilkaviškis region, where the spirit of nationality is very much alive. Jonas Basanavičius and Vincas Kudirka were born here, and their imprinted footprints are felt at every turn. The concerts of young artists under the auspices of Edgar Montvid will take place this summer at the Paežeriai mansion, called the pearl of Suwalki. Those looking for a more interesting experience should visit the recently opened renovated Vištytis windmill or the Hammer Museum, which has over a thousand exhibits.

My hometown of Radviliškis is famous for the Burbiškis mansion, where the tulip blooming festivities take place, as well as the partisan memorial in Minaičiai, the cousin of Rumboniškės called the Kleboniškės village home museum and the only museum of old cars in Šeduva. You will not list everything, I invite you to travel and see for yourself.

J. Razma:

There are many places to visit and objects in Lithuania. Based on my experience, I can suggest that you plan to visit a couple of municipalities for the day, find their sights online, and you will have a significant time. And I invite those who have not been in the Plungė-Rietavas region closest to me. Here it is worth visiting the exclusive Cold War Museum near Plateliai, the stately home in that city with interesting exhibitions, near the beautiful Plateliai lake where you can relax, in Plungė – Samogitian Art Museum at Oginskiai Palace and an impressive park , in Rietavas – also Oginskiai Museum and Park, near Tver – The mysterious mound of Lopaičiai. I have only mentioned a small part of the sights here.

R. Žemaitaitis:

As a true Samogitian from Samogitia, I suggest visiting Samogitia and Lesser Lithuania by the name of Samogitia. There are many wonderful places here: Šilalė, Kelmė, Raseiniai, Telšiai, Šilutė … There are many new objects where you can get new experiences, from boating, fishing in the Nemunas, the Curonian Lagoon, kayaking on the Jūra river, hunting in Kretinga and Vikings in Palanga, from the Raseiniai plains to the Medvėgalis mountains and their hills, from Bijotai Baubliai to the Kelmė mansion.

Voter meetings are probably an unavoidable item on this summer’s political agenda. What reproaches do voters express primarily to the Seimas?

V. French:

Mainly I get comments that the Seimas does not act as a harmonious handshake, but is constantly debated. I often have to oppose such thoughts and emphasize that the Seimas should only debate, of course, they should do it culturally, without personalities.

A. Širinskienė:

Recently, especially in rural areas, people have been concerned about health care services. As is well known, not all district hospitals and dispensaries have fully resumed service delivery. Some are only 17, 20, or 30 percent. Unfortunately, these hospitals belong to the municipalities, so upon meeting people, it is unfortunate that President Dalia Grybauskait vetoed the healthcare reform carried out by the LVŽS at the time and we were unable to give regional hospitals or outpatient clinics double control: to make its founder not only the municipality but also the Ministry of Health. Such a decision would have given the Ministry the influence to participate in the administration of the district’s health care facilities in cases where the municipality cannot take care of itself. As the pandemic situation has shown, such a solution would have been useful, especially in the face of crises.

I. Šiaulienė:

Voters are most dissatisfied with our “snippets”, although when they speak and explain why they come, they sometimes accept that this may be inevitable and necessary. He also realizes the lack of culture and tact, values ​​his actions. That’s fine, it’s important that people care about politicians.

I. Šimonytė:

Most of the complaints are about the Seimas’ style of work. People have the impression that there is a desperate fight here. Let’s talk about this not being the case, and issues of public controversy are simply more visible than most decisions made by consensus. Still, a great flow of decisions and little discussion raises questions for people, what is the meaning of that rhythm if life does not really change for the better.

R. Tamašunienė:

Meetings with people are always interesting and rewarding because they are the primary evaluators of the work of politicians. Your views are very valuable. I can’t say that I hear a lot of reproaches, people just present their problems that have been going on for a long time and ask for help to solve them, mainly speaking that the authorities do not provide the necessary help but simply send from one place to another. This is usually annoying because people want a solution instead of an empty walk.

K. Glaveckas:

Traditional butchery charges are completely unnecessary, low pensions or wages, but most of the time those who work and spin like squirrels have no blame, and it’s a fact that we all pay for frowning and puffing up.

R. Budbergytė:

It is important and healthy to listen to what people say to politicians, who sometimes shut the bubbles too tight. After all, people really want many mature problems to be solved in real terms, and they are increasingly forced to listen and see the potholes between politicians. Therefore, such comments from people sometimes make us not empathize with ambitions, not engage in wars, but observe the outcome.

Quarantine for the virus has exacerbated many of society’s problems. People are more outraged now that they still do not receive medical care. Sometimes you don’t even know what to advise, how to explain why quarantine treatment facilities do not accept people who report serious illness from chronic illness. I think this is an unforgivable gap. Human health is now threatened not only by the coronary virus but also by the poor organization of the health system. This is shown not only by people’s complaints, but also by official statistics, which attest that mortality in Lithuania increased by 10 percent.

At meetings, I see and hear the anxiety that people now fear rising prices, much outrage that rulers are wasting money, not necessarily those who need it most, that benefits are easily delivered back to those who they don’t want to work.

A. Skardžius:

The most painful thing is to listen to people frustrated by the government’s actions, which have impoverished the Lithuanian population. This is the story of the acquisition of the LNG terminal, government loans with 10 percent. lack of transparency in the activities of state companies, doubts about the laws adopted in the energy sector. Some in society are outraged, others are happy with the restrictions on the availability of alcohol.

A. Papirtienė:

My constituents do not complain. They name problems. And we try to solve those problems in one way or another. Sometimes it is enough to listen to a person and talk to them. Each person’s problem is important.

A. Butkevičius:

In addition to people’s regular complaints about low pensions and other benefits, expensive medications, poor road conditions, a new pandemic problem has recently emerged. Residents complain that Sodra, the State Tax Inspectorate and other state institutions have yet to resume normal work, accepting only previously registered stakeholders. Not to mention how difficult it is to get to the doctor or get other necessary medical services. People do not understand why stores, cafes and other private companies that serve people have completely renewed their activities, and state institutions have not. As a result, I even appealed to the Prime Minister, I look forward to hearing from him.

J. Razma:

The reproaches voiced by people are often a reflection of the old Seimas battalions. People want to see fewer rickshaws, they want friendlier relationships between politicians. It is not uncommon to complain about difficult access to treatment services.

R. Žemaitaitis:

Criticism as always. When will the conservatives stop cutting with the “peasants” and when will the “peasants” stop cutting with the conservatives?

Perhaps while traveling in Lithuania, we had to hear praise and thanks to the representatives of the nation for certain decisions. What decisions of the Seimas are more pleasant for the population?

V. French:

People who come to meet often try to communicate and somehow personally express their support for me, there is nothing to hide. This is apparently natural. People enjoy rising pensions, children’s money that was not provided for in the government’s first program. Often the good work that has already been done is taken for granted much more often. During meetings, we talked about expectations, plans, more often than in the past, to agree on how things could be even better. For example, the farming community is actively discussing inequalities with farmers in other EU countries, entrepreneurs are talking about support after the Covid-19 pandemic, the cultural community is cautiously welcoming return opportunities and the community of the Church is praying together.

A. Širinskienė:

People are happy that we have managed to control the pandemic and have not suffered the loss of human life as in other countries. State aid during the pandemic to protect jobs and revitalize the economy is also appreciated. Older people and less affluent families also expect specific benefits designed to boost consumption in the economic recovery. It is obvious that this money will achieve its purpose: it will be used to buy services or goods.

I. Šiaulienė:

People are concerned about the future, especially the second wave of the pandemic. Welcomes the measures taken to manage the pandemic, takes pride in the difficulty of accessing doctors, enjoys cash benefits, money for children.

I. Šimonytė:

There are groups of society interested in individual decisions and quite active, who express their gratitude and do not necessarily live, by email or otherwise. Admittedly, the fact that the Seimas did not make any controversial decisions is more often appreciated.

R. Tamašunienė:

Of course, people like solutions that improve their own living conditions more, if there is an increase in salary or social benefits, people always appreciate it.

K. Glaveckas:

People are more satisfied with decisions that increase the thickness of their wallets: financial decisions, especially in the face of a pandemic.

R. Budbergytė:

You see, I am not a person who really enjoyed compliments or compliments. Por lo general, durante las reuniones, ahorro tiempo y voy al grano, digo, doblo lo que está en el corazón, lo que duele. Por supuesto, hay personas que vienen solo para estrecharnos la mano y agradecernos, por ejemplo, por luchar obstinadamente por los salarios de los médicos, maestros, otros trabajadores, por los socialdemócratas que defienden la vacunación de los niños por ley, la alimentación primaria, los proyectos previos a la deforestación y muchas otras cosas. . Esto, sin embargo, y tengo un motivo para seguir trabajando con la parte elegida, para continuar yendo a las urnas, porque si solo escuchara quejas, probablemente visitaría algún sentido de falta de sentido.

A. Skardžius:

Estoy feliz cuando la gente nota y siente los beneficios de las decisiones tomadas. Los residentes están satisfechos con las enmiendas a las leyes sobre prestaciones infantiles, seguro social de enfermedad y maternidad, servicios sociales, ciencia y estudios y protección del medio ambiente. También menciona con buena palabra la Ley sobre las profundidades de la Tierra, que prohíbe el entierro de CO2 en Lituania y las enmiendas a la Ley de gestión de residuos, que prohíbe la importación de residuos municipales y peligrosos.

A. Papirtienė:

Lo que más agrada a las personas es que reciben ayuda específica para responder a cualquier solicitud de una persona común. Eso aumenta las pensiones. Los mismos beneficios. Aunque pequeño. Pero es un verdadero impulso para la persona promedio. También se han elogiado las decisiones de control del alcohol. Esto es lo que escuché personalmente.

A. Butkevičius:

De hecho, trato de hacer mi trabajo con honestidad y responsabilidad sin dar muchas gracias. Las personas son probablemente las más propensas a sentir y comprender las decisiones relacionadas con el aumento de sus ingresos, por lo que se toman de manera más favorable.

J. Razma:

Tal vez los lituanos no están muy inclinados a expresar elogios, por lo que a menudo no los escucho. Por lo que se ha dicho, me gustaría mencionar las declaraciones positivas hechas por algunos pensionistas sobre el pago único de 200 euros. Como miembro de la oposición, he recibido apoyo para el control parlamentario de principios, especialmente sobre los posibles abusos del Ministro de Transporte, Jaroslav Narkevičius.

R. Žemaitaitis:

Probablemente no haya muchos, porque para algunos nuestras decisiones restringen el movimiento de personas, para otros aumenta los impuestos y para otros aumenta los beneficios sociales. Cada grupo encuentra soluciones que les son útiles y habla de ellas.

El Seimas de este término está terminando su trabajo. ¿Qué pronostica para la temporada política de otoño preelectoral?

V. Pranckietis:

Seime programiniai mūsų kadencijos klausimai jau ims baigtis, liks daugiau rutininiai darbai. Man asmeniškai tai bus pirmasis toks politinis-priešrinkiminis sezonas Seime, todėl mokysiuosi ir aš. Bendrai manau, kad politinis sezonas bus aktyvus, tikėtina, kad atsiras „priešrinkiminiai“ ir „pažadų“ projektai, kaip, pavyzdžiui, valstybinių vaistinių, bankų, alkoholio parduotuvių, Seimo narių atostogų įstatymai – visa tai, ko nepadarėme per kadenciją, nes tiesiog nedarėme. Žinoma, kad bus bandoma pasirodyti, todėl manau, kad eilės prie šoninių mikrofonų replikoms Seimo posėdžių metu turėtų šiek tiek pailgėti.

A.   Širinskienė:

Jau pavasario sesijos metu buvo juntami artėjantys rinkimai ir konstruktyvaus darbo mažėjimas partijoms pasineriant į rinkimines kovas. Dėl to manau, kad rudens sesija bus dar sudėtingesnė. Opozicijai konstruktyvų dialogą visada buvo sunku išlaikyti, dažniausiai buvo apsiribojama svaidymuisi kaltinimais, priekaištais, tačiau praktiškai niekada nematėme konstruktyvių pasiūlymų. Tad tikrai nemanau, kad situacija pasikeis rinkimų išvakarėse. Nepaisant to, kad suvokiame, jog dirbti nebus lengva, šiuo metu pamažu ruošiamės rudens sesijai. Peržiūrime svarstomus projektus, likusius neįvykdytus įsipareigojimus rinkėjams. Vertiname, kuriuos darbus dar galime padaryti. Aš asmeniškai labai tikiuosi, kad rudens sesijoje vis tik priimsime sprendimus, būtinus valstybinių vaistinių steigimui.

I. Šiaulienė:

Rudens politinis sezonas bus triukšmingas. Rinkimai – demokratijos šventė ir nacionalinė krizė vienu metu.

I. Šimonytė:

Sezonas bus karštas, kaip visuomet.

R. Tamašunienė:

Prieš kiekvienus rinkimus vyksta politinės kampanijos, tuomet kiekvienas politikas ir partija apibendrina ketverius metus ir pateikia naujas vizijas, kokių darbų nori imtis, kokias įstatymų pataisas siūlys. Manau, kad ir šių metų kampanija bus panaši. Tai natūralus procesas, nes kiekvienos partijos tikslas pritraukti rinkėjus, kad jie balsuotų, nes būtent rinkėjai suteikia mums mandatą veikti.

K. Glaveckas:

Rudeninis politinis sezonas bus kaip visuomet kupinas aršios kovos ir begalės pažadų bei liūdesio po rinkimų, kai reikės tuos pažadus įgyvendinti.

R. Budbergytė:

Aš rengiuosi karštam Seimo darbo sezonui – dar labai daug reikia padaryti. Vis dėlto neramu, kad gali sutrukdyti du dalykai. Vienas jų – vėl bandanti kilti koronos viruso banga, kitas – rinkimų karštinės kovos. Jeigu vėl kils aistros, kuriose praėjusį sezoną virė „valstiečiai“ ir konservatoriai, paskui prisijungė liberalai su Lukiškių paplūdimiu – bus blogai. Dabar laikas toks, kai reikia skubių, išmintingų ir nepopulistinių politikų sprendimų, tuo tarpu praėjusį sezoną Seimo tribūnos ypač buvo naudojamos santykių aiškinimuisi, konkurentų menkinimui. Lietuvos ekonomika žmonių dėka atsilaikė net prieš blogiausias prognozes, tuo tarpu politikai tikrai uždelsė spręsdami ir sveikatos sistemos, ir finansinės paramos ekonomikai priemones, švietimo sistemos klausimas taip pat pribrendo. Šių dalykų reikia žūtbūt imtis per rudens sesiją dar iki rinkimų. Aš ir mano frakcijos bičiuliai, esame tam nusiteikę. Na, o paskui, laukia rinkimai, naujų koalicijų, valdžios formavimas. Aišku viena – irgi bus karšta.

A. Skardžius:

Priešrinkiminis sezonas bus karštas ir triukšmingas, racionaliai diskusijai ir argumentams vietos neliks.

A. Papirtienė:

Manau, kad dar spėsime priimti reikalingus įstatymus. Labai tikiuosi, kad bus priimti darbuotojams palankūs, su Darbo kodeksu susiję pakeitimai, kurie yra pateikti. Žinoma, bus ir naujų iniciatyvų. Bet kad ir kaip ten atrodytų kažkokios vidinės Seimo rietenos, visi vienaip ar kitaip stengiasi dirbti Lietuvai. Tikslas yra vienas. Tik priemonės būna skirtingos. O kaip kiekvienas iš mūsų gebėjome tas priemones pasirinkti, įvertins rinkėjai. Man atrodo, kad aš dirbau nuoširdžiai, sąžiningai, atsakingai ir daug. Gal per tyliai. Bet tai nuspręs Lietuvos žmonės spalio 11 d.

A. Butkevičius:

Rudens politinis sezonas bus įtemptas ne tik dėl artėjančių rinkimų ir gana neaiškaus politinių jėgų išsidėstymo būsimame Seime. Situaciją gali paaštrinti blogėjanti epidemiologinė situacija ir dėl to suprastėsiančios ekonominės perspektyvos, kurios neatitiks rinkėjų aukštų lūkesčių.

J. Razma:

Tiek Seimo darbas, tiek visas šalies viešasis gyvenimas nemažai priklausys nuo to, ar ir toliau pavyks išlaikyti mažą užsikrėtusių koronavirusu skaičių. Norėčiau būti optimistu ir tikėtis, kad mūsų piliečiai atsakingai, kaip iki šiol elgdamiesi, paneigs gąsdinimus apie kažkokią antrąją pandemijos bangą. O Seimo nariams linkėčiau baigiamojoje stadijoje elgtis taip, kad apie šią kadenciją liktų kuo geresnis įspūdis, nedemonstruoti priešrinkiminio populizmo. Neabejoju, kad opozicija taip ir elgsis, už valdančiuosius negaliu garantuoti.

R. Žemaitaitis:

Labai audringas ir lietingas. Audros kils dėl valdančiųjų panikos galimai pralošti rinkimus, o po audrų ateina lietus. Vaizdžiai tariant, tai premjeras su laistytuvu pačių žmonių skolintus pinigus laistys ant jų ir mėgins sakyti, kad tai mes lietų jums dovanojame,  nors realiai žmonės ir mūsų vaikai už tą dosnų  lietų susimokės per mokesčius, draudimus ir galimus žmogaus teisių pažeidimus.
