Five Lithuanian companies recognized as the best companies Business


The independent Dutch Top Employers Institute annually awards certificates to companies for exceptionally good working conditions.

This year, five companies have been detected in Lithuania. Cognizant Technology Solutions Lithuania, a service center with 542 employees, the Dana Lithuania financial services center with 88 employees, 53 stores and a Lidl Lietuva retail chain with 2,022 employees, as well as two tobacco companies with representative offices in Lithuania, received the Best Employer Certificate: “JTI Baltic (23 employees) and companies belonging to the Philip Morris Group.

There are two companies operating in Lithuania: Philip Morris Baltic (104 employees) and Philip Morris Lietuva (613 employees).

Lidl Photo / Lidl Store Opens

Lidl Photo / Lidl Store Opens

Evaluated according to 400 criteria

According to the Philip Morris Baltic press release, Philip Morris Baltic and the Philip Morris Lietuva Top Employers Institute operating in Lithuania have received the Best Employer Certificate for the seventh time in a row.

The companies have obtained a prestigious award for excellence in human resources, advances in the improvement of working conditions, etc. One of the company’s latest initiatives to help employees reconcile family and career aspirations is the Happy Parents program for parents returning from paternity leave. provides the opportunity to work flexible hours and only half the time, leaving full salary.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Maternity

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Maternity

And the tobacco company Japan Tobacco International, which has a representative office in Lithuania, claims that for the seventh year in a row it has been recognized as the best employer for exceptionally promoting diversity and equality.

In a press release, the head of the UAB JTI Baltic, Olesja Flores, also mentions a new initiative on paternity or maternity leave launched by the company this year.

“As of January 1 of this year, employees around the world receive 20 weeks of fully paid parental leave. We do not classify our employees based on their life choices. The company’s family status, sexual orientation or form paternity (surrogacy or adoption) are not important to the company, ”says O. Flores.

Renaldas Vaisbrodas, Head of Corporate Communications and Communications at JTI Baltic, adds that for the third year in a row, the company is receiving the Equal Pay certification.

“We are also an open and inclusive company for the LGBT + community,” he added.

The audited companies were required to reveal, by answering 400 questions, how six aspects of human resources were distinguished. These included HR and business strategy, work environment and change, employer branding and talent attraction, employee learning and development, wellness, employee inclusion and recognition, values and ethics. The evaluation took into account the progress of the certified companies during the year.
